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Почему 1 + 0.1 = 1.0000002 ??? и что с этим делать?

16 hours ago, _pv said:
16 hours ago, dimka76 said:

почему в калькуляторах таких проблем не возникает ?

в bcd считают

Или используют как в С++ или Java тип BigInt с динамическим увеличением размера. В Java он вообще встроен.

#pragma once

#include "targetver.h"

 * Big integer class, optimized for decimal integers.
 * Stores and manipulates integers represented as byte arrays,
 * where each byte is a decimal digit. If you're looking for
 * robust, bug-free, efficient code, keep looking. This is a quick
 * and dirty hack. Some day I'll write a templatized BigInt, where
 * you will be able to select the base in which to store the 
 * number. When that day comes, most of this code will be thrown
 * away.
 * BUGS:
 *      operator-(int) does not work.
 *      BigInt doesn't play nice with long long. Either use int
 *      or string.
 *      - capacity is never smaller than 16
 *      - capacity is not the smallest it can be because every
 *         modifying member function first grows digits as much as
 *         it might ever need and then does its job.
 *      - Passed numerous problems on Valladolid, including
 *          107, 288, 324, 424, 465, 485, 495, 560, 619, 623, etc.
 *      - This class was written for the g++ compiler and uses some
 *          of the g++ extensions (like "long double" and the ">?="
 *          operator). If you want to compile this under Micro$oft's
 *          "compiler", I don't want to talk to you.
 * LAST MODIFIED: October 5, 2005
 * This file is part of my library of algorithms found here:
 *      http://www.palmcommander.com:8081/tools/
 *      http://www.palmcommander.com:8081/tools/LICENSE.html
 * Copyright (c) 2002-2004
 * Contact author:
 *      igor at cs.ubc.ca

//using namespace std;

#ifndef __BIGINTEGER_H__
#define __BIGINTEGER_H__

#include <stdio.h>

//#include <string.h>
//#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>

#include "targetver.h"

#ifdef _WIN32_

    #include <sstream>


#ifdef __MINIOS7__

# include <strstream.h>
# include <strstrea.h>

#ifndef min
#define min(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))

#ifndef max
#define max(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))

class BigInt
        char *digits;
        int size;            // number of used bytes (digits)
        int capacity;        // size of digits
        int sign;            // -1, 0 or +1

        /** Creates a BigInt with initial value n and initial capacity cap **/
        BigInt( long n, int cap );

        /** Creates a BigInt with initial value n **/
        BigInt( long n );

        /** Creates a BigInt with initial value floor( d ) **/
        //BigInt( long double d );

        /** Creates a BigInt with value 0 **/

#ifndef __MINIOS7__

        /** Creates a BigInt by reading the value from a string **/
//        BigInt( string s );

        /** Creates a BigInt by reading the value from a C string **/
//        BigInt( const char s[] );

        /** Copy constructor **/
        BigInt( const BigInt &n );

        /** Assignment operators **/
        const BigInt &operator=( const BigInt &n );
        const BigInt &operator=( long n );

        /** Cleans up **/

        /** Removes any leading zeros and adjusts the sign **/
        void normalize();

        /** Returns the sign of n: -1, 0 or 1 **/
        static int sig( long n );

        /** Returns the sign of n: -1, 0 or 1 **/
        //static int sig( long double n );

        /** Returns the number of decimal digits **/
        inline int length() { return size; }

