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Проверьте на ошибки кодик. Не могу выполнить.

Помогите пожалуйста исправить программу. Модули с 4 по 7 и с 9 по 11 не подходят к основной программе, хотя в них ошибок нет. Схема простейшая для станка на плазме. Не работает даже синтез этих модулей совместно, хотя по отдельности их проверил я уже не один раз. 

`timescale 1ps/1ps

module main(
input CLK_pin, 

input UART_RX_deb_pin, 
output UART_TX_deb_pin, 
output CLK_deb_pin, 

output [15:0] DDR_addr, 
output [2:0] DDR_ba, 
output DDR_cas_n, 
output DDR_ck_n, //1
output DDR_ck_p, //2
output DDR_cke, //3
output DDR_cs_n, ///4
input DDR_dm, ////5
inout [7:0] DDR_dq, /////6
inout DDR_dqs_n, ////7
inout DDR_dqs_p, ////8
output DDR_odt, /////9
output DDR_ras_n, ///10
output DDR_reset_n, //11
output DDR_we_n, ////12

input PCIe_RX_p_pin, 
input PCIe_RX_n_pin, 
output PCIe_TX_p_pin, 
output PCIe_TX_n_pin, 
output PCIe_RST_pin, 
output PCIe_CLK_pin, 

output DAC_CLK_pin, 
output DAC1_DAT_pin, 
output DAC1_CLRn_pin, 
output DAC1_LDACn_pin, 
output DAC1_CSn_pin, 
output DAC2_DAT_pin, 
output DAC2_CLRn_pin, 
output DAC2_LDACn_pin, 
output DAC2_CSn_pin, 
input MCLK_pin, 
input MDAT_pin, 
input VP_pin, 
input VN_pin, 

input [7:0] ETH_RXd_pin, 
output[7:0] ETH_TXd_pin, 

input USART1iA_pin, 
input USART1iB_pin, 
output USART1oA_pin, 
output USART1oB_pin, 
input USART2iA_pin, 
input USART2iB_pin, 
output USART2oA_pin, 
output USART2oB_pin, 
output FB_CLK_pin, 
input [11:0] FB_pin, 

output eth_col_pin, 
output eth_cors_pin, 
input eth_rx_clk_pin, 
input eth_rx_dv_pin, 
output eth_rx_err_pin, 
input eth_tx_clk_pin, 
input eth_tx_en_pin, 
output eth_tx_err_pin
wire [53:0 ]MIO;
wire [63:0] gpio_o;
wire [63:0] gpio_i;
wire CLK_o;
wire CLK_usart;

wire [11:0] feedback;
wire [11:0] KvMETER1;
wire [11:0] KvMETER2;
wire [11:0] KvMETER3;
wire ovp_o;
reg [11:0] KvM1;

wire clk_i;
wire rst_i;

wire clk_m;
wire CLK_01;

wire [3:0] eth_txd;
wire [3:0] eth_rxd;
wire GMII_ETHERNET_1_col;
wire GMII_ETHERNET_1_cors;
wire GMII_ETHERNET_1_rx_clk;
wire GMII_ETHERNET_1_rx_dv;
wire GMII_ETHERNET_1_rx_er;
wire GMII_ETHERNET_1_tx_clk;
wire GMII_ETHERNET_1_tx_en;
wire GMII_ETHERNET_1_tx_er;

wire USART_Rx;
wire USART_Tx;
wire USART2_Rx;
wire USART2_Tx;

wire err1;
wire err2;
wire pwr_on;
wire interrupter;
wire temp_req;
wire [15:0] temp;
wire temp_RDy;
wire [7:0] TTemp1;
wire [7:0] TTemp2;
wire qcw_on;
wire [12:0] audio_deamon;
wire [7:0]  audio_da_volume;
wire [17:0] coil_freque_o;//эяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэя
wire int;//эяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэя.0эяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэя.
wire [31:0] spark;
wire sh;//эяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэяэя
wire [17:0] freq_o;

wire outa_b;
wire outb_b;

wire PCIe_RX_p;
wire PCIe_RX_n;
wire PCIe_TX_p;
wire PCIe_TX_n;
wire PCIe_RST;
wire PCIe_CLK;

wire mdat_i;
wire mclk_i;
wire dac_clk_o;
wire dac1_dat_o;
wire dac1_ldacn_o;
wire dac1_clrn_o;
wire dac1_csn_o;
wire dac2_dat_o;
wire dac2_ldacn_o;
wire dac2_clrn_o;
wire dac2_csn_o;
wire FIXED_IO_ddr_vrn;
wire FIXED_IO_ddr_vrp;

wire CLK_uart;

wire UART_RX_deb;
wire UART_TX_deb;

BUFGCE_1 BUFGCE_1_inst(.O(clk_i), .CE(1), .I(CLK_pin));



OBUF #(.DRIVE(12), .IOSTANDARD("DEFAULT"), .SLEW("SLOW")) OBUF_ETH_ERR(.I(GMII_ETHERNET_1_rx_er), .O(eth_tx_err_pin));

OBUFDS #(.IOSTANDARD("DEFAULT"), .SLEW("FAST")) OD2_usart(.O(USART2oA_pin), .OB(USART2oB_pin), .I(USART2_Tx));

OBUF #(.DRIVE(12), .IOSTANDARD("DEFAULT"), .SLEW("SLOW")) OBUF_DAC1_DAT(.O(DAC1_DAT_pin), .I(dac1_dat_o));
OBUF #(.DRIVE(12), .IOSTANDARD("DEFAULT"), .SLEW("SLOW")) OBUF_DAC1_LDACN(.O(DAC1_LDACn_pin), .I(dac1_ldacn_o));
OBUF #(.DRIVE(12), .IOSTANDARD("DEFAULT"), .SLEW("SLOW")) OBUF_DAC1_CLRN(.O(DAC1_CLRn_pin), .I(dac1_clrn_o));
OBUF #(.DRIVE(12), .IOSTANDARD("DEFAULT"), .SLEW("SLOW")) OBUF_DAC1_CSN(.O(DAC1_CSn_pin), .I(dac1_csn_o));
OBUF #(.DRIVE(12), .IOSTANDARD("DEFAULT"), .SLEW("SLOW")) OBUF_DAC2_DAT(.O(DAC2_DAT_pin), .I(dac2_dat_o));
OBUF #(.DRIVE(12), .IOSTANDARD("DEFAULT"), .SLEW("SLOW")) OBUF_DAC2_LDACN(.O(DAC2_LDACn_pin), .I(dac2_ldacn_o));
OBUF #(.DRIVE(12), .IOSTANDARD("DEFAULT"), .SLEW("SLOW")) OBUF_DAC2_CLRN(.O(DAC2_CLRn_pin), .I(dac2_clrn_o));
OBUF #(.DRIVE(12), .IOSTANDARD("DEFAULT"), .SLEW("SLOW")) OBUF_DAC2_CSN(.O(DAC2_CSn_pin), .I(dac2_csn_o));

IBUF #(.IBUF_LOW_PWR("TRUE"), .IOSTANDARD("DEFAULT")) IBUF_FB0(.O(feedback[0]), .I(FB_pin[0]));
IBUF #(.IBUF_LOW_PWR("TRUE"), .IOSTANDARD("DEFAULT")) IBUF_FB1(.O(feedback[1]), .I(FB_pin[1]));
IBUF #(.IBUF_LOW_PWR("TRUE"), .IOSTANDARD("DEFAULT")) IBUF_FB2(.O(feedback[2]), .I(FB_pin[2]));
IBUF #(.IBUF_LOW_PWR("TRUE"), .IOSTANDARD("DEFAULT")) IBUF_FB3(.O(feedback[3]), .I(FB_pin[3]));
IBUF #(.IBUF_LOW_PWR("TRUE"), .IOSTANDARD("DEFAULT")) IBUF_FB4(.O(feedback[4]), .I(FB_pin[4]));
IBUF #(.IBUF_LOW_PWR("TRUE"), .IOSTANDARD("DEFAULT")) IBUF_FB5(.O(feedback[5]), .I(FB_pin[5]));
IBUF #(.IBUF_LOW_PWR("TRUE"), .IOSTANDARD("DEFAULT")) IBUF_FB6(.O(feedback[6]), .I(FB_pin[6]));
IBUF #(.IBUF_LOW_PWR("TRUE"), .IOSTANDARD("DEFAULT")) IBUF_FB7(.O(feedback[7]), .I(FB_pin[7]));
IBUF #(.IBUF_LOW_PWR("TRUE"), .IOSTANDARD("DEFAULT")) IBUF_FB8(.O(feedback[8]), .I(FB_pin[8]));
IBUF #(.IBUF_LOW_PWR("TRUE"), .IOSTANDARD("DEFAULT")) IBUF_FB9(.O(feedback[9]), .I(FB_pin[9]));
IBUF #(.IBUF_LOW_PWR("TRUE"), .IOSTANDARD("DEFAULT")) IBUF_FB10(.O(feedback[10]), .I(FB_pin[10]));
IBUF #(.IBUF_LOW_PWR("TRUE"), .IOSTANDARD("DEFAULT")) IBUF_FB11(.O(feedback[11]), .I(FB_pin[11]));

wire CIe_RX_n_pin;

wire [7:0] qcw_volume;

wire gpio_io_mult;
wire [63:0] gpio_io;
wire [63:0] gpio2_o;
wire [63:0] gpio2_i;

design_1_wrapper 			Block1(

assign gpio_io_mult = MIO[1];

pwr_controller 			Block2(

wire [17:0] volume;

coil 				  Block3(

always @(posedge mclk_i)
    KvM1 <= KvMETER1;

protection 		     Block4(

interrupter			 Block5(

USART 			    Block6(

USART                   Block7(

frequency_meter             Block8

volume_control              Block9

UART                        Block10 

GPIO                        Block11



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Во-первых, вы ошиблись подфорумом. Verilog не язык программирования. Вам сюда: https://electronix.ru/forum/forum/16-yazyki-proektirovaniya-na-plis-fpga/

Во-вторых, неужели вы думаете, что кто-то захочет разбирать вашу простыню кода, где нет ни единого комментария?

9 minutes ago, aliceLiddell said:

Не работает даже синтез этих модулей совместно

Какие ошибки выдаёт синтезатор?



