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  1. На сайте синопсиса говорится о неком dwc_n2p, который представляет собой Nios II процессор от Altera. Кто-нибудь имел опыт портирования Nios II в ASIC или использования данного dwc_n2p? Поделитесь опытом/документацией, цена вопроса?.
  2. Для повышения образованности могу посоветовать 3 книги: Error Correction Codes for Non-Volatile Memories ( http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-1-4020-8391-4 ) Inside NAND Flash Memories ( http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-90-481-9431-5 ) Inside Solid State Drives ( http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-94-007-5146-0 ) Книги доступны на SpringerLink (если зайти через sci-hub)
  3. Согласно документации на Micron mt29f512g08, MLC Вам необходимо иметь код коррекции ошибок с _минимальной_ исправляющей способностью 24 бита на каждые 1080 байт данных.
  4. Если есть возможность - выложите сборник на ftp. В Сети его не найти.
  5. Вы считаете нормальным, что страна потенциального противника знает ТТХ вашего устройства и (возможно) его начинку? Не говоря уже о способности оценить потенциал разработчиков устройств для спецприменений например?
  6. Столкнулся с новой галочкой при установке версии ISE14_7 - просят принудительно принять следующее: 13. WebTalk Notice, Consent and Opt-Out. (a) Collection and Transmission of Data. "WebTalk" is a feature of the Software that electronically transmits to Xilinx various data relating to Licensee's use of the Software. WebTalk does not transmit the actual logic designs or Bitstreams processed via the Software. The types of data that WebTalk will transmit to Xilinx include: (i) constraint data (e.g., location assignments, clock and timing requirement and assignments, any constraints set via the Software graphical user interface), (ii) device data (e.g., targeted device and family), (iii) compilation data (e.g., device, memory and I/O utilization, time of compilation), (iv) design data (e.g., the number of each type of file used, intellectual property cores/LogiCORE IP cores logic functions used, and intellectual property parameterization), (v) Software data (e.g., synthesis, simulation and timing analysis tools used, and version and build of the Software), (vi) platform data (e.g., operating system, speed and number of processors and main memory), (vii) Authorization Codes data, (viii) Software errors log data (e.g., previous exit status), and (ix) help access data. Xilinx may correlate the data collected by WebTalk (primarily via the Authorization Codes data) to determine the identity of the Licensee and the User. WebTalk functions by bundling the collected data resulting from your use of the Software and writing it to html and/or xml files which are electronically transmitted over the internet to Xilinx by https (hypertext transfer protocol secure) post. WebTalk collects and maintains the last usage_statistics_webtalk file that was meant for transmission for a given design. Every new re-compilation of that given design will overwrite the previous file. If the https post transmission fails, or an internet connection is not available at the time of attempted transmission, the data is stored as an html and/or xml file. Once an internet connection is achieved by Licensee, the https post transmission will again be attempted upon re-compilation. The operation of WebTalk will not materially affect the performance of the Software. (b) Use, Protection and Disclosure of Data. Xilinx uses the data received via WebTalk so that Xilinx can continuously improve the Software and other products, technologies and services that Xilinx offers to its customers, and also for sales and marketing email communications (for example, for selective announcement of new Xilinx products and services, distribution of marketing data, etc.). Xilinx uses reasonable efforts to maintain the privacy of the data during transmission (as discussed above) and after receipt by Xilinx via "firewalls" and other commonly available physical and technical security measures. However, due to technological limitations, the transmission of data through various internet service providers not under contract with Xilinx, and the risk of unlawful interceptions and accessing of transmissions and/or data, Xilinx cannot completely assure Licensee or Users, and Licensee and Users should not expect, that the data will be absolutely protected or confidential. If you attempt to tamper with or modify the Software in any way (other than as expressly authorized by Xilinx in this Agreement), Xilinx disclaims all responsibility for the operation of WebTalk and for the collection, transmission and protection of data as described herein. Xilinx may disclose data received via WebTalk to its corporate subsidiaries and to its authorized distributors and sales representatives (collectively, "Sales Partners"), which disclosures may be in a form that may be correlated to personally identify Licensee and Users, for their use of such data in the same manner as Xilinx might use such data. Except for disclosures to its Sales Partners, the data received by Xilinx via WebTalk will not be intentionally disclosed by Xilinx to any third parties in a form that is knowingly capable of being correlated to personally identify Licensee and its Users; however, Xilinx may share this data in an aggregate form that does not knowingly identify Licensee and its Users with its business affiliates including without limitation electronic design automation (EDA) companies with whom Xilinx has a commercial relationship including, but not limited to, Synopsys, Mentor Graphics, and Cadence. Xilinx also seeks to require Sales