        /** Arithmetic **/
        BigInt operator++();
        BigInt operator++( int );
        BigInt operator--();
        BigInt operator--( int );
        BigInt operator-();
        BigInt operator+ ( long n    );
        BigInt operator+ ( BigInt n );
        BigInt&operator+=( long n    );
        BigInt&operator+=( BigInt n );
        BigInt operator- ( long n    );
        BigInt operator- ( BigInt n );
        BigInt&operator-=( long n    );
        BigInt&operator-=( BigInt n );
        BigInt operator* ( long n    );
        BigInt operator* ( BigInt n );
        void   operator*=( long n    );
        void   operator*=( BigInt n );
        BigInt operator/ ( long n    );
        BigInt operator/ ( BigInt n );
        void   operator/=( long n    );
        void   operator/=( BigInt n );
        long   operator% ( long n    );
        BigInt operator% ( BigInt n );
        void   operator%=( long n    );
        void   operator%=( BigInt n );
        long divide( long n );              // Divides storing quotient in *this and returning the remainder
        BigInt divide( BigInt n );        // Divides storing quotient in *this and returning the remainder
        //BigInt operator* ( long double n ); // Multiplies by a double and truncates (always under-estimates!)
        //void   operator*=( long double n ); // Multiplies by a double and truncates (always under-estimates!)

        /** Bitwise arithmetic **/
        BigInt operator<< ( int n    );
        void   operator<<=( int n    );
        BigInt operator>> ( int n    );   // Works differently for negative numbers
        void   operator>>=( int n    );   // Works differently for negative numbers
        BigInt operator&  ( int n    );
        BigInt operator&  ( BigInt n );
        void   operator&= ( int n    );
        void   operator&= ( BigInt n );
        BigInt operator|  ( int n    );
        BigInt operator|  ( BigInt n );
        void   operator|= ( int n    );
        void   operator|= ( BigInt n );
        BigInt operator^  ( int n    );
        BigInt operator^  ( BigInt n );
        void   operator^= ( int n    );
        void   operator^= ( BigInt n );
        BigInt operator~();
        /** Concatenation ;-) **/
        BigInt operator,( int n );
        BigInt operator,( BigInt n );

        /** Casting **/
        bool operator!();
        operator bool();
        //operator int();   //XXX: Don't do this!!! It takes precedence over operator+(int,BigInt)
        //operator string();

        /** Comparison **/
        bool operator<( BigInt n );
        bool operator>( BigInt n );
        bool operator==( BigInt n );
        bool operator<=( BigInt n );
        bool operator>=( BigInt n );
        bool operator<( long n );
        bool operator>( long n );
        bool operator==( long n );
        bool operator<=( long n );
        bool operator>=( long n );
        int compare( BigInt n );

        /** Returns the lowest value as an integer (watch out for overflow) **/
        long toLong( void );

        /** Returns the value as a decimal string **/
        //string toString();
        char* strImage( void );

        /** Outputs decimal value to stdout **/
        void print();

        /** Outputs the decimal value, with commas **/
//        void printWithCommas( ostream &out );

        /** Expansion **/
        void grow();

    /** I/O Friends **/
//    friend istream &operator>>( istream &in, BigInt &n );
//    friend ostream &operator<<( ostream &out, BigInt n );

    /** Logarithms **/
    friend long double log2( BigInt x, long double epsilon );
    inline friend long double log( BigInt x, long double epsilon );
    inline friend long double log10( BigInt x, long double epsilon );
    inline friend long double lg( BigInt x, long double epsilon );
    inline friend long double ln( BigInt x, long double epsilon );

#endif  // __BIGINTEGER_H__


#include "BigInt.h"
BigInt operator+( long m, BigInt &n )
    return n + m;

BigInt operator-( long m, BigInt &n )
    return -n + m;

BigInt operator*( long m, BigInt &n )
    return n * m;

BigInt operator/( long m, BigInt &n )
    return BigInt( m ) / n;

BigInt operator%( long m, BigInt &n )
    return BigInt( m ) % n;

/** Misc **/
inline bool isDigit( int c )
    return( c >= ( int )'0' && c <= ( int )'9' );

/** Input/Output **/
istream &operator>>( istream &in, BigInt &n )           // FIXME: see inside
    n.size = 0;
    n.sign = 1;
    int sign = 1;
    int c;
    while( ( c = in.peek() ) >= 0 &&
           ( c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n' ) )
    if( c < 0 || ( c != ( int )'-' && !isDigit( c ) ) )
        in >> c;                // XXX: force in.fail()
        return in;
    if( c == ( int )'-' ) { sign = -1; in.get(); }

