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testbench (vhdl)

Добрый день

Есть результаты в виде 128 битных данных, мне их надо записать в файл в hex формате.

Написал функции для этого


-- convert an unsigned value(4 bit) to a HEX digit (0-F)
function to_HexChar(Value : UNSIGNED) return CHARACTER is
  constant HEX : STRING := "0123456789ABCDEF";
  if (Value < 16) then
    return HEX(to_integer(Value)+1);
    return 'X';
  end if;
end function;

-- return TRUE, if input is a power of 2
function div_ceil(a : NATURAL; b : POSITIVE) return NATURAL is  -- calculates: ceil(a / b)
  return (a + (b - 1)) / b;
end function;

-- return log2; always rounded up
function log2ceil(arg : positive) return natural is
  variable tmp : positive;
  variable log : natural;
  if arg = 1 then   return 0; end if;
  tmp := 1;
  log := 0;
  while arg > tmp loop
    tmp := tmp * 2;
    log := log + 1;
  end loop;
  return log;
end function;

-- format a std_logic_vector as HEX string
function raw_format_slv_hex(slv : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return STRING is
  variable Value                : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(4*div_ceil(slv'length, 4) - 1 downto 0);
  variable Digit                : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
  variable Result               : STRING(1 to div_ceil(slv'length, 4));
  variable j                    : NATURAL;
  Value := STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (resize(unsigned(slv), Value'length));
  j             := 0;
  for i in Result'reverse_range loop
    Digit       := Value((j * 4) + 3 downto (j * 4));
    Result(i)   := to_HexChar(unsigned(Digit));
    j           := j + 1;
  end loop;
  return Result;
end function;

но моделсим ругается

(vcom-1360) Array type of "outdata" does not have an index constraint.

вот процесс

  LIBRARY ieee;                                               
USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all;  
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use	ieee.math_real.all;
use std.textio.all;  


 write_to_file0: process(all)
	variable outdata_line: line;
	variable outdata : STRING;
	file output_data_file: text open write_mode is "final_out.txt";
 if rising_edge(clk) then
	if huffman_bitsream_final_out.valid = '1' then
		outdata := raw_format_slv_hex( STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (bitsream_final_out.bitstream));
	end if;
 end if;
 end process;

Подскажите пожалуйста, что нужно сделать чтобы была заись в файл в hex формате?

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вот другая функция

function hex (lvec: in std_logic_vector) return string is
		variable text: string(lvec'length / 4 - 1 downto 0) := (others => '9');
		subtype halfbyte is std_logic_vector(4-1 downto 0);
		assert lvec'length mod 4 = 0
			report "hex() works only with vectors whose length is a multiple of 4"
			severity FAILURE;
		for k in text'range loop
			case halfbyte'(lvec(4 * k + 3 downto 4 * k)) is
				when "0000" => text(k) := '0';
				when "0001" => text(k) := '1';
				when "0010" => text(k) := '2';
				when "0011" => text(k) := '3';
				when "0100" => text(k) := '4';
				when "0101" => text(k) := '5';
				when "0110" => text(k) := '6';
				when "0111" => text(k) := '7';
				when "1000" => text(k) := '8';
				when "1001" => text(k) := '9';
				when "1010" => text(k) := 'A';
				when "1011" => text(k) := 'B';
				when "1100" => text(k) := 'C';
				when "1101" => text(k) := 'D';
				when "1110" => text(k) := 'E';
				when "1111" => text(k) := 'F';
				when others => text(k) := '!';
			end case;
		end loop;
		return text;
	end function;

все равно ошибка та же самая - записівать файл не хочет

(vcom-1360) Array type of "outdata" does not have an index constraint.

сам процесс стал

  write_to_file0: process(all)
	variable outdata_line: line;
	variable outdata : STRING;
	file output_data_file: text open write_mode is "bitsream_final_out.txt";
 if rising_edge(clk) then
	if huffman_bitsream_final_out.valid = '1' then
		outdata := hex( STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (bitsream_final_out.bitstream));
	end if;
 end if;
 end process;



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string -- это массив. Вы должны задать длину строки при её определении:

variable outdata : STRING (1 to 128);

Если длина неизвестна, тогда надо использовать указатели. Сначала рассчитать длину строки, а потом создать её динамически.

function raw_format_slv_hex(slv : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return LINE is
  variable Value                : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(4*div_ceil(slv'length, 4) - 1 downto 0);
  variable Digit                : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
  variable Result               : LINE;
  variable j                    : NATURAL;
  Value := STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (resize(unsigned(slv), Value'length));
  j             := 0;
  Result := new string (1 to div_ceil(slv'length, 4));
  for i in Result'reverse_range loop
    Digit       := Value((j * 4) + 3 downto (j * 4));
    Result(i)   := to_HexChar(unsigned(Digit));
    j           := j + 1;
  end loop;
  return Result;
end function;


 write_to_file0: process(all)
	variable outdata_line: line;
	variable outdata : line;
	file output_data_file: text open write_mode is "final_out.txt";
 if rising_edge(clk) then
	if huffman_bitsream_final_out.valid = '1' then
		outdata := raw_format_slv_hex( STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (bitsream_final_out.bitstream));
		Deallocate (outdata);
	end if;
 end if;
 end process;