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*** Running vivado
    with args -log main.vds -m64 -product Vivado -mode batch -messageDb vivado.pb -notrace -source main.tcl

****** Vivado v2023.2 (64-bit)
  **** SW Build 4029153 on Fri Oct 13 20:13:54 MDT 2023
  **** IP Build 4028589 on Sat Oct 14 00:45:43 MDT 2023
  **** SharedData Build 4025554 on Tue Oct 10 17:18:54 MDT 2023
    ** Copyright 1986-2022 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    ** Copyright 2022-2023 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

source main.tcl -notrace
create_project: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:08 ; elapsed = 00:00:09 . Memory (MB): peak = 1334.379 ; gain = 25.832 ; free physical = 3976 ; free virtual = 29543
INFO: [IP_Flow 19-234] Refreshing IP repositories
INFO: [IP_Flow 19-1704] No user IP repositories specified
INFO: [IP_Flow 19-2313] Loaded Vivado IP repository '/mnt/1/Vivado/Vivado/2023.2/data/ip'.
Command: read_checkpoint -auto_incremental -incremental /home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/utils_1/imports/synth_1/main.dcp
INFO: [Vivado 12-5825] Read reference checkpoint from /home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/utils_1/imports/synth_1/main.dcp for incremental synthesis
INFO: [Vivado 12-7989] Please ensure there are no constraint changes
Command: synth_design -top main -part xc7z030ffg676-2
Starting synth_design
Attempting to get a license for feature 'Synthesis' and/or device 'xc7z030'
INFO: [Common 17-349] Got license for feature 'Synthesis' and/or device 'xc7z030'
INFO: [Device 21-403] Loading part xc7z030ffg676-2
INFO: [Designutils 20-5440] No compile time benefit to using incremental synthesis; A full resynthesis will be run
INFO: [Designutils 20-4379] Flow is switching to default flow due to incremental criteria not met. If you would like to alter this behaviour and have the flow terminate instead, please set the following parameter config_implementation {autoIncr.Synth.RejectBehavior Terminate}
INFO: [Synth 8-7079] Multithreading enabled for synth_design using a maximum of 4 processes.
INFO: [Synth 8-7078] Launching helper process for spawning children vivado processes
INFO: [Synth 8-7075] Helper process launched with PID 25238
Starting RTL Elaboration : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:05 ; elapsed = 00:00:05 . Memory (MB): peak = 2144.188 ; gain = 408.684 ; free physical = 2844 ; free virtual = 28411
INFO: [Synth 8-6157] synthesizing module 'main' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/main.v:23]
INFO: [Synth 8-6157] synthesizing module 'BUFGCE_1' [/mnt/1/Vivado/Vivado/2023.2/scripts/rt/data/unisim_comp.v:1978]
INFO: [Synth 8-6155] done synthesizing module 'BUFGCE_1' (0#1) [/mnt/1/Vivado/Vivado/2023.2/scripts/rt/data/unisim_comp.v:1978]
INFO: [Synth 8-6157] synthesizing module 'IBUF' [/mnt/1/Vivado/Vivado/2023.2/scripts/rt/data/unisim_comp.v:73631]
	Parameter IBUF_LOW_PWR bound to: TRUE - type: string 
	Parameter IOSTANDARD bound to: DEFAULT - type: string 
INFO: [Synth 8-6155] done synthesizing module 'IBUF' (0#1) [/mnt/1/Vivado/Vivado/2023.2/scripts/rt/data/unisim_comp.v:73631]
INFO: [Synth 8-6157] synthesizing module 'OBUF' [/mnt/1/Vivado/Vivado/2023.2/scripts/rt/data/unisim_comp.v:93059]
	Parameter DRIVE bound to: 12 - type: integer 
	Parameter IOSTANDARD bound to: DEFAULT - type: string 
	Parameter SLEW bound to: SLOW - type: string 
INFO: [Synth 8-6155] done synthesizing module 'OBUF' (0#1) [/mnt/1/Vivado/Vivado/2023.2/scripts/rt/data/unisim_comp.v:93059]
INFO: [Synth 8-6157] synthesizing module 'IBUFDS' [/mnt/1/Vivado/Vivado/2023.2/scripts/rt/data/unisim_comp.v:73646]
	Parameter DIFF_TERM bound to: FALSE - type: string 
	Parameter IBUF_LOW_PWR bound to: TRUE - type: string 
	Parameter IOSTANDARD bound to: DEFAULT - type: string 
INFO: [Synth 8-6155] done synthesizing module 'IBUFDS' (0#1) [/mnt/1/Vivado/Vivado/2023.2/scripts/rt/data/unisim_comp.v:73646]
INFO: [Synth 8-6157] synthesizing module 'OBUFDS' [/mnt/1/Vivado/Vivado/2023.2/scripts/rt/data/unisim_comp.v:93073]
	Parameter IOSTANDARD bound to: DEFAULT - type: string 
	Parameter SLEW bound to: FAST - type: string 
INFO: [Synth 8-6155] done synthesizing module 'OBUFDS' (0#1) [/mnt/1/Vivado/Vivado/2023.2/scripts/rt/data/unisim_comp.v:93073]
INFO: [Synth 8-6157] synthesizing module 'design_1_wrapper' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/hdl/design_1_wrapper.v:13]
INFO: [Synth 8-6157] synthesizing module 'design_1' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:13]
INFO: [Synth 8-6157] synthesizing module 'design_1_axi_fifo_mm_s_2' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.runs/synth_1/.Xil/Vivado-25202-localhost.localdomain/realtime/design_1_axi_fifo_mm_s_2_stub.v:6]
INFO: [Synth 8-6155] done synthesizing module 'design_1_axi_fifo_mm_s_2' (0#1) [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.runs/synth_1/.Xil/Vivado-25202-localhost.localdomain/realtime/design_1_axi_fifo_mm_s_2_stub.v:6]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'interrupt' of module 'design_1_axi_fifo_mm_s_2' is unconnected for instance 'axi_fifo_mm_s' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:301]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'mm2s_prmry_reset_out_n' of module 'design_1_axi_fifo_mm_s_2' is unconnected for instance 'axi_fifo_mm_s' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:301]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'mm2s_cntrl_reset_out_n' of module 'design_1_axi_fifo_mm_s_2' is unconnected for instance 'axi_fifo_mm_s' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:301]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'axi_str_txc_tvalid' of module 'design_1_axi_fifo_mm_s_2' is unconnected for instance 'axi_fifo_mm_s' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:301]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'axi_str_txc_tlast' of module 'design_1_axi_fifo_mm_s_2' is unconnected for instance 'axi_fifo_mm_s' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:301]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'axi_str_txc_tdata' of module 'design_1_axi_fifo_mm_s_2' is unconnected for instance 'axi_fifo_mm_s' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:301]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 's2mm_prmry_reset_out_n' of module 'design_1_axi_fifo_mm_s_2' is unconnected for instance 'axi_fifo_mm_s' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:301]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7023] instance 'axi_fifo_mm_s' of module 'design_1_axi_fifo_mm_s_2' has 35 connections declared, but only 28 given [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:301]
INFO: [Synth 8-6157] synthesizing module 'design_1_axis_dwidth_converter_3' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.runs/synth_1/.Xil/Vivado-25202-localhost.localdomain/realtime/design_1_axis_dwidth_converter_3_stub.v:6]
INFO: [Synth 8-6155] done synthesizing module 'design_1_axis_dwidth_converter_3' (0#1) [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.runs/synth_1/.Xil/Vivado-25202-localhost.localdomain/realtime/design_1_axis_dwidth_converter_3_stub.v:6]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'm_axis_tkeep' of module 'design_1_axis_dwidth_converter_3' is unconnected for instance 'axis_dwidth_converter' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:330]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7023] instance 'axis_dwidth_converter' of module 'design_1_axis_dwidth_converter_3' has 12 connections declared, but only 11 given [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:330]
INFO: [Synth 8-6157] synthesizing module 'design_1_axis_subset_converter_1' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.runs/synth_1/.Xil/Vivado-25202-localhost.localdomain/realtime/design_1_axis_subset_converter_1_stub.v:6]
INFO: [Synth 8-6155] done synthesizing module 'design_1_axis_subset_converter_1' (0#1) [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.runs/synth_1/.Xil/Vivado-25202-localhost.localdomain/realtime/design_1_axis_subset_converter_1_stub.v:6]
INFO: [Synth 8-6157] synthesizing module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.runs/synth_1/.Xil/Vivado-25202-localhost.localdomain/realtime/design_1_pcie_7x_0_1_stub.v:6]
INFO: [Synth 8-6155] done synthesizing module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' (0#1) [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.runs/synth_1/.Xil/Vivado-25202-localhost.localdomain/realtime/design_1_pcie_7x_0_1_stub.v:6]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'pipe_txoutclk_out' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'pipe_rxoutclk_out' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'pipe_pclk_sel_out' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'pipe_gen3_out' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'user_lnk_up' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'user_app_rdy' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'tx_buf_av' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'tx_cfg_req' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'tx_err_drop' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'm_axis_rx_tuser' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'fc_cpld' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'fc_cplh' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'fc_npd' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'fc_nph' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'fc_pd' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'fc_ph' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'cfg_mgmt_do' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'cfg_mgmt_rd_wr_done' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'cfg_status' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'cfg_command' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'cfg_dstatus' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'cfg_dcommand' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'cfg_lstatus' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'cfg_lcommand' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'cfg_dcommand2' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'cfg_pcie_link_state' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'cfg_pmcsr_pme_en' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'cfg_pmcsr_powerstate' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'cfg_pmcsr_pme_status' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'cfg_received_func_lvl_rst' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'cfg_err_cpl_rdy' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'cfg_interrupt_rdy' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'cfg_interrupt_do' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'cfg_interrupt_mmenable' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'cfg_interrupt_msienable' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'cfg_interrupt_msixenable' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'cfg_interrupt_msixfm' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'cfg_to_turnoff' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'cfg_bus_number' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'cfg_device_number' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'cfg_function_number' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'cfg_msg_received' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'cfg_msg_data' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'cfg_bridge_serr_en' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'cfg_slot_control_electromech_il_ctl_pulse' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'cfg_root_control_syserr_corr_err_en' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'cfg_root_control_syserr_non_fatal_err_en' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'cfg_root_control_syserr_fatal_err_en' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'cfg_root_control_pme_int_en' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'cfg_aer_rooterr_corr_err_reporting_en' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'cfg_aer_rooterr_non_fatal_err_reporting_en' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'cfg_aer_rooterr_fatal_err_reporting_en' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'cfg_aer_rooterr_corr_err_received' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'cfg_aer_rooterr_non_fatal_err_received' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'cfg_aer_rooterr_fatal_err_received' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'cfg_msg_received_err_cor' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'cfg_msg_received_err_non_fatal' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'cfg_msg_received_err_fatal' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'cfg_msg_received_pm_as_nak' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'cfg_msg_received_pm_pme' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'cfg_msg_received_pme_to_ack' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'cfg_msg_received_assert_int_a' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'cfg_msg_received_assert_int_b' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'cfg_msg_received_assert_int_c' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'cfg_msg_received_assert_int_d' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'cfg_msg_received_deassert_int_a' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'cfg_msg_received_deassert_int_b' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'cfg_msg_received_deassert_int_c' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'cfg_msg_received_deassert_int_d' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'cfg_msg_received_setslotpowerlimit' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'pl_sel_lnk_rate' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'pl_sel_lnk_width' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'pl_ltssm_state' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'pl_lane_reversal_mode' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'pl_phy_lnk_up' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'pl_tx_pm_state' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'pl_rx_pm_state' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'pl_link_upcfg_cap' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'pl_link_gen2_cap' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'pl_link_partner_gen2_supported' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'pl_initial_link_width' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'pl_directed_change_done' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'pl_received_hot_rst' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'cfg_err_aer_headerlog_set' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'cfg_aer_ecrc_check_en' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'cfg_aer_ecrc_gen_en' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'cfg_vc_tcvc_map' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'pcie_drp_do' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'pcie_drp_rdy' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'pcie_7x_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7023] instance 'pcie_7x_0' of module 'design_1_pcie_7x_0_1' has 176 connections declared, but only 87 given [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:353]
INFO: [Synth 8-6157] synthesizing module 'design_1_processing_system7_0_1' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.runs/synth_1/.Xil/Vivado-25202-localhost.localdomain/realtime/design_1_processing_system7_0_1_stub.v:6]
INFO: [Synth 8-6155] done synthesizing module 'design_1_processing_system7_0_1' (0#1) [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.runs/synth_1/.Xil/Vivado-25202-localhost.localdomain/realtime/design_1_processing_system7_0_1_stub.v:6]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'GPIO_T' of module 'design_1_processing_system7_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'processing_system7_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:441]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'FCLK_RESET0_N' of module 'design_1_processing_system7_0_1' is unconnected for instance 'processing_system7_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:441]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7023] instance 'processing_system7_0' of module 'design_1_processing_system7_0_1' has 122 connections declared, but only 120 given [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:441]
INFO: [Synth 8-6157] synthesizing module 'design_1_ps7_0_axi_periph_2' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:1099]
INFO: [Synth 8-6157] synthesizing module 's00_couplers_imp_UYSKKA' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:1683]
INFO: [Synth 8-6157] synthesizing module 'design_1_auto_pc_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.runs/synth_1/.Xil/Vivado-25202-localhost.localdomain/realtime/design_1_auto_pc_0_stub.v:6]
INFO: [Synth 8-6155] done synthesizing module 'design_1_auto_pc_0' (0#1) [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.runs/synth_1/.Xil/Vivado-25202-localhost.localdomain/realtime/design_1_auto_pc_0_stub.v:6]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7071] port 'm_axi_awprot' of module 'design_1_auto_pc_0' is unconnected for instance 'auto_pc' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:1918]
INFO: [Common 17-14] Message 'Synth 8-7071' appears 100 times and further instances of the messages will be disabled. Use the Tcl command set_msg_config to change the current settings.
WARNING: [Synth 8-7023] instance 'auto_pc' of module 'design_1_auto_pc_0' has 59 connections declared, but only 57 given [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:1918]
INFO: [Synth 8-6155] done synthesizing module 's00_couplers_imp_UYSKKA' (0#1) [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:1683]
INFO: [Synth 8-6155] done synthesizing module 'design_1_ps7_0_axi_periph_2' (0#1) [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:1099]
INFO: [Synth 8-6157] synthesizing module 'design_1_ps7_0_axi_periph_1_2' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:689]
INFO: [Synth 8-6157] synthesizing module 's00_couplers_imp_7URNSC' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:1404]
INFO: [Synth 8-6155] done synthesizing module 's00_couplers_imp_7URNSC' (0#1) [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:1404]
INFO: [Synth 8-6155] done synthesizing module 'design_1_ps7_0_axi_periph_1_2' (0#1) [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:689]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7023] instance 'ps7_0_axi_periph_1' of module 'design_1_ps7_0_axi_periph_1_2' has 82 connections declared, but only 55 given [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:624]
INFO: [Synth 8-6157] synthesizing module 'design_1_rst_pcie_7x_0_62M_2' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.runs/synth_1/.Xil/Vivado-25202-localhost.localdomain/realtime/design_1_rst_pcie_7x_0_62M_2_stub.v:6]
INFO: [Synth 8-6155] done synthesizing module 'design_1_rst_pcie_7x_0_62M_2' (0#1) [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.runs/synth_1/.Xil/Vivado-25202-localhost.localdomain/realtime/design_1_rst_pcie_7x_0_62M_2_stub.v:6]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7023] instance 'rst_pcie_7x_0_62M' of module 'design_1_rst_pcie_7x_0_62M_2' has 10 connections declared, but only 6 given [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:680]
INFO: [Synth 8-6155] done synthesizing module 'design_1' (0#1) [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:13]
INFO: [Synth 8-6155] done synthesizing module 'design_1_wrapper' (0#1) [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/hdl/design_1_wrapper.v:13]
WARNING: [Synth 8-689] width (16) of port connection 'DDR_0_addr' does not match port width (15) of module 'design_1_wrapper' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/main.v:293]
WARNING: [Synth 8-6104] Input port 'DDR_dm' has an internal driver [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/main.v:300]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7023] instance 'Block1' of module 'design_1_wrapper' has 48 connections declared, but only 47 given [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/main.v:292]
INFO: [Synth 8-6157] synthesizing module 'pwr_controller' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/pwr_controller.v:23]
INFO: [Synth 8-6157] synthesizing module 'TRC' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/TRC.v:21]
INFO: [Synth 8-6157] synthesizing module 'CR_' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/CR.v:21]
INFO: [Synth 8-6157] synthesizing module 'FDCE' [/mnt/1/Vivado/Vivado/2023.2/scripts/rt/data/unisim_comp.v:40789]
	Parameter INIT bound to: 1'b0 
INFO: [Synth 8-6155] done synthesizing module 'FDCE' (0#1) [/mnt/1/Vivado/Vivado/2023.2/scripts/rt/data/unisim_comp.v:40789]
INFO: [Synth 8-6155] done synthesizing module 'CR_' (0#1) [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/CR.v:21]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7023] instance 'trc' of module 'CR_' has 5 connections declared, but only 4 given [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/TRC.v:32]
INFO: [Synth 8-6155] done synthesizing module 'TRC' (0#1) [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/TRC.v:21]
INFO: [Synth 8-6157] synthesizing module 'xadc_design' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/xadc_design.v:23]
INFO: [Synth 8-6157] synthesizing module 'xadc_wiz_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.runs/synth_1/.Xil/Vivado-25202-localhost.localdomain/realtime/xadc_wiz_0_stub.v:6]
INFO: [Synth 8-6155] done synthesizing module 'xadc_wiz_0' (0#1) [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.runs/synth_1/.Xil/Vivado-25202-localhost.localdomain/realtime/xadc_wiz_0_stub.v:6]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7023] instance 'XADC2' of module 'xadc_wiz_0' has 23 connections declared, but only 16 given [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/xadc_design.v:59]
INFO: [Synth 8-6155] done synthesizing module 'xadc_design' (0#1) [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/xadc_design.v:23]
INFO: [Synth 8-6157] synthesizing module 'vco' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/vco.v:23]
INFO: [Synth 8-6157] synthesizing module 'sum' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/sum.v:21]
INFO: [Synth 8-6155] done synthesizing module 'sum' (0#1) [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/sum.v:21]
WARNING: [Synth 8-689] width (48) of port connection 'Q' does not match port width (49) of module 'sum' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/vco.v:64]
INFO: [Synth 8-6157] synthesizing module 'sub' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/sum.v:34]
INFO: [Synth 8-6155] done synthesizing module 'sub' (0#1) [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/sum.v:34]
WARNING: [Synth 8-689] width (48) of port connection 'Q' does not match port width (49) of module 'sub' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/vco.v:65]
INFO: [Synth 8-6157] synthesizing module 'RC' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/lib/RC.v:21]
WARNING: [Synth 8-567] referenced signal 'negat' should be on the sensitivity list [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/lib/RC.v:45]
WARNING: [Synth 8-567] referenced signal 'posit' should be on the sensitivity list [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/lib/RC.v:45]
INFO: [Synth 8-6155] done synthesizing module 'RC' (0#1) [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/lib/RC.v:21]
INFO: [Synth 8-6157] synthesizing module 'cordic_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.runs/synth_1/.Xil/Vivado-25202-localhost.localdomain/realtime/cordic_0_stub.v:6]
INFO: [Synth 8-6155] done synthesizing module 'cordic_0' (0#1) [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.runs/synth_1/.Xil/Vivado-25202-localhost.localdomain/realtime/cordic_0_stub.v:6]
WARNING: [Synth 8-689] width (13) of port connection 'm_axis_dout_tdata' does not match port width (32) of module 'cordic_0' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/vco.v:75]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7023] instance 'cd' of module 'cordic_0' has 7 connections declared, but only 6 given [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/vco.v:71]
INFO: [Synth 8-6155] done synthesizing module 'vco' (0#1) [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/vco.v:23]
INFO: [Synth 8-6157] synthesizing module 'DAC_in' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/DAC_in.v:23]