    // FIXME: Extremely inefficient! Use a string.
    while( ( c = in.peek() ) >= 0 && isDigit( c ) )
        n *= 10L;
        n += ( c - ( int )'0' );
    n.sign = sign;      //XXX: assign n.sign directly after fixing the FIXME
    return in;

ostream &operator<<( ostream &out, BigInt n )       //FIXME: make more efficient
    return out << n.toString();

BigInt::BigInt( long n, int cap )
    cap = max( cap, sizeof( n ) * 8 );
    capacity = cap;
    sign = sig( n );
    n *= sign;
    digits = new char[cap];
    memset( digits, 0, cap );
    for( size = 0; n; size++ )
        digits[size] = (char)(n % 10);
        n /= 10;

BigInt::BigInt( long n )
    capacity = 64;
    sign = sig( n );
    n *= sign;
    digits = new char[capacity];
    memset( digits, 0, capacity );
    size = 0;
    while( n )
        digits[size++] = (char)(n % 10);
        n /= 10;

BigInt::BigInt( long double d )
    capacity = 32;
    sign = ( d < 0 ? -1 : d > 0 ? 1 : 0 );
    d *= sign;
    digits = new char[capacity];
    memset( digits, 0, capacity );
    size = 0;
    d = floor( d );
    while( d > 0 )
        int tmp1 = ( int )( ( d - floor( d / 10 ) * 10 ) + 0.5 ),
            tmp2 = ( 0 > tmp1 ? 0 : tmp1 );

        //digits[size++] = 0 >? ( int )( ( d - floor( d / 10 ) * 10 ) + 0.5 ) <? 9;
        digits[size++] = ( tmp2 < 9 ? tmp2 : 9 );
        d = floor( d / 10 );

    capacity = 64;
    sign = 0;
    digits = new char[capacity];
    memset( digits, 0, capacity );
    size = 0;

#ifndef __MINIOS7__
BigInt::BigInt( string s )
    capacity = max( ( int )s.size(), 16 );
    sign = 0;
    digits = new char[capacity];
    memset( digits, 0, capacity );

    istringstream in( s );
    in >> ( *this );

BigInt::BigInt( const char s[] )
    capacity = max( ( int )strlen( s ), 16 );
    sign = 0;
    digits = new char[capacity];
    memset( digits, 0, capacity );

    istringstream in( s );
    in >> ( *this );

BigInt::BigInt( const BigInt &n )
    capacity = n.capacity;
    sign = n.sign;
    size = n.size;
    digits = new char[capacity];
    memcpy( digits, n.digits, capacity );

const BigInt &BigInt::operator=( const BigInt &n )
    if( &n != this )
        if( capacity < n.size )
            capacity = n.capacity;
            delete [] digits;
            digits = new char[capacity];
        sign = n.sign;
        size = n.size;
        memcpy( digits, n.digits, size );
        memset( digits + size, 0, capacity - size );
    return *this;

const BigInt &BigInt::operator=( long n )
    sign = sig( n );
    n *= sign;
    for( size = 0; n; size++ )
        digits[size] = (char)(n % 10);
        n /= 10;
    return *this;

    delete [] digits;

void BigInt::normalize()
    while( size && !digits[size-1] ) size--;
    if( !size ) sign = 0;

int BigInt::sig( long n )
    return( n > 0 ? 1 : ( n == 0 ? 0 : -1 ) );

int BigInt::sig( long double n )
    return( n > 0 ? 1 : ( n == 0 ? 0 : -1 ) );

long BigInt::toLong( void )
    int result = 0;
    for( int i = size - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
        result *= 10;
        result += digits[i];
        if( result < 0 ) return sign * 0x7FFFFFFFL;
    return sign * result;

string BigInt::toString()
    string s = ( sign >= 0 ? "" : "-" );
    for( int i = size - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
        s += ( digits[i] + '0' );
    if( size == 0 ) s += '0';
    return s;