Partners and business affiliates to exercise reasonable efforts to maintain the confidentiality of the data disclosed to them. In addition to disclosures to Sales Partners, Xilinx may disclose personally identifiable data (collected by WebTalk and correlated to Licensee and Users), with or without prior notice, when Xilinx believes that the law requires it, in response to subpoenas or at the demand of governmental agencies, to protect its systems or business, or to respond to an emergency. Further, Xilinx reserves the right to transfer any and all data collected by WebTalk from Licensee and Users to a third party in the event that Xilinx sells or transfers substantially all of its assets related to the Software to such third party. © Enable/Disable. Please note that WebTalk will collect and transmit certain data that may contain (or be correlated to reveal, primarily via the Authorization Codes data) personally identifiable information. By agreeing to this Agreement, you hereby give your consent (on behalf of Licensee and Users) for Xilinx to use and disclose this information anywhere in the world for the purposes and as described in this Agreement. Licensee or its Users may disable/enable WebTalk during installation or by editing the user preferences in Project Navigator, iMPACT, Vivado or PlanAhead or by running the xwebtalk command line utility which is located in your ise/bin/<os> folder, where os is nt, nt64, lin or lin64. Please note that WebTalk data transmission is mandatory for ISE WebPACK and Vivado WebPACK software (which are made available by Xilinx at no charge) and for alpha, beta or similar early access versions of Xilinx software products, and WebTalk makes decisions on data transmission based on the Authorization Codes used for design compilation; the only exception to this mandatory transmission is if the software is used on a machine that is not connected to the internet. If you obtained ISE WebPACK or Vivado WebPACk software (which are made available by Xilinx at no charge) and desire to have the ability to disable WebTalk, you may purchase a license to another version of the Software and not use the ISE WebPACK or Vivado WebPACK software. Versions of the Software for which Xilinx is paid a license fee contain the capability for disabling WebTalk as described herein.
  7. Причём ChipScope от Xilinx кабель видит [ ОС Linux (RHEL) ]
  8. ARM CortexM0 Design Start

    На сайте АРМа наткнулся на предложение бесплатно получить/попробовать упрощённую версию процессора CortexM0 Design Start для учебных/академических целей. (подробнее об этом: http://www.arm.com/support/university/ip/index.php) Вот что пишут на самом сайте: ARM has announced the availability of the ARM® Cortex™-M0 DesignStart Processor via the ARM DesignStart™ online IP portal as a download after a simple click-through EULA. The processor is configured as a synthesizable, obfuscated verilog netlist designed for academics, start-ups and ad-hoc technology teams looking to teach or prototype with a real ARM processor. Implementation is possible in almost any FPGA to enable SoC design courses and projects around a real, instruction set compatible ARM core. It can also be manufactured according to the EULA. From there, anything from embedded systems courses or microprocessor applications can be taught using the same platform. Through this online access model, ARM will accelerate the proliferation of ARM technology in university curriculums and research projects. НО! после регистрации netlist процессора скачать мне так и не удалось :maniac: Очень хотелось бы поучаствовать в таком аукционе невиданной щедрости и все-таки заполучить процессор. Может кому удалось его заполучить?
  9. спецификацию 3й версии (не упрощённую) видел в закромах. в ней описываются карты до 32х ГБ со скоростями DS,HS,UHS-1. В 4й версии добавляются XC-карты размером от 64 ГБ (и все предыдущие версии) со скоростями UHS-II и ниже - такие карты только начали разрабатывать и в широком доступе их пока очень мало. Полная версия спецификации стоит 2k$ приобрести можно у sdcard.org. "бесплатную версию" в интернете не видел. для микроSD режим SPI также является обязательным и в текущей версии спецификации ничего не сказано о том, что его будут исключать в следующих версиях
  10. Откуда такие сведения? Согласно спецификации на физический уровень SD-карты (вплоть до 4й версии спецификации включительно) режим SPI является обязательным и должен присутствовать во всех картах
  11. не совсем так - на тривиальную CMD0 карта отвечает 0x01 в SPI-режиме, в SD-режиме ответа не будет
  12. SD карта

    SD-карты размером до 2ГБ включительно разрабатывались согласно первой версии спецификации в которой команды 8 вообще не было предусмотрено (такая команда была зарезервирована для внутренних целей разработчиков карты). CMD8 появилась начиная со 2й версии спецификации на физический уровень - смотрите карты размером более 2х ГБ
  13. Спасибо! Весьма полезная метОда, датируется 2011 годом... на verificationacademy.com после регистрации мне не удалось найти такой полной компиляции UVM+OVM как эта
  14. а можно поподробнее - что за "менторовский UVM/OVM cookbook" и где его достать?
  15. В спецификации именно это и показано - посмотрите диаграмму инициализации например. Команду CMD2 можно выполнить только в состоянии READY. Последовательность команд для перевода карты из состояния IDLE в READY зависит от типа карты (для HC-карт необходимо выполнить CMD8 + выставить бит HCS в аргументе ACMD41 например) Процедура инициализации описана в главе "Card Identification Mode" спецификации Список команд и режимы работы карты в "Card State Transition Table"
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