WARNING: [Synth 8-324] index 6 out of range [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/DAC_in.v:91]
INFO: [Synth 8-6157] synthesizing module 'DCM' [/mnt/1/Vivado/Vivado/2023.2/scripts/rt/data/unisim_comp.v:31765]
	Parameter DFS_FREQUENCY_MODE bound to: HIGH - type: string 
	Parameter DLL_FREQUENCY_MODE bound to: HIGH - type: string 
INFO: [Synth 8-6155] done synthesizing module 'DCM' (0#1) [/mnt/1/Vivado/Vivado/2023.2/scripts/rt/data/unisim_comp.v:31765]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7023] instance 'DCM_inst' of module 'DCM' has 19 connections declared, but only 3 given [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/DAC_in.v:46]
INFO: [Synth 8-6155] done synthesizing module 'DAC_in' (0#1) [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/DAC_in.v:23]
WARNING: [Synth 8-689] width (13) of port connection 'ina' does not match port width (12) of module 'DAC_in' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/pwr_controller.v:153]
WARNING: [Synth 8-689] width (13) of port connection 'inb' does not match port width (12) of module 'DAC_in' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/pwr_controller.v:155]
INFO: [Synth 8-6155] done synthesizing module 'pwr_controller' (0#1) [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/pwr_controller.v:23]
INFO: [Synth 8-6157] synthesizing module 'coil' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/coil.v:23]
INFO: [Synth 8-6157] synthesizing module 'R10' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/lib/R10.v:21]
INFO: [Synth 8-6157] synthesizing module 'latch' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/lib/latch.v:21]
INFO: [Synth 8-6157] synthesizing module 'FDRE' [/mnt/1/Vivado/Vivado/2023.2/scripts/rt/data/unisim_comp.v:41005]
	Parameter INIT bound to: 1'b0 
INFO: [Synth 8-6155] done synthesizing module 'FDRE' (0#1) [/mnt/1/Vivado/Vivado/2023.2/scripts/rt/data/unisim_comp.v:41005]
INFO: [Synth 8-6155] done synthesizing module 'latch' (0#1) [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/lib/latch.v:21]
INFO: [Synth 8-6155] done synthesizing module 'R10' (0#1) [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/lib/R10.v:21]
INFO: [Synth 8-6157] synthesizing module 'action1024' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/lib/action1024.v:21]
INFO: [Synth 8-6157] synthesizing module 'cordic_1' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.runs/synth_1/.Xil/Vivado-25202-localhost.localdomain/realtime/cordic_1_stub.v:6]
INFO: [Synth 8-6155] done synthesizing module 'cordic_1' (0#1) [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.runs/synth_1/.Xil/Vivado-25202-localhost.localdomain/realtime/cordic_1_stub.v:6]
WARNING: [Synth 8-689] width (30) of port connection 'm_axis_dout_tdata' does not match port width (24) of module 'cordic_1' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/lib/action1024.v:39]
INFO: [Synth 8-6157] synthesizing module 'cordic_2' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.runs/synth_1/.Xil/Vivado-25202-localhost.localdomain/realtime/cordic_2_stub.v:6]
INFO: [Synth 8-6155] done synthesizing module 'cordic_2' (0#1) [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.runs/synth_1/.Xil/Vivado-25202-localhost.localdomain/realtime/cordic_2_stub.v:6]
INFO: [Synth 8-6155] done synthesizing module 'action1024' (0#1) [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/lib/action1024.v:21]
INFO: [Synth 8-6157] synthesizing module 'R16' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/lib/R12.v:21]
INFO: [Synth 8-6155] done synthesizing module 'R16' (0#1) [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/lib/R12.v:21]
INFO: [Synth 8-6157] synthesizing module 'action65536' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/lib/action4096.v:21]
INFO: [Synth 8-6157] synthesizing module 'cordic_3' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.runs/synth_1/.Xil/Vivado-25202-localhost.localdomain/realtime/cordic_3_stub.v:6]
INFO: [Synth 8-6155] done synthesizing module 'cordic_3' (0#1) [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.runs/synth_1/.Xil/Vivado-25202-localhost.localdomain/realtime/cordic_3_stub.v:6]
WARNING: [Synth 8-689] width (30) of port connection 'm_axis_dout_tdata' does not match port width (32) of module 'cordic_3' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/lib/action4096.v:38]
INFO: [Synth 8-6157] synthesizing module 'cordic_4' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.runs/synth_1/.Xil/Vivado-25202-localhost.localdomain/realtime/cordic_4_stub.v:6]
INFO: [Synth 8-6155] done synthesizing module 'cordic_4' (0#1) [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.runs/synth_1/.Xil/Vivado-25202-localhost.localdomain/realtime/cordic_4_stub.v:6]
WARNING: [Synth 8-689] width (48) of port connection 'm_axis_dout_tdata' does not match port width (32) of module 'cordic_4' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/lib/action4096.v:48]
INFO: [Synth 8-6155] done synthesizing module 'action65536' (0#1) [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/lib/action4096.v:21]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7023] instance 'A3' of module 'action65536' has 5 connections declared, but only 4 given [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/coil.v:116]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7023] instance 'A4' of module 'action65536' has 5 connections declared, but only 4 given [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/coil.v:125]
INFO: [Synth 8-6157] synthesizing module 'mult28x18' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/lib/mult28x18.v:21]
INFO: [Synth 8-6155] done synthesizing module 'mult28x18' (0#1) [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/lib/mult28x18.v:21]
INFO: [Synth 8-6157] synthesizing module 'mult28x47' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/lib/mult28x18.v:30]
INFO: [Synth 8-6155] done synthesizing module 'mult28x47' (0#1) [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/lib/mult28x18.v:30]
INFO: [Synth 8-6155] done synthesizing module 'coil' (0#1) [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/coil.v:23]
WARNING: [Synth 8-689] width (13) of port connection 'SIGNAL' does not match port width (12) of module 'coil' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/main.v:374]
INFO: [Synth 8-6157] synthesizing module 'protection' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/protection.v:23]
INFO: [Synth 8-6155] done synthesizing module 'protection' (0#1) [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/protection.v:23]
INFO: [Synth 8-6157] synthesizing module 'interrupter' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/interrupter.v:23]
INFO: [Synth 8-6157] synthesizing module 'latch2' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/lib/latch.v:31]
INFO: [Synth 8-6155] done synthesizing module 'latch2' (0#1) [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/lib/latch.v:31]
WARNING: [Synth 8-567] referenced signal 'clr1' should be on the sensitivity list [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/interrupter.v:96]
WARNING: [Synth 8-567] referenced signal 'clr2' should be on the sensitivity list [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/interrupter.v:96]
INFO: [Synth 8-6155] done synthesizing module 'interrupter' (0#1) [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/interrupter.v:23]
WARNING: [Synth 8-689] width (32) of port connection 'DATA' does not match port width (13) of module 'interrupter' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/main.v:400]
INFO: [Synth 8-6157] synthesizing module 'USART' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/USART.v:23]
WARNING: [Synth 8-567] referenced signal 'Tx' should be on the sensitivity list [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/USART.v:47]
WARNING: [Synth 8-567] referenced signal 'CNT1' should be on the sensitivity list [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/USART.v:47]
WARNING: [Synth 8-567] referenced signal 'pwr_on' should be on the sensitivity list [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/USART.v:47]
WARNING: [Synth 8-567] referenced signal 'DAC' should be on the sensitivity list [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/USART.v:47]
WARNING: [Synth 8-567] referenced signal 'qcw' should be on the sensitivity list [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/USART.v:47]
INFO: [Synth 8-6155] done synthesizing module 'USART' (0#1) [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/USART.v:23]
INFO: [Synth 8-6157] synthesizing module 'frequency_meter' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/frequency_meter.v:23]
WARNING: [Synth 8-689] width (10) of port connection 'Q' does not match port width (12) of module 'R10' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/frequency_meter.v:37]
INFO: [Synth 8-6155] done synthesizing module 'frequency_meter' (0#1) [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/frequency_meter.v:23]
INFO: [Synth 8-6157] synthesizing module 'volume_control' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/volume_control.v:23]
INFO: [Synth 8-6155] done synthesizing module 'volume_control' (0#1) [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/volume_control.v:23]
WARNING: [Synth 8-689] width (8) of port connection 'VOL' does not match port width (7) of module 'volume_control' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/main.v:445]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7023] instance 'Block9' of module 'volume_control' has 4 connections declared, but only 3 given [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/main.v:442]
INFO: [Synth 8-6157] synthesizing module 'UART' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/UART.v:23]
INFO: [Synth 8-6157] synthesizing module 'uart_rx' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/uart_rx.v:32]
INFO: [Synth 8-6155] done synthesizing module 'uart_rx' (0#1) [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/uart_rx.v:32]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7023] instance 'nolabel_line64' of module 'uart_rx' has 10 connections declared, but only 7 given [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/UART.v:64]
INFO: [Synth 8-6157] synthesizing module 'uart_tx' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/uart_tx.v:32]
INFO: [Synth 8-6155] done synthesizing module 'uart_tx' (0#1) [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/uart_tx.v:32]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7023] instance 'nolabel_line127' of module 'uart_tx' has 8 connections declared, but only 7 given [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/UART.v:127]
INFO: [Synth 8-6155] done synthesizing module 'UART' (0#1) [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/UART.v:23]
INFO: [Synth 8-6157] synthesizing module 'GPIO' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/GPIO.v:23]
WARNING: [Synth 8-567] referenced signal 'tx' should be on the sensitivity list [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/GPIO.v:121]
WARNING: [Synth 8-567] referenced signal 'err1' should be on the sensitivity list [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/GPIO.v:121]
WARNING: [Synth 8-567] referenced signal 'err2' should be on the sensitivity list [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/GPIO.v:121]
WARNING: [Synth 8-567] referenced signal 'TTemp1' should be on the sensitivity list [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/GPIO.v:121]
WARNING: [Synth 8-567] referenced signal 'TTemp2' should be on the sensitivity list [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/GPIO.v:121]
WARNING: [Synth 8-567] referenced signal 'temp' should be on the sensitivity list [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/GPIO.v:121]
WARNING: [Synth 8-567] referenced signal 'freq_out' should be on the sensitivity list [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/GPIO.v:121]
WARNING: [Synth 8-567] referenced signal 'txD' should be on the sensitivity list [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/GPIO.v:121]
INFO: [Synth 8-6155] done synthesizing module 'GPIO' (0#1) [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/GPIO.v:23]
WARNING: [Synth 8-689] width (13) of port connection 'audio_deamon' does not match port width (12) of module 'GPIO' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/main.v:466]
WARNING: [Synth 8-689] width (32) of port connection 'spark' does not match port width (8) of module 'GPIO' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/main.v:470]
WARNING: [Synth 8-7023] instance 'Block11' of module 'GPIO' has 18 connections declared, but only 16 given [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/main.v:461]
INFO: [Synth 8-6155] done synthesizing module 'main' (0#1) [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/main.v:23]
WARNING: [Synth 8-3848] Net write in module/entity xadc_design does not have driver. [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/xadc_design.v:43]
WARNING: [Synth 8-3848] Net int_intr_flag in module/entity vco does not have driver. [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/vco.v:48]
WARNING: [Synth 8-3848] Net clk_o in module/entity DAC_in does not have driver. [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/DAC_in.v:30]
WARNING: [Synth 8-3848] Net OUTB in module/entity coil does not have driver. [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/coil.v:32]
WARNING: [Synth 8-3848] Net down in module/entity interrupter does not have driver. [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/interrupter.v:85]
WARNING: [Synth 8-6014] Unused sequential element CMD_reg was removed.  [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/UART.v:53]
WARNING: [Synth 8-3848] Net VOLfl in module/entity UART does not have driver. [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/UART.v:48]
WARNING: [Synth 8-3848] Net gpio_o in module/entity GPIO does not have driver. [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/GPIO.v:42]
WARNING: [Synth 8-3848] Net tx in module/entity GPIO does not have driver. [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/GPIO.v:49]
WARNING: [Synth 8-3848] Net sh in module/entity GPIO does not have driver. [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/GPIO.v:30]
WARNING: [Synth 8-3848] Net tx in module/entity GPIO does not have driver. [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/GPIO.v:49]
WARNING: [Synth 8-3848] Net CLK_deb_pin in module/entity main does not have driver. [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/main.v:28]
WARNING: [Synth 8-3848] Net PCIe_RST_pin in module/entity main does not have driver. [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/main.v:50]
WARNING: [Synth 8-3848] Net PCIe_CLK_pin in module/entity main does not have driver. [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/main.v:51]
WARNING: [Synth 8-3848] Net eth_rx_err_pin in module/entity main does not have driver. [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/main.v:85]
WARNING: [Synth 8-3848] Net GMII_ETHERNET_1_col in module/entity main does not have driver. [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/main.v:112]
WARNING: [Synth 8-3848] Net GMII_ETHERNET_1_cors in module/entity main does not have driver. [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/main.v:113]
WARNING: [Synth 8-3848] Net GMII_ETHERNET_1_rx_er in module/entity main does not have driver. [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/main.v:116]
WARNING: [Synth 8-3848] Net UART_RX_INT in module/entity main does not have driver. [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/main.v:187]
WARNING: [Synth 8-3848] Net PCIe_CLK in module/entity main does not have driver. [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/main.v:169]
WARNING: [Synth 8-3848] Net coil_freque_o in module/entity main does not have driver. [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/main.v:139]
WARNING: [Synth 8-3848] Net temp_req in module/entity main does not have driver. [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/main.v:131]
WARNING: [Synth 8-3848] Net CLK_uart in module/entity main does not have driver. [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/main.v:185]
WARNING: [Synth 8-3917] design main has port DDR_addr[15] driven by constant 0
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port sh in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port gpio_o[63] in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port gpio_o[61] in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port gpio_o[60] in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port gpio_o[59] in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port gpio_o[58] in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port gpio_o[57] in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port gpio_o[56] in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port gpio_o[55] in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port gpio_o[54] in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port gpio_o[53] in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port gpio_o[52] in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port gpio_o[51] in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port gpio_o[50] in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port gpio_o[49] in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port gpio_o[48] in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port gpio_o[47] in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port gpio_o[46] in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port gpio_o[45] in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port gpio_o[44] in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port gpio_o[43] in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port gpio_o[42] in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port gpio_o[41] in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port gpio_o[40] in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port gpio_o[39] in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port gpio_o[38] in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port gpio_o[37] in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port gpio_o[36] in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port gpio_o[35] in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port gpio_o[34] in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port gpio_o[33] in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port gpio_o[32] in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port gpio_o[31] in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port gpio_o[30] in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port gpio_i[62] in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port gpio_i[61] in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port gpio_i[60] in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port gpio_i[30] in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port gpio_i[29] in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port gpio_i[28] in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port gpio_i[27] in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port gpio_i[26] in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port gpio_i[25] in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port gpio_i[24] in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port gpio_i[23] in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port gpio_i[22] in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port gpio_i[21] in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port gpio_i[20] in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port gpio_i[19] in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port gpio_i[18] in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port gpio_i[17] in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port gpio_i[16] in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port gpio_i[15] in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port gpio_i[14] in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port gpio_i[13] in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port gpio_i[12] in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port gpio_i[11] in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port gpio_i[10] in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port gpio_i[9] in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port gpio_i[8] in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port gpio_i[7] in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port gpio_i[6] in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port gpio_i[5] in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port gpio_i[4] in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port gpio_i[3] in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port gpio_i[2] in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port gpio_i[1] in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port gpio_i[0] in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port rst in module GPIO is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port DAC1[11] in module UART is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port DAC1[10] in module UART is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port DAC1[9] in module UART is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port DAC1[8] in module UART is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port DAC1[7] in module UART is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port DAC1[6] in module UART is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port DAC1[5] in module UART is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port DAC1[4] in module UART is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port DAC1[3] in module UART is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port DAC1[2] in module UART is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port DAC1[1] in module UART is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port DAC1[0] in module UART is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port DAC2[11] in module UART is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port DAC2[10] in module UART is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port DAC2[9] in module UART is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port DAC2[8] in module UART is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port DAC2[7] in module UART is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port DAC2[6] in module UART is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port DAC2[5] in module UART is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port DAC2[4] in module UART is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port DAC2[3] in module UART is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port DAC2[2] in module UART is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port DAC2[1] in module UART is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port DAC2[0] in module UART is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port ON in module UART is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port RST in module action1024 is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port RST in module USART is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port USART_Rx in module USART is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port ovp in module USART is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port RST in module interrupter is either unconnected or has no load
WARNING: [Synth 8-7129] Port OUTB in module coil is either unconnected or has no load
INFO: [Common 17-14] Message 'Synth 8-7129' appears 100 times and further instances of the messages will be disabled. Use the Tcl command set_msg_config to change the current settings.
Finished RTL Elaboration : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:07 ; elapsed = 00:00:07 . Memory (MB): peak = 2244.125 ; gain = 508.621 ; free physical = 2742 ; free virtual = 28309
Warning: net DDR_dm has 1 drive pin and 1 bidir pins
Warning: net clk_i has 1 drive pin and 1 bidir pins
CRITICAL WARNING: [Synth 8-6859] multi-driven net on pin GMII_ETHERNET_1_tx_en with 1st driver pin 'IBUF_ETH_TEN/O' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/main.v:209]
CRITICAL WARNING: [Synth 8-6859] multi-driven net on pin GMII_ETHERNET_1_tx_en with 2nd driver pin 'Block1/design_1_i/processing_system7_0/ENET1_GMII_TX_EN[0]' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:441]