char* BigInt::strImage( void )
    static char buff[ 512 ];
    int i = 0;

    if( sign < 0 )
        buff[ i++ ] = '-';

    int j;

    for( j = size - 1; j >= 0; j-- )
         buff[ i++ ] = digits[ j ] + '0';

    if( size == 0 )
         buff[ i++ ] = '0';

    buff[ i ] = 0;

    return buff;

void BigInt::print()        //FIXME: make more efficient
    cout << toString();
void BigInt::printWithCommas( ostream &out )
    if( sign < 0 ) out.put( '-' );
    for( int i = size - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
        out.put( (unsigned char)(digits[i] + '0') );
        if( !( i % 3 ) && i ) out.put( ',' );
    if( size == 0 ) out.put( '0' );
void BigInt::grow()
    char *olddigits = digits;
    int oldCap = capacity;
    capacity *= 2;
    digits = new char[capacity];
    memcpy( digits, olddigits, oldCap );
    memset( digits + oldCap, 0, oldCap );
    delete [] olddigits;

BigInt BigInt::operator++()
    operator+=( 1 );
    return *this;

BigInt BigInt::operator++( int )
    return operator++();

BigInt BigInt::operator--()
    operator-=( 1 );
    return *this;

BigInt BigInt::operator--( int )
    return operator--();

BigInt BigInt::operator-()
    BigInt result( *this );
    result.sign *= -1;
    return result;

BigInt BigInt::operator+( long n )
    BigInt result( *this );
    result += n;
    return result;

BigInt BigInt::operator+( BigInt n )
    BigInt result( *this );
    result += n;
    return result;

BigInt &BigInt::operator+=( long n )
    if( size == capacity ) grow();

    int nsign = sig( n );
    if( !nsign ) return *this;
    if( !sign ) sign = nsign;
    if( sign == nsign )
        n *= nsign;
        long carry = 0;
        int i;
        for( i = 0; n || carry; i++ )
            long dig = n % 10;
            long newdig = digits[i] + dig + carry;
            digits[i] = (char)(newdig % 10);
            carry = newdig / 10;
            n /= 10;
        size = max( i, size );
    else operator-=( -n );
    return *this;

BigInt &BigInt::operator+=( BigInt n )
    int maxS = max( size, n.size ) + 1;
    while( maxS >= capacity ) grow();        //FIXME: this is stupid

    if( !n.sign ) return *this;
    if( !sign ) sign = n.sign;
    if( sign == n.sign )
        int carry = 0;
        int i;
        for( i = 0; i < maxS - 1 || carry; i++ )
            int newdig = carry;
            if( i < size ) newdig += digits[i];
            if( i < n.size ) newdig += n.digits[i];
            digits[i] = newdig % 10;
            carry = newdig / 10;
        size = max( i, size );
        n.sign *= -1;
        operator-=( n );
        n.sign *= -1;
    return *this;

BigInt BigInt::operator-( long n )
    BigInt result( *this );
    result -= n;
    return result;

BigInt BigInt::operator-( BigInt n )
    BigInt result( *this );
    result -= n;
    return result;

BigInt &BigInt::operator-=( long n )
    if( size == capacity ) grow();

    int nsign = sig( n );
    if( !nsign ) return *this;
    if( !sign ) sign = 1;
    if( sign == nsign )
        BigInt bin = n;
        if( sign >= 0 && *this < bin || sign < 0 && *this > bin )
            // Subtracting a bigger number
            operator=( toLong() - n );
            return *this;

        n *= nsign;
        int carry = 0;
        int i;
        for( i = 0; n || carry; i++ )
            long dig = n % 10;
            long newdig = digits[i] - dig + carry;
            if( newdig < 0 ) newdig += 10, carry = -1;
            else carry = 0;
            digits[i] = (char)newdig;
            n /= 10;
    else operator+=( -n );
    return *this;

BigInt &BigInt::operator-=( BigInt n )
    int maxS = max( size, n.size ) + 1;
    while( maxS >= capacity ) grow();        //FIXME: this is stupid

    if( !n.sign ) return *this;
    if( !sign ) sign = 1;
    if( sign == n.sign )
        if( sign >= 0 && *this < n || sign < 0 && *this > n )
            // Subtracting a bigger number
            BigInt tmp = n;
            tmp -= *this;
            *this = tmp;
            sign = -sign;
            return *this;

        int carry = 0;
        int i;
        for( i = 0; i < maxS - 1; i++ )
            int newdig = carry;
            if( i < size ) newdig += digits[i];
            if( i < n.size ) newdig -= n.digits[i];
            if( newdig < 0 ) newdig += 10, carry = -1;
            else carry = 0;
            digits[i] = newdig;
        if( carry )     // Subtracted a bigger number, need to flip sign
            if( i ) digits[0] = 10 - digits[0];
            size = ( i ? 1 : 0 );
            for( int j = 1; j < i; j++ )
                digits[j] = 9 - digits[j];
                if( digits[i] ) size = j + 1;
            sign *= -1;
        n.sign *= -1;
        operator+=( n );
        n.sign *= -1;
    return *this;

BigInt BigInt::operator*( long n )
    BigInt result( 0, size + sizeof( n ) * 8 );
    int nsign = sig( n );
    n *= nsign;
    result.sign = sign * nsign;
    if( !result.sign ) return result;

    int i, j;
    for( i = 0; n; i++ )
        long dig = n % 10;
        if( dig )
            long carry = 0;
            for( j = 0; j < size || carry; j++ )
                long newDig = result.digits[i + j] + ( j < size ? dig * digits[j] : 0 ) + carry;
                result.digits[i + j] = (char)(newDig % 10);
                carry = newDig / 10;
        n /= 10;
    result.size = i + j - 1;
    return result;

BigInt BigInt::operator*( BigInt n )
    BigInt result( 0, size + n.size );

    result.sign = sign * n.sign;
    if( !result.sign ) return result;

    int i, j;
    for( i = 0; i < n.size; i++ )
        if( n.digits[i] )
            int carry = 0;
            for( j = 0; j < size || carry; j++ )
                int newDig =
                    result.digits[i + j] +
                    ( j < size ? n.digits[i] * digits[j] : 0 ) +
                result.digits[i + j] = newDig % 10;
                carry = newDig / 10;
    result.size = i + j - 1;

    return result;

void BigInt::operator*=( long n )
    operator=( operator*( n ) );

void BigInt::operator*=( BigInt n )
    operator=( operator*( n ) );

BigInt BigInt::operator/( long n )
    if( !n ) n /= n;        //XXX: force a crash

    BigInt result( *this );
    result /= n;
    return result;

BigInt BigInt::operator/( BigInt n )
    if( !n ) n.size /= n.size;       //XXX: force a crash

    BigInt result( *this );
    result /= n;
    return result;

void BigInt::operator/=( long n )
    divide( n );

void BigInt::operator/=( BigInt n )
    divide( n );

long BigInt::operator%( long n )
    BigInt tmp( *this );
    return tmp.divide( n );

void BigInt::operator%=( long n )
    operator=( divide( n ) );

BigInt BigInt::operator%( BigInt n )
    BigInt tmp( *this );
    return tmp.divide( n );

void BigInt::operator%=( BigInt n )
    operator=( divide( n ) );

long BigInt::divide( long n )
    if( !n ) n /= n;        //XXX: force a crash

    int nsign = sig( n );
    n *= nsign;
    if( !sign ) return 0;
    sign *= nsign;

    long tmp = 0;
    for( int i = size - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
        tmp *= 10;
        tmp += digits[i];
        digits[i] = (char)(tmp / n);
        tmp -= digits[i] * n;
    return tmp;

BigInt BigInt::divide( BigInt n )
    if( !n ) n.size /= n.size;         //XXX: force a crash

    if( !sign ) return 0;
    sign *= n.sign;

    int oldSign = n.sign;
    n.sign = 1;