Report Check Netlist: 
|      |Item              |Errors |Warnings |Status |Description       |
|1     |multi_driven_nets |      0|        1|Failed |Multi driven nets |
Start Handling Custom Attributes
Finished Handling Custom Attributes : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:07 ; elapsed = 00:00:07 . Memory (MB): peak = 2256.000 ; gain = 520.496 ; free physical = 2734 ; free virtual = 28301
Finished RTL Optimization Phase 1 : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:07 ; elapsed = 00:00:07 . Memory (MB): peak = 2256.000 ; gain = 520.496 ; free physical = 2734 ; free virtual = 28301
Netlist sorting complete. Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00.04 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.03 . Memory (MB): peak = 2261.938 ; gain = 0.000 ; free physical = 2727 ; free virtual = 28295
INFO: [Netlist 29-17] Analyzing 6 Unisim elements for replacement
WARNING: [Netlist 29-365] DCM_ADV instance 'Block2/DAC/DCM_inst' has been transformed into an MMCM. Please check the output clock waveforms for correctness. If the output clocks are incorrect, modify your design to use the MMCME<#>_ADV native to the target architecture.
WARNING: [Netlist 29-365] DCM_ADV instance 'Block2/DAC/DCM_inst' has been transformed into an MMCM. Please check the output clock waveforms for correctness. If the output clocks are incorrect, modify your design to use the MMCME<#>_ADV native to the target architecture.
INFO: [Netlist 29-28] Unisim Transformation completed in 0 CPU seconds
INFO: [Project 1-570] Preparing netlist for logic optimization

Processing XDC Constraints
Initializing timing engine
Parsing XDC File [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/ip/design_1_processing_system7_0_1/design_1_processing_system7_0_1/design_1_processing_system7_0_1_in_context.xdc] for cell 'Block1/design_1_i/processing_system7_0'
Finished Parsing XDC File [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/ip/design_1_processing_system7_0_1/design_1_processing_system7_0_1/design_1_processing_system7_0_1_in_context.xdc] for cell 'Block1/design_1_i/processing_system7_0'
Parsing XDC File [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/ip/design_1_pcie_7x_0_1/design_1_pcie_7x_0_1/design_1_pcie_7x_0_1_in_context.xdc] for cell 'Block1/design_1_i/pcie_7x_0'
Finished Parsing XDC File [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/ip/design_1_pcie_7x_0_1/design_1_pcie_7x_0_1/design_1_pcie_7x_0_1_in_context.xdc] for cell 'Block1/design_1_i/pcie_7x_0'
Parsing XDC File [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/ip/design_1_axi_fifo_mm_s_2/design_1_axi_fifo_mm_s_2/design_1_axi_fifo_mm_s_2_in_context.xdc] for cell 'Block1/design_1_i/axi_fifo_mm_s'
Finished Parsing XDC File [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/ip/design_1_axi_fifo_mm_s_2/design_1_axi_fifo_mm_s_2/design_1_axi_fifo_mm_s_2_in_context.xdc] for cell 'Block1/design_1_i/axi_fifo_mm_s'
Parsing XDC File [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/ip/design_1_rst_pcie_7x_0_62M_2/design_1_rst_pcie_7x_0_62M_2/design_1_rst_pcie_7x_0_62M_2_in_context.xdc] for cell 'Block1/design_1_i/rst_pcie_7x_0_62M'
Finished Parsing XDC File [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/ip/design_1_rst_pcie_7x_0_62M_2/design_1_rst_pcie_7x_0_62M_2/design_1_rst_pcie_7x_0_62M_2_in_context.xdc] for cell 'Block1/design_1_i/rst_pcie_7x_0_62M'
Parsing XDC File [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/ip/design_1_auto_pc_0/design_1_auto_pc_0/design_1_auto_pc_0_in_context.xdc] for cell 'Block1/design_1_i/ps7_0_axi_periph/s00_couplers/auto_pc'
Finished Parsing XDC File [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/ip/design_1_auto_pc_0/design_1_auto_pc_0/design_1_auto_pc_0_in_context.xdc] for cell 'Block1/design_1_i/ps7_0_axi_periph/s00_couplers/auto_pc'
Parsing XDC File [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/ip/design_1_axis_subset_converter_1/design_1_axis_subset_converter_1/design_1_axis_subset_converter_1_in_context.xdc] for cell 'Block1/design_1_i/axis_subset_converter'
Finished Parsing XDC File [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/ip/design_1_axis_subset_converter_1/design_1_axis_subset_converter_1/design_1_axis_subset_converter_1_in_context.xdc] for cell 'Block1/design_1_i/axis_subset_converter'
Parsing XDC File [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/ip/design_1_axis_dwidth_converter_3/design_1_axis_dwidth_converter_3/design_1_axis_dwidth_converter_3_in_context.xdc] for cell 'Block1/design_1_i/axis_dwidth_converter'
Finished Parsing XDC File [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/ip/design_1_axis_dwidth_converter_3/design_1_axis_dwidth_converter_3/design_1_axis_dwidth_converter_3_in_context.xdc] for cell 'Block1/design_1_i/axis_dwidth_converter'
Parsing XDC File [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/ip/xadc_wiz_0/xadc_wiz_0/xadc_wiz_0_in_context.xdc] for cell 'Block2/nolabel_line120/XADC2'
Finished Parsing XDC File [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/ip/xadc_wiz_0/xadc_wiz_0/xadc_wiz_0_in_context.xdc] for cell 'Block2/nolabel_line120/XADC2'
Parsing XDC File [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/ip/cordic_1/cordic_1/cordic_1_in_context.xdc] for cell 'Block3/A1/S1'
Finished Parsing XDC File [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/ip/cordic_1/cordic_1/cordic_1_in_context.xdc] for cell 'Block3/A1/S1'
Parsing XDC File [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/ip/cordic_1/cordic_1/cordic_1_in_context.xdc] for cell 'Block3/A2/S1'
Finished Parsing XDC File [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/ip/cordic_1/cordic_1/cordic_1_in_context.xdc] for cell 'Block3/A2/S1'
Parsing XDC File [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/ip/cordic_1/cordic_1/cordic_1_in_context.xdc] for cell 'Block8/A1/S1'
Finished Parsing XDC File [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/ip/cordic_1/cordic_1/cordic_1_in_context.xdc] for cell 'Block8/A1/S1'
Parsing XDC File [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/ip/cordic_1/cordic_1/cordic_1_in_context.xdc] for cell 'Block8/A2/S1'
Finished Parsing XDC File [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/ip/cordic_1/cordic_1/cordic_1_in_context.xdc] for cell 'Block8/A2/S1'
Parsing XDC File [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/ip/cordic_3/cordic_3/cordic_3_in_context.xdc] for cell 'Block3/A3/S1'
Finished Parsing XDC File [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/ip/cordic_3/cordic_3/cordic_3_in_context.xdc] for cell 'Block3/A3/S1'
Parsing XDC File [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/ip/cordic_3/cordic_3/cordic_3_in_context.xdc] for cell 'Block3/A4/S1'
Finished Parsing XDC File [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/ip/cordic_3/cordic_3/cordic_3_in_context.xdc] for cell 'Block3/A4/S1'
Parsing XDC File [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/ip/cordic_4/cordic_4/cordic_4_in_context.xdc] for cell 'Block3/A3/A1'
Finished Parsing XDC File [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/ip/cordic_4/cordic_4/cordic_4_in_context.xdc] for cell 'Block3/A3/A1'
Parsing XDC File [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/ip/cordic_4/cordic_4/cordic_4_in_context.xdc] for cell 'Block3/A4/A1'
Finished Parsing XDC File [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/ip/cordic_4/cordic_4/cordic_4_in_context.xdc] for cell 'Block3/A4/A1'
Parsing XDC File [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/ip/cordic_0/cordic_0/cordic_0_in_context.xdc] for cell 'Block2/nolabel_line134/cd'
Finished Parsing XDC File [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/ip/cordic_0/cordic_0/cordic_0_in_context.xdc] for cell 'Block2/nolabel_line134/cd'
Parsing XDC File [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/ip/cordic_0/cordic_0/cordic_0_in_context.xdc] for cell 'Block3/nolabel_line156/cd'
Finished Parsing XDC File [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/ip/cordic_0/cordic_0/cordic_0_in_context.xdc] for cell 'Block3/nolabel_line156/cd'
Parsing XDC File [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/ip/cordic_2/cordic_2/cordic_2_in_context.xdc] for cell 'Block3/A1/A1'
Finished Parsing XDC File [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/ip/cordic_2/cordic_2/cordic_2_in_context.xdc] for cell 'Block3/A1/A1'
Parsing XDC File [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/ip/cordic_2/cordic_2/cordic_2_in_context.xdc] for cell 'Block3/A2/A1'
Finished Parsing XDC File [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/ip/cordic_2/cordic_2/cordic_2_in_context.xdc] for cell 'Block3/A2/A1'
Parsing XDC File [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/ip/cordic_2/cordic_2/cordic_2_in_context.xdc] for cell 'Block8/A1/A1'
Finished Parsing XDC File [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/ip/cordic_2/cordic_2/cordic_2_in_context.xdc] for cell 'Block8/A1/A1'
Parsing XDC File [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/ip/cordic_2/cordic_2/cordic_2_in_context.xdc] for cell 'Block8/A2/A1'
Finished Parsing XDC File [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/ip/cordic_2/cordic_2/cordic_2_in_context.xdc] for cell 'Block8/A2/A1'
Parsing XDC File [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.runs/synth_1/dont_touch.xdc]
Finished Parsing XDC File [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.runs/synth_1/dont_touch.xdc]
Completed Processing XDC Constraints

Netlist sorting complete. Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:00:00 . Memory (MB): peak = 2368.734 ; gain = 0.000 ; free physical = 2710 ; free virtual = 28280
INFO: [Project 1-111] Unisim Transformation Summary:
  A total of 4 instances were transformed.
  BUFGCE_1 => BUFGCTRL: 1 instance 
  DCM => MMCME2_ADV: 1 instance 
  OBUFDS => OBUFDS_DUAL_BUF (INV, OBUFDS(x2)): 2 instances