    BigInt tmp( 0, size );
    for( int i = size - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
        tmp *= 10;
        tmp += digits[i];
        digits[i] = 0;
        while( tmp >= n ) { tmp -= n; digits[i]++; }

    n.sign = oldSign;

    return tmp;

// This is only exact to the first 15 or so digits, but it is
// never an over-estimate
BigInt BigInt::operator*( long double n )
    // the number of digits after the decimal point to use
    const int DIGS_AFTER_DOT = 15;

    int nsign = sig( n );
    n *= nsign;
    int ndigs = n >= 1 ? ( int )log10( n ) + 1 : 0;
    BigInt result( 0, size + ndigs );
    result.sign = sign * nsign;
    if( !result.sign ) return result;

    if( n >= 1 ) for( int i = 0; i < ndigs; i++ ) n /= 10;
    result.size = 0;

    char afterDot[DIGS_AFTER_DOT + 1];
    memset( afterDot, 0, sizeof( afterDot ) );

    // Keep going until the DIGS_AFTER_DOT'th digit after the decimal point
    for( int i = ndigs - 1; i >= -DIGS_AFTER_DOT; i-- )
        n *= 10;
        int dig = ( int )floor( n );
        n -= dig;
        if( !dig ) continue;

        int carry = 0;
        for( int j = 0; j < size || carry; j++ )
            int newdig =
                ( i + j < 0 ? afterDot[-( i + j )] : result.digits[i + j] )
                + dig * digits[j]
                + carry;
            ( i + j < 0 ? afterDot[-( i + j )] : result.digits[i + j] ) = newdig % 10;
            if( i + j >= 0 && result.digits[i + j] )
                //result.size >?= i + j + 1;
                result.size = max( result.size, i + j + 1 );
            carry = newdig / 10;
    if( !result.size ) result.sign = 0;
    return result;

void BigInt::operator*=( long double n )
    operator=( operator*( n ) );

BigInt BigInt::operator<<( int n )
    BigInt result( *this );
    result <<= n;
    return result;

void BigInt::operator<<=( int n )
    if( n < 0 ) operator>>=( -n );
    else if( n > 0 )
        BigInt mult( 1, 4 * n );
        for( int i = ( 1 << 30 ); i; i >>= 1 )
            mult *= mult;
            if( n & i ) mult *= 2;
        operator*=( mult );

BigInt BigInt::operator>>( int n )
    BigInt result( *this );
    result >>= n;
    return result;

void BigInt::operator>>=( int n )
    if( n < 0 ) operator<<=( -n );
    else if( n > 0 )
        BigInt mult( 1, 4 * n );
        for( int i = ( 1 << 30 ); i; i >>= 1 )
            mult *= mult;
            if( n & i ) mult *= 2;
        operator/=( mult );
BigInt BigInt::operator&( int n )

BigInt BigInt::operator&( BigInt n )

void BigInt::operator&=( int n )

void BigInt::operator&=( BigInt n )

BigInt BigInt::operator|( int n )

BigInt BigInt::operator|( BigInt n )

void BigInt::operator|=( int n )

void BigInt::operator|=( BigInt n )

BigInt BigInt::operator^( int n )

BigInt BigInt::operator^( BigInt n )

void BigInt::operator^=( int n )

void BigInt::operator^=( BigInt n )

BigInt BigInt::operator~()
BigInt BigInt::operator,( int n )
    BigInt result( 0, size + ( int )sizeof( n ) * 8 );
    for( result.size = 0; n; result.size++ )
        result.digits[result.size] = n % 10;
        n /= 10;
    memcpy( result.digits + result.size, digits, size * sizeof( digits[0] ) );
    result.size += size;
    result.sign = 1;
    return result;

BigInt BigInt::operator,( BigInt n )
    BigInt result( 0, size + n.size );
    memcpy( result.digits, n.digits, n.size * sizeof( n.digits[0] ) );
    memcpy( result.digits + n.size, digits, size * sizeof( digits[0] ) );
    result.size = size + n.size;
    result.sign = 1;
    return result;

bool BigInt::operator!()
    return !size;