Constraint Validation Runtime : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00.05 ; elapsed = 00:00:00.04 . Memory (MB): peak = 2368.770 ; gain = 0.000 ; free physical = 2710 ; free virtual = 28280
WARNING: [Timing 38-316] Clock period '1000.000' specified during out-of-context synthesis of instance 'Block3/A1/A1' at clock pin 'aclk' is different from the actual clock period '11.666', this can lead to different synthesis results.
WARNING: [Timing 38-316] Clock period '1000.000' specified during out-of-context synthesis of instance 'Block3/A1/S1' at clock pin 'aclk' is different from the actual clock period '11.666', this can lead to different synthesis results.
WARNING: [Timing 38-316] Clock period '1000.000' specified during out-of-context synthesis of instance 'Block3/A2/A1' at clock pin 'aclk' is different from the actual clock period '11.666', this can lead to different synthesis results.
WARNING: [Timing 38-316] Clock period '1000.000' specified during out-of-context synthesis of instance 'Block3/A2/S1' at clock pin 'aclk' is different from the actual clock period '11.666', this can lead to different synthesis results.
WARNING: [Timing 38-316] Clock period '1000.000' specified during out-of-context synthesis of instance 'Block3/A3/A1' at clock pin 'aclk' is different from the actual clock period '11.666', this can lead to different synthesis results.
WARNING: [Timing 38-316] Clock period '1000.000' specified during out-of-context synthesis of instance 'Block3/A3/S1' at clock pin 'aclk' is different from the actual clock period '11.666', this can lead to different synthesis results.
WARNING: [Timing 38-316] Clock period '1000.000' specified during out-of-context synthesis of instance 'Block3/A4/A1' at clock pin 'aclk' is different from the actual clock period '11.666', this can lead to different synthesis results.
WARNING: [Timing 38-316] Clock period '1000.000' specified during out-of-context synthesis of instance 'Block3/A4/S1' at clock pin 'aclk' is different from the actual clock period '11.666', this can lead to different synthesis results.
WARNING: [Timing 38-316] Clock period '1000.000' specified during out-of-context synthesis of instance 'Block8/A1/A1' at clock pin 'aclk' is different from the actual clock period '45.555', this can lead to different synthesis results.
WARNING: [Timing 38-316] Clock period '1000.000' specified during out-of-context synthesis of instance 'Block8/A1/S1' at clock pin 'aclk' is different from the actual clock period '45.555', this can lead to different synthesis results.
WARNING: [Timing 38-316] Clock period '1000.000' specified during out-of-context synthesis of instance 'Block8/A2/A1' at clock pin 'aclk' is different from the actual clock period '45.555', this can lead to different synthesis results.
WARNING: [Timing 38-316] Clock period '1000.000' specified during out-of-context synthesis of instance 'Block8/A2/S1' at clock pin 'aclk' is different from the actual clock period '45.555', this can lead to different synthesis results.
INFO: [Designutils 20-5440] No compile time benefit to using incremental synthesis; A full resynthesis will be run
INFO: [Designutils 20-4379] Flow is switching to default flow due to incremental criteria not met. If you would like to alter this behaviour and have the flow terminate instead, please set the following parameter config_implementation {autoIncr.Synth.RejectBehavior Terminate}
Finished Constraint Validation : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:15 ; elapsed = 00:00:16 . Memory (MB): peak = 2368.770 ; gain = 633.266 ; free physical = 2704 ; free virtual = 28272
Start Loading Part and Timing Information
Loading part: xc7z030ffg676-2
Finished Loading Part and Timing Information : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:15 ; elapsed = 00:00:16 . Memory (MB): peak = 2368.770 ; gain = 633.266 ; free physical = 2704 ; free virtual = 28272
Start Applying 'set_property' XDC Constraints
Applied set_property IO_BUFFER_TYPE = NONE for DDR_dm. (constraint file  /home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/ip/design_1_processing_system7_0_1/design_1_processing_system7_0_1/design_1_processing_system7_0_1_in_context.xdc, line 51).
Applied set_property CLOCK_BUFFER_TYPE = NONE for DDR_dm. (constraint file  /home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/ip/design_1_processing_system7_0_1/design_1_processing_system7_0_1/design_1_processing_system7_0_1_in_context.xdc, line 52).
Applied set_property IO_BUFFER_TYPE = NONE for DDR_dqs_p. (constraint file  /home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/ip/design_1_processing_system7_0_1/design_1_processing_system7_0_1/design_1_processing_system7_0_1_in_context.xdc, line 59).
Applied set_property CLOCK_BUFFER_TYPE = NONE for DDR_dqs_p. (constraint file  /home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/ip/design_1_processing_system7_0_1/design_1_processing_system7_0_1/design_1_processing_system7_0_1_in_context.xdc, line 60).
Applied set_property IO_BUFFER_TYPE = NONE for DDR_dqs_n. (constraint file  /home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/ip/design_1_processing_system7_0_1/design_1_processing_system7_0_1/design_1_processing_system7_0_1_in_context.xdc, line 67).
Applied set_property CLOCK_BUFFER_TYPE = NONE for DDR_dqs_n. (constraint file  /home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/ip/design_1_processing_system7_0_1/design_1_processing_system7_0_1/design_1_processing_system7_0_1_in_context.xdc, line 68).
Applied set_property IO_BUFFER_TYPE = NONE for DDR_dq[0]. (constraint file  /home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/ip/design_1_processing_system7_0_1/design_1_processing_system7_0_1/design_1_processing_system7_0_1_in_context.xdc, line 75).
Applied set_property CLOCK_BUFFER_TYPE = NONE for DDR_dq[0]. (constraint file  /home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/ip/design_1_processing_system7_0_1/design_1_processing_system7_0_1/design_1_processing_system7_0_1_in_context.xdc, line 76).
Applied set_property IO_BUFFER_TYPE = NONE for DDR_dq[1]. (constraint file  /home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/ip/design_1_processing_system7_0_1/design_1_processing_system7_0_1/design_1_processing_system7_0_1_in_context.xdc, line 97).
Applied set_property CLOCK_BUFFER_TYPE = NONE for DDR_dq[1]. (constraint file  /home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/ip/design_1_processing_system7_0_1/design_1_processing_system7_0_1/design_1_processing_system7_0_1_in_context.xdc, line 98).
Applied set_property IO_BUFFER_TYPE = NONE for DDR_dq[2]. (constraint file  /home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/ip/design_1_processing_system7_0_1/design_1_processing_system7_0_1/design_1_processing_system7_0_1_in_context.xdc, line 119).
Applied set_property CLOCK_BUFFER_TYPE = NONE for DDR_dq[2]. (constraint file  /home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/ip/design_1_processing_system7_0_1/design_1_processing_system7_0_1/design_1_processing_system7_0_1_in_context.xdc, line 120).
Applied set_property IO_BUFFER_TYPE = NONE for DDR_dq[3]. (constraint file  /home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/ip/design_1_processing_system7_0_1/design_1_processing_system7_0_1/design_1_processing_system7_0_1_in_context.xdc, line 125).
Applied set_property CLOCK_BUFFER_TYPE = NONE for DDR_dq[3]. (constraint file  /home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/ip/design_1_processing_system7_0_1/design_1_processing_system7_0_1/design_1_processing_system7_0_1_in_context.xdc, line 126).
Applied set_property IO_BUFFER_TYPE = NONE for DDR_dq[4]. (constraint file  /home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/ip/design_1_processing_system7_0_1/design_1_processing_system7_0_1/design_1_processing_system7_0_1_in_context.xdc, line 127).
Applied set_property CLOCK_BUFFER_TYPE = NONE for DDR_dq[4]. (constraint file  /home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/ip/design_1_processing_system7_0_1/design_1_processing_system7_0_1/design_1_processing_system7_0_1_in_context.xdc, line 128).
Applied set_property IO_BUFFER_TYPE = NONE for DDR_dq[5]. (constraint file  /home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/ip/design_1_processing_system7_0_1/design_1_processing_system7_0_1/design_1_processing_system7_0_1_in_context.xdc, line 129).
Applied set_property CLOCK_BUFFER_TYPE = NONE for DDR_dq[5]. (constraint file  /home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/ip/design_1_processing_system7_0_1/design_1_processing_system7_0_1/design_1_processing_system7_0_1_in_context.xdc, line 130).
Applied set_property IO_BUFFER_TYPE = NONE for DDR_dq[6]. (constraint file  /home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/ip/design_1_processing_system7_0_1/design_1_processing_system7_0_1/design_1_processing_system7_0_1_in_context.xdc, line 131).
Applied set_property CLOCK_BUFFER_TYPE = NONE for DDR_dq[6]. (constraint file  /home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/ip/design_1_processing_system7_0_1/design_1_processing_system7_0_1/design_1_processing_system7_0_1_in_context.xdc, line 132).
Applied set_property IO_BUFFER_TYPE = NONE for DDR_dq[7]. (constraint file  /home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/ip/design_1_processing_system7_0_1/design_1_processing_system7_0_1/design_1_processing_system7_0_1_in_context.xdc, line 133).
Applied set_property CLOCK_BUFFER_TYPE = NONE for DDR_dq[7]. (constraint file  /home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/ip/design_1_processing_system7_0_1/design_1_processing_system7_0_1/design_1_processing_system7_0_1_in_context.xdc, line 134).
Applied set_property KEEP_HIERARCHY = SOFT for Block1/design_1_i. (constraint file  auto generated constraint).
Applied set_property KEEP_HIERARCHY = SOFT for Block1/design_1_i/processing_system7_0. (constraint file  auto generated constraint).
Applied set_property KEEP_HIERARCHY = SOFT for Block1/design_1_i/pcie_7x_0. (constraint file  auto generated constraint).
Applied set_property KEEP_HIERARCHY = SOFT for Block1/design_1_i/axi_fifo_mm_s. (constraint file  auto generated constraint).
Applied set_property KEEP_HIERARCHY = SOFT for Block1/design_1_i/rst_pcie_7x_0_62M. (constraint file  auto generated constraint).
Applied set_property KEEP_HIERARCHY = SOFT for Block1/design_1_i/ps7_0_axi_periph/s00_couplers/auto_pc. (constraint file  auto generated constraint).
Applied set_property KEEP_HIERARCHY = SOFT for Block1/design_1_i/ps7_0_axi_periph. (constraint file  auto generated constraint).
Applied set_property KEEP_HIERARCHY = SOFT for Block1/design_1_i/axis_subset_converter. (constraint file  auto generated constraint).
Applied set_property KEEP_HIERARCHY = SOFT for Block1/design_1_i/axis_dwidth_converter. (constraint file  auto generated constraint).
Applied set_property KEEP_HIERARCHY = SOFT for Block1/design_1_i/ps7_0_axi_periph_1. (constraint file  auto generated constraint).
Applied set_property KEEP_HIERARCHY = SOFT for Block2/nolabel_line120/XADC2. (constraint file  auto generated constraint).
Applied set_property KEEP_HIERARCHY = SOFT for Block3/A1/S1. (constraint file  auto generated constraint).
Applied set_property KEEP_HIERARCHY = SOFT for Block3/A2/S1. (constraint file  auto generated constraint).
Applied set_property KEEP_HIERARCHY = SOFT for Block8/A1/S1. (constraint file  auto generated constraint).
Applied set_property KEEP_HIERARCHY = SOFT for Block8/A2/S1. (constraint file  auto generated constraint).
Applied set_property KEEP_HIERARCHY = SOFT for Block3/A3/S1. (constraint file  auto generated constraint).
Applied set_property KEEP_HIERARCHY = SOFT for Block3/A4/S1. (constraint file  auto generated constraint).
Applied set_property KEEP_HIERARCHY = SOFT for Block3/A3/A1. (constraint file  auto generated constraint).
Applied set_property KEEP_HIERARCHY = SOFT for Block3/A4/A1. (constraint file  auto generated constraint).
Applied set_property KEEP_HIERARCHY = SOFT for Block2/nolabel_line134/cd. (constraint file  auto generated constraint).
Applied set_property KEEP_HIERARCHY = SOFT for Block3/nolabel_line156/cd. (constraint file  auto generated constraint).
Applied set_property KEEP_HIERARCHY = SOFT for Block3/A1/A1. (constraint file  auto generated constraint).
Applied set_property KEEP_HIERARCHY = SOFT for Block3/A2/A1. (constraint file  auto generated constraint).
Applied set_property KEEP_HIERARCHY = SOFT for Block8/A1/A1. (constraint file  auto generated constraint).
Applied set_property KEEP_HIERARCHY = SOFT for Block8/A2/A1. (constraint file  auto generated constraint).
Finished applying 'set_property' XDC Constraints : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:16 ; elapsed = 00:00:16 . Memory (MB): peak = 2368.770 ; gain = 633.266 ; free physical = 2704 ; free virtual = 28272
INFO: [Synth 8-802] inferred FSM for state register 'count_rx_to3_reg' in module 'GPIO'
INFO: [Synth 8-802] inferred FSM for state register 'count_tx_to2_reg' in module 'GPIO'
WARNING: [Synth 8-327] inferring latch for variable 'stop_reg' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/interrupter.v:88]
WARNING: [Synth 8-327] inferring latch for variable 'plasm1_reg' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/interrupter.v:78]
WARNING: [Synth 8-327] inferring latch for variable 'gpio_reg_reg' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/GPIO.v:102]
WARNING: [Synth 8-327] inferring latch for variable 'txD_reg' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/GPIO.v:126]
Finished RTL Optimization Phase 2 : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:16 ; elapsed = 00:00:17 . Memory (MB): peak = 2368.770 ; gain = 633.266 ; free physical = 2702 ; free virtual = 28272
Start RTL Component Statistics 
Detailed RTL Component Info : 
+---Adders : 
	   2 Input   49 Bit       Adders := 2     
	   3 Input   49 Bit       Adders := 2     
	   7 Input   48 Bit       Adders := 1     
	   3 Input   48 Bit       Adders := 1     
	   2 Input   19 Bit       Adders := 3     
	   2 Input    6 Bit       Adders := 1     
	   2 Input    4 Bit       Adders := 2     
+---Registers : 
	               49 Bit    Registers := 4     
	               25 Bit    Registers := 2     
	               18 Bit    Registers := 2     
	               16 Bit    Registers := 2     
	               13 Bit    Registers := 5     
	               12 Bit    Registers := 5     
	                9 Bit    Registers := 1     
	                8 Bit    Registers := 8     
	                7 Bit    Registers := 1     
	                6 Bit    Registers := 1     
	                4 Bit    Registers := 2     
	                1 Bit    Registers := 36    
+---Multipliers : 
	              29x48  Multipliers := 4     
+---Muxes : 
	   2 Input   52 Bit        Muxes := 1     
	   2 Input   19 Bit        Muxes := 1     
	   3 Input   19 Bit        Muxes := 1     
	   2 Input   15 Bit        Muxes := 2     
	   2 Input   12 Bit        Muxes := 4     
	   2 Input   11 Bit        Muxes := 2     
	   2 Input    9 Bit        Muxes := 2     
	   3 Input    7 Bit        Muxes := 1     
	   4 Input    4 Bit        Muxes := 2     
	   2 Input    4 Bit        Muxes := 4     
	   2 Input    3 Bit        Muxes := 2     
	   2 Input    1 Bit        Muxes := 65    
Finished RTL Component Statistics 
Start Part Resource Summary
Part Resources:
DSPs: 400 (col length:80)
BRAMs: 530 (col length: RAMB18 80 RAMB36 40)
Finished Part Resource Summary
Start Cross Boundary and Area Optimization
WARNING: [Synth 8-7080] Parallel synthesis criteria is not met
WARNING: [Synth 8-3936] Found unconnected internal register 'nolabel_line134/S2/Q_reg' and it is trimmed from '49' to '48' bits. [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/sum.v:43]
WARNING: [Synth 8-3936] Found unconnected internal register 'nolabel_line134/S1/Q_reg' and it is trimmed from '49' to '48' bits. [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/sum.v:30]
WARNING: [Synth 8-3936] Found unconnected internal register 'S2/Q_reg' and it is trimmed from '49' to '48' bits. [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/sum.v:43]
WARNING: [Synth 8-3936] Found unconnected internal register 'S1/Q_reg' and it is trimmed from '49' to '48' bits. [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/sum.v:30]
DSP Report: Generating DSP A1/s_axis_cartesian_tdata0, operation Mode is: (C:0x1)-A*B.
DSP Report: operator A1/s_axis_cartesian_tdata0 is absorbed into DSP A1/s_axis_cartesian_tdata0.
DSP Report: operator A1/s_axis_cartesian_tdata1 is absorbed into DSP A1/s_axis_cartesian_tdata0.
DSP Report: Generating DSP A2/s_axis_cartesian_tdata0, operation Mode is: (C:0x1)-A*B.
DSP Report: operator A2/s_axis_cartesian_tdata0 is absorbed into DSP A2/s_axis_cartesian_tdata0.
DSP Report: operator A2/s_axis_cartesian_tdata1 is absorbed into DSP A2/s_axis_cartesian_tdata0.
DSP Report: Generating DSP A3/s_axis_cartesian_tdata0, operation Mode is: (C:0x1)-A*B.
DSP Report: operator A3/s_axis_cartesian_tdata0 is absorbed into DSP A3/s_axis_cartesian_tdata0.
DSP Report: operator A3/s_axis_cartesian_tdata1 is absorbed into DSP A3/s_axis_cartesian_tdata0.
DSP Report: Generating DSP A4/s_axis_cartesian_tdata0, operation Mode is: (C:0x1)-A*B.
DSP Report: operator A4/s_axis_cartesian_tdata0 is absorbed into DSP A4/s_axis_cartesian_tdata0.
DSP Report: operator A4/s_axis_cartesian_tdata1 is absorbed into DSP A4/s_axis_cartesian_tdata0.
DSP Report: Generating DSP OUTA1, operation Mode is: A*B.
DSP Report: operator OUTA1 is absorbed into DSP OUTA1.
DSP Report: Generating DSP A1/s_axis_cartesian_tdata0, operation Mode is: (C:0x1)-A*B.
DSP Report: operator A1/s_axis_cartesian_tdata0 is absorbed into DSP A1/s_axis_cartesian_tdata0.
DSP Report: operator A1/s_axis_cartesian_tdata1 is absorbed into DSP A1/s_axis_cartesian_tdata0.
DSP Report: Generating DSP A2/s_axis_cartesian_tdata0, operation Mode is: (C:0x1)-A*B.
DSP Report: operator A2/s_axis_cartesian_tdata0 is absorbed into DSP A2/s_axis_cartesian_tdata0.
DSP Report: operator A2/s_axis_cartesian_tdata1 is absorbed into DSP A2/s_axis_cartesian_tdata0.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3917] design main has port DDR_addr[15] driven by constant 0
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (T1[0].RC/trc/RS1) is unused and will be removed from module pwr_controller.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (T1[1].RC/trc/RS1) is unused and will be removed from module pwr_controller.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (T1[2].RC/trc/RS1) is unused and will be removed from module pwr_controller.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (T1[3].RC/trc/RS1) is unused and will be removed from module pwr_controller.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (DAC/cntr2[5].nolabel_line91) is unused and will be removed from module pwr_controller.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (T3[0].RC/trc/RS1) is unused and will be removed from module coil.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (T3[1].RC/trc/RS1) is unused and will be removed from module coil.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (T3[2].RC/trc/RS1) is unused and will be removed from module coil.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (T3[3].RC/trc/RS1) is unused and will be removed from module coil.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (T3[4].RC/trc/RS1) is unused and will be removed from module coil.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (T3[5].RC/trc/RS1) is unused and will be removed from module coil.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (T3[6].RC/trc/RS1) is unused and will be removed from module coil.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (T3[7].RC/trc/RS1) is unused and will be removed from module coil.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (T3[8].RC/trc/RS1) is unused and will be removed from module coil.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (T3[9].RC/trc/RS1) is unused and will be removed from module coil.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (T3[10].RC/trc/RS1) is unused and will be removed from module coil.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (T3[11].RC/trc/RS1) is unused and will be removed from module coil.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (T3[12].RC/trc/RS1) is unused and will be removed from module coil.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (regwv/D0/LATCH1) is unused and will be removed from module coil.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (regwv/D1/LATCH1) is unused and will be removed from module coil.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (regwv/D2/LATCH1) is unused and will be removed from module coil.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (regwv/D3/LATCH1) is unused and will be removed from module coil.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (regwv/D4/LATCH1) is unused and will be removed from module coil.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (regwv/D5/LATCH1) is unused and will be removed from module coil.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (regwv/D6/LATCH1) is unused and will be removed from module coil.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (regwv/D7/LATCH1) is unused and will be removed from module coil.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (regwv/D8/LATCH1) is unused and will be removed from module coil.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (regwv/D9/LATCH1) is unused and will be removed from module coil.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (regwv/D10/LATCH1) is unused and will be removed from module coil.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (regwv/D11/LATCH1) is unused and will be removed from module coil.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (regwv/D12/LATCH1) is unused and will be removed from module coil.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (regwv/D13/LATCH1) is unused and will be removed from module coil.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (regwv/D14/LATCH1) is unused and will be removed from module coil.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (regwv/D15/LATCH1) is unused and will be removed from module coil.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (T3[0].RC/trc/RS1) is unused and will be removed from module interrupter.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (T3[1].RC/trc/RS1) is unused and will be removed from module interrupter.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (T3[2].RC/trc/RS1) is unused and will be removed from module interrupter.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (T3[3].RC/trc/RS1) is unused and will be removed from module interrupter.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (T3[4].RC/trc/RS1) is unused and will be removed from module interrupter.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (T3[5].RC/trc/RS1) is unused and will be removed from module interrupter.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (T3[6].RC/trc/RS1) is unused and will be removed from module interrupter.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (T3[7].RC/trc/RS1) is unused and will be removed from module interrupter.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (T3[8].RC/trc/RS1) is unused and will be removed from module interrupter.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (T3[9].RC/trc/RS1) is unused and will be removed from module interrupter.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (T3[10].RC/trc/RS1) is unused and will be removed from module interrupter.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (T3[11].RC/trc/RS1) is unused and will be removed from module interrupter.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (T3[12].RC/trc/RS1) is unused and will be removed from module interrupter.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (counter_plasm[0].D1/LATCH2) is unused and will be removed from module interrupter.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (counter_plasm[1].D1/LATCH2) is unused and will be removed from module interrupter.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (counter_plasm[2].D1/LATCH2) is unused and will be removed from module interrupter.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (counter_plasm[3].D1/LATCH2) is unused and will be removed from module interrupter.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (counter_plasm[4].D1/LATCH2) is unused and will be removed from module interrupter.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (counter_plasm[5].D1/LATCH2) is unused and will be removed from module interrupter.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (counter_plasm[6].D1/LATCH2) is unused and will be removed from module interrupter.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (counter_plasm[7].D1/LATCH2) is unused and will be removed from module interrupter.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (counter_plasm[8].D1/LATCH2) is unused and will be removed from module interrupter.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (counter_plasm[9].D1/LATCH2) is unused and will be removed from module interrupter.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (counter_plasm[10].D1/LATCH2) is unused and will be removed from module interrupter.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (counter_sheed[0].D2/LATCH2) is unused and will be removed from module interrupter.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (counter_sheed[1].D2/LATCH2) is unused and will be removed from module interrupter.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (counter_sheed[2].D2/LATCH2) is unused and will be removed from module interrupter.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (counter_sheed[3].D2/LATCH2) is unused and will be removed from module interrupter.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (counter_sheed[4].D2/LATCH2) is unused and will be removed from module interrupter.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (counter_sheed[5].D2/LATCH2) is unused and will be removed from module interrupter.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (counter_sheed[6].D2/LATCH2) is unused and will be removed from module interrupter.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (counter_sheed[7].D2/LATCH2) is unused and will be removed from module interrupter.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (counter_sheed[8].D2/LATCH2) is unused and will be removed from module interrupter.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (counter_sheed[9].D2/LATCH2) is unused and will be removed from module interrupter.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (counter_sheed[10].D2/LATCH2) is unused and will be removed from module interrupter.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (stop_reg) is unused and will be removed from module interrupter.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (plasm1_reg) is unused and will be removed from module interrupter.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (counter1[0].nolabel_line42) is unused and will be removed from module USART.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (counter1[1].nolabel_line42) is unused and will be removed from module USART.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (counter1[2].nolabel_line42) is unused and will be removed from module USART.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (counter1[3].nolabel_line42) is unused and will be removed from module USART.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (counter2[0].nolabel_line72) is unused and will be removed from module USART.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (counter2[1].nolabel_line72) is unused and will be removed from module USART.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (counter2[2].nolabel_line72) is unused and will be removed from module USART.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (counter2[3].nolabel_line72) is unused and will be removed from module USART.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (counter2[4].nolabel_line72) is unused and will be removed from module USART.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (REGFB/D0/LATCH1) is unused and will be removed from module frequency_meter.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (REGFB/D1/LATCH1) is unused and will be removed from module frequency_meter.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (gpio_reg_reg[29]) is unused and will be removed from module GPIO.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (gpio_reg_reg[28]) is unused and will be removed from module GPIO.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (gpio_reg_reg[27]) is unused and will be removed from module GPIO.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (gpio_reg_reg[26]) is unused and will be removed from module GPIO.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (gpio_reg_reg[25]) is unused and will be removed from module GPIO.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (gpio_reg_reg[24]) is unused and will be removed from module GPIO.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (gpio_reg_reg[23]) is unused and will be removed from module GPIO.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (gpio_reg_reg[22]) is unused and will be removed from module GPIO.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (gpio_reg_reg[21]) is unused and will be removed from module GPIO.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (gpio_reg_reg[20]) is unused and will be removed from module GPIO.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (gpio_reg_reg[19]) is unused and will be removed from module GPIO.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (gpio_reg_reg[18]) is unused and will be removed from module GPIO.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (gpio_reg_reg[17]) is unused and will be removed from module GPIO.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (gpio_reg_reg[16]) is unused and will be removed from module GPIO.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (gpio_reg_reg[15]) is unused and will be removed from module GPIO.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (gpio_reg_reg[14]) is unused and will be removed from module GPIO.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (gpio_reg_reg[13]) is unused and will be removed from module GPIO.
WARNING: [Synth 8-3332] Sequential element (gpio_reg_reg[12]) is unused and will be removed from module GPIO.
INFO: [Common 17-14] Message 'Synth 8-3332' appears 100 times and further instances of the messages will be disabled. Use the Tcl command set_msg_config to change the current settings.
Finished Cross Boundary and Area Optimization : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:21 ; elapsed = 00:00:21 . Memory (MB): peak = 2368.770 ; gain = 633.266 ; free physical = 2677 ; free virtual = 28255
 Sort Area is  A4/s_axis_cartesian_tdata0_4 : 0 0 : 2168 2168 : Used 1 time 0
 Sort Area is  A1/s_axis_cartesian_tdata0_0 : 0 0 : 1221 1221 : Used 1 time 0
 Sort Area is  A1/s_axis_cartesian_tdata0_8 : 0 0 : 1221 1221 : Used 1 time 0
 Sort Area is  A2/s_axis_cartesian_tdata0_2 : 0 0 : 1221 1221 : Used 1 time 0
 Sort Area is  A3/s_axis_cartesian_tdata0_3 : 0 0 : 1221 1221 : Used 1 time 0
 Sort Area is  A2/s_axis_cartesian_tdata0_9 : 0 0 : 891 891 : Used 1 time 0
 Sort Area is  OUTA1_6 : 0 0 : 666 666 : Used 1 time 0
Start ROM, RAM, DSP, Shift Register and Retiming Reporting