BigInt::operator bool()
    return( size ? true : false );

//BigInt::operator int()
//    return toInt();
BigInt::operator string()
    return toString();
bool BigInt::operator<( BigInt n )
    return( compare( n ) < 0 );

bool BigInt::operator>( BigInt n )
    return( compare( n ) > 0 );

bool BigInt::operator==( BigInt n )
    return( compare( n ) == 0 );

bool BigInt::operator<=( BigInt n )
    return( compare( n ) <= 0 );

bool BigInt::operator>=( BigInt n )
    return( compare( n ) >= 0 );

bool BigInt::operator<( long n )
    return( compare( BigInt( n ) ) < 0 );

bool BigInt::operator>( long n )
    return( compare( BigInt( n ) ) > 0 );

bool BigInt::operator==( long n )
    return( compare( BigInt( n ) ) == 0 );

bool BigInt::operator<=( long n )
    return( compare( BigInt( n ) ) <= 0 );

bool BigInt::operator>=( long n )
    return( compare( BigInt( n ) ) >= 0 );

int BigInt::compare( BigInt n )
    if( sign < n.sign ) return -1;
    if( sign > n.sign ) return 1;
    if( size < n.size ) return -sign;
    if( size > n.size ) return sign;
    for( int i = size - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
        if( digits[i] < n.digits[i] ) return -sign;
        else if( digits[i] > n.digits[i] ) return sign;
    return 0;

long double log2( BigInt x, long double epsilon = 0.000000000000001 )
    static const  long double O = 0.0;
    if( x.sign <= 0 ) return O / O;     // Return NaN

    long double y = 0.0, z = 1.0, f = 0.0;
    while( x >= 2 )
        if( x.divide( 2 ) ) f += 1.0;
        f /= 2.0;
    f += 1.0;
    while( z > epsilon )
        f *= f;
        z /= 2.0;
        if( f >= 2.0 )
            y += z;
            f /= 2.0;
    return y;

inline long double log( BigInt x, long double epsilon = 0.000000000000001 )
    return log2( x, epsilon ) * 0.6931471805599;

inline long double log10( BigInt x, long double epsilon = 0.000000000000001 )
    return log2( x, epsilon ) * 0.301029995664;

inline long double lg( BigInt x, long double epsilon = 0.000000000000001 )
    return log2( x, epsilon );

inline long double ln( BigInt x, long double epsilon = 0.000000000000001 )
    return log( x, epsilon );



Изменено пользователем tonyk_av

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А почему же? 🙂  Вангую, щас начнется "конкурс погромистовъ" по стилю написания программы для подсчета булочек и пирожков. 

Кстати, как-то видел андроид-эмуляцию какого-то калькулятора, у которого происходил сей загадочный эффект, когда было 2,2 + 2,8 = 4,99999. Реально видел. Правда, я сразу же удалил этот "калькулятор"

Изменено пользователем EdgeAligned

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4 hours ago, tonyk_av said:

Или используют как в С++ или Java тип BigInt с динамическим увеличением размера. В Java он вообще встроен.

Особенно на каких-нибудь убогих 4-х битных калькуляторных МК ворочать более чем 512битными числами для представления от 1e-99 до 1e99

Если так не нравятся .0000000002 и .999999999 потому что двоичная плавающая точка не может точно попасть в некоторые числа выраженные в десятичной системе и представить их, логичнее тогда реализовать десятичную плавающую точку, как по ссылке про калькулятор аж из 1974 года

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4 hours ago, _pv said:

Особенно на каких-нибудь убогих 4-х битных калькуляторных МК ворочать более чем 512битными числами для представления от 1e-99 до 1e99

Быстродействия вычислителя должно хватать для решения практической задачи, и не важно, какая разрядность вычислителя.

Этот класс уже восьмой год считает на 16-битном 80186, работающим на 40МГц, 80-байтные числа в адаптивном ПИД-регуляторе печи.

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