DSP: Preliminary Mapping Report (see note below. The ' indicates corresponding REG is set)
|Module Name | DSP Mapping | A Size | B Size | C Size | D Size | P Size | AREG | BREG | CREG | DREG | ADREG | MREG | PREG | 
|action1024  | (C:0x1)-A*B | 12     | 12     | 1      | -      | 25     | 0    | 0    | 0    | -    | -     | 0    | 0    | 
|action1024  | (C:0x1)-A*B | 12     | 12     | 1      | -      | 25     | 0    | 0    | 0    | -    | -     | 0    | 0    | 
|action65536 | (C:0x1)-A*B | 12     | 12     | 1      | -      | 32     | 0    | 0    | 0    | -    | -     | 0    | 0    | 
|action65536 | (C:0x1)-A*B | 16     | 16     | 1      | -      | 32     | 0    | 0    | 0    | -    | -     | 0    | 0    | 
|coil        | A*B         | 12     | 8      | -      | -      | 20     | 0    | 0    | -    | -    | -     | 0    | 0    | 
|action1024  | (C:0x1)-A*B | 12     | 12     | 1      | -      | 25     | 0    | 0    | 0    | -    | -     | 0    | 0    | 
|action1024  | (C:0x1)-A*B | 10     | 10     | 1      | -      | 25     | 0    | 0    | 0    | -    | -     | 0    | 0    | 

Note: The table above is a preliminary report that shows the DSPs inferred at the current stage of the synthesis flow. Some DSP may be reimplemented as non DSP primitives later in the synthesis flow. Multiple instantiated DSPs are reported only once.
Finished ROM, RAM, DSP, Shift Register and Retiming Reporting
Start Applying XDC Timing Constraints
Finished Applying XDC Timing Constraints : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:28 ; elapsed = 00:00:29 . Memory (MB): peak = 2368.770 ; gain = 633.266 ; free physical = 2658 ; free virtual = 28244
Start Timing Optimization
Finished Timing Optimization : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:29 ; elapsed = 00:00:29 . Memory (MB): peak = 2368.770 ; gain = 633.266 ; free physical = 2658 ; free virtual = 28244
Start Technology Mapping
Finished Technology Mapping : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:30 ; elapsed = 00:00:30 . Memory (MB): peak = 2368.770 ; gain = 633.266 ; free physical = 2683 ; free virtual = 28271
Start IO Insertion
Start Flattening Before IO Insertion
Finished Flattening Before IO Insertion
Start Final Netlist Cleanup
Finished Final Netlist Cleanup
WARNING: [Synth 8-3295] tying undriven pin Block1/design_1_i:sys_rst_n_0 to constant 0
CRITICAL WARNING: [Synth 8-4442] BlackBox module \Block2/nolabel_line120/XADC2  has unconnected pin convst_in
CRITICAL WARNING: [Synth 8-4442] BlackBox module \Block2/nolabel_line120/XADC2  has unconnected pin di_in[15]
CRITICAL WARNING: [Synth 8-4442] BlackBox module \Block2/nolabel_line120/XADC2  has unconnected pin di_in[14]
CRITICAL WARNING: [Synth 8-4442] BlackBox module \Block2/nolabel_line120/XADC2  has unconnected pin di_in[13]
CRITICAL WARNING: [Synth 8-4442] BlackBox module \Block2/nolabel_line120/XADC2  has unconnected pin di_in[12]
CRITICAL WARNING: [Synth 8-4442] BlackBox module \Block2/nolabel_line120/XADC2  has unconnected pin di_in[11]
CRITICAL WARNING: [Synth 8-4442] BlackBox module \Block2/nolabel_line120/XADC2  has unconnected pin di_in[10]
CRITICAL WARNING: [Synth 8-4442] BlackBox module \Block2/nolabel_line120/XADC2  has unconnected pin di_in[9]
CRITICAL WARNING: [Synth 8-4442] BlackBox module \Block2/nolabel_line120/XADC2  has unconnected pin di_in[8]
CRITICAL WARNING: [Synth 8-4442] BlackBox module \Block2/nolabel_line120/XADC2  has unconnected pin di_in[7]
CRITICAL WARNING: [Synth 8-4442] BlackBox module \Block2/nolabel_line120/XADC2  has unconnected pin di_in[6]
CRITICAL WARNING: [Synth 8-4442] BlackBox module \Block2/nolabel_line120/XADC2  has unconnected pin di_in[5]
CRITICAL WARNING: [Synth 8-4442] BlackBox module \Block2/nolabel_line120/XADC2  has unconnected pin di_in[4]
CRITICAL WARNING: [Synth 8-4442] BlackBox module \Block2/nolabel_line120/XADC2  has unconnected pin di_in[3]
CRITICAL WARNING: [Synth 8-4442] BlackBox module \Block2/nolabel_line120/XADC2  has unconnected pin di_in[2]
CRITICAL WARNING: [Synth 8-4442] BlackBox module \Block2/nolabel_line120/XADC2  has unconnected pin di_in[1]
CRITICAL WARNING: [Synth 8-4442] BlackBox module \Block2/nolabel_line120/XADC2  has unconnected pin di_in[0]
CRITICAL WARNING: [Synth 8-4442] BlackBox module \Block2/nolabel_line120/XADC2  has unconnected pin dwe_in
CRITICAL WARNING: [Synth 8-4442] BlackBox module \Block2/nolabel_line134/cd  has unconnected pin aclk
CRITICAL WARNING: [Synth 8-4442] BlackBox module \Block3/nolabel_line156/cd  has unconnected pin aclk

Извините, я начинающий на форуме. Вот вам лог. Там GPIO не биндятся совсем, я назначил их по правилам. И Всё остальное не биндится, но в логе нет ничего о причине.

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По поводу комментариев:

Это небольшая программа для медиаконвертера, играет музыку. По блокам:

Блок 1 это процессор с выходами на UART и pcie для вай-фая. Первый используется для debug процессора, второй для внутреннего debug. 

Блок 2 это контроллер питания, генерирующий сигнал для нелинейника. С ним всё нормально.

Блок 3 это генератор ЧМ сигнала для усилителя. С ним тоже было всё нормально.

Блок 4 защита от сверхкоротких импульсов, их у меня есть. Выдаёт сигнал protect на блок 3. Не биндится совсем. Это из-за того, что в блоках с USART предназначенных для передачи по оптике нет синтеза.

Блок 5 выдаёт сигналы на блоки 2 и 3.

Блок 6 и 7 USARTы. Порты не биндятся совсем.

Блок 8. Частотометр. Прошёл проверку.

Блок 9 контроль громкости. Volume передаётся в блок 3. Принимает audio_da_volume с uart внутреннего процессора. Нашел ошибку, перепутал вход и выход местами.

Блок 10 UART для внутренней отладки схемы.

Блок 11 основные входы-выходы. Всё внутри просто перемиксовка битов. Спасибо за внимание. Синтез снова дал сбой.

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...Схема простейшая для станка на плазме...
...Это небольшая программа для медиаконвертера, играет музыку...

Так кто ж на ком стоял?

Извините, я начинающий на форуме.
6 годиков...

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Даааа, жээээсть 🙂 Чето тут походу ИИ слова составлял - слова есть, смысла нету.

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Из станка на плазме мы пытались сделать медиаконвертер😄 А ии ничего не может написать сам.

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1 час назад, aliceLiddell сказал:

Уважаемый модератор. Можно ли переместить тему в соответствующий раздел?

Раздел вполне соответствует уровню и характеру вопроса.

Устное предупреждение: исходники и логи (длинный текст) прикрепляйте к сообщениям в виде файлов (аттачей), а не вставляйте в текст без тега код и спойлеров. В противном случае вы получите предупреждение и посты будут удалены.

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Вспомнил что-то анекдот, про ошибку в коде 

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В 02.05.2024 в 18:04, aliceLiddell сказал:

но в логе нет ничего о причине

начните с того, чтоб пофиксить:

CRITICAL WARNING: [Synth 8-6859] multi-driven net on pin GMII_ETHERNET_1_tx_en with 1st driver pin 'IBUF_ETH_TEN/O' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.srcs/sources_1/new/main.v:209]
CRITICAL WARNING: [Synth 8-6859] multi-driven net on pin GMII_ETHERNET_1_tx_en with 2nd driver pin 'Block1/design_1_i/processing_system7_0/ENET1_GMII_TX_EN[0]' [/home/typo3/project_4/project_4.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/synth/design_1.v:441]


первая ссыль в гугл на аналогичную проблему: https://support.xilinx.com/s/question/0D52E00006hplltSAA/synth-86859-multi-driven-net-on-pin-output-error?language=en_US

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Присоединяйтесь к обсуждению

Вы можете написать сейчас и зарегистрироваться позже. Если у вас есть аккаунт, авторизуйтесь, чтобы опубликовать от имени своего аккаунта.

К сожалению, ваш контент содержит запрещённые слова. Пожалуйста, отредактируйте контент, чтобы удалить выделенные ниже слова.
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