С другой стороны, а зачем тут переменная?

 write_to_file0: process(all)
	variable outdata_line: line;
	file output_data_file: text open write_mode is "final_out.txt";
 if rising_edge(clk) then
	if huffman_bitsream_final_out.valid = '1' then
		write(outdata_line, raw_format_slv_hex( STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (bitsream_final_out.bitstream)));
	end if;
 end if;
 end process;






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3 hours ago, andrew_b said:

string -- это массив. Вы должны задать длину строки при её определении:

variable outdata : STRING (1 to 128);



Спасибо за помощь

Вроде работает сделал следующим образом

LIBRARY ieee;                                               
USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all;  
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use	ieee.math_real.all;
use std.textio.all;  


-- convert an unsigned value(4 bit) to a HEX digit (0-F)
function to_HexChar(Value : UNSIGNED) return CHARACTER is
  constant HEX : STRING := "0123456789ABCDEF";
  if (Value < 16) then
    return HEX(to_integer(Value)+1);
    return 'X';
  end if;
end function;

-- return TRUE, if input is a power of 2
function div_ceil(a : NATURAL; b : POSITIVE) return NATURAL is  -- calculates: ceil(a / b)
  return (a + (b - 1)) / b;
end function;

-- return log2; always rounded up
function log2ceil(arg : positive) return natural is
  variable tmp : positive;
  variable log : natural;
  if arg = 1 then   return 0; end if;
  tmp := 1;
  log := 0;
  while arg > tmp loop
    tmp := tmp * 2;
    log := log + 1;
  end loop;
  return log;
end function;

-- format a std_logic_vector as HEX string
function raw_format_slv_hex(slv : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return STRING is
  variable Value                : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(4*div_ceil(slv'length, 4) - 1 downto 0);
  variable Digit                : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
  variable Result               : STRING(1 to div_ceil(slv'length, 4));
  variable j                    : NATURAL;
  Value := STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (resize(unsigned(slv), Value'length));
  j             := 0;
  for i in Result'reverse_range loop
    Digit       := Value((j * 4) + 3 downto (j * 4));
    Result(i)   := to_HexChar(unsigned(Digit));
    j           := j + 1;
  end loop;
  return Result;
end function;
и сам процесс
 write_to_file0: process(all)
	variable outdata_line: line;
	variable outdata : STRING(1 to 32);
	file output_data_file: text open write_mode is "huffman_bitsream_final_out.txt";
 if rising_edge(clk) then
	if huffman_bitsream_final_out.valid = '1' then
		outdata := raw_format_slv_hex( STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (huffman_bitsream_final_out.bitstream));
	end if;
 end if;
 end process;                                    




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16.10.2021 в 15:13, Maverick_ сказал:

Добрый день

Есть результаты в виде 128 битных данных, мне их надо записать в файл в hex формате.

Написал функции для этого


-- convert an unsigned value(4 bit) to a HEX digit (0-F)
function to_HexChar(Value : UNSIGNED) return CHARACTER is
  constant HEX : STRING := "0123456789ABCDEF";
  if (Value < 16) then
    return HEX(to_integer(Value)+1);
    return 'X';
  end if;
end function;

-- return TRUE, if input is a power of 2
function div_ceil(a : NATURAL; b : POSITIVE) return NATURAL is  -- calculates: ceil(a / b)
  return (a + (b - 1)) / b;
end function;

-- return log2; always rounded up
function log2ceil(arg : positive) return natural is
  variable tmp : positive;
  variable log : natural;
  if arg = 1 then   return 0; end if;
  tmp := 1;
  log := 0;
  while arg > tmp loop
    tmp := tmp * 2;
    log := log + 1;
  end loop;
  return log;
end function;

-- format a std_logic_vector as HEX string
function raw_format_slv_hex(slv : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR) return STRING is
  variable Value                : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(4*div_ceil(slv'length, 4) - 1 downto 0);
  variable Digit                : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
  variable Result               : STRING(1 to div_ceil(slv'length, 4));
  variable j                    : NATURAL;
  Value := STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (resize(unsigned(slv), Value'length));
  j             := 0;
  for i in Result'reverse_range loop
    Digit       := Value((j * 4) + 3 downto (j * 4));
    Result(i)   := to_HexChar(unsigned(Digit));
    j           := j + 1;
  end loop;
  return Result;
end function;

но моделсим ругается

(vcom-1360) Array type of "outdata" does not have an index constraint.

вот процесс

  LIBRARY ieee;                                               
USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all;  
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use	ieee.math_real.all;
use std.textio.all;  


 write_to_file0: process(all)
	variable outdata_line: line;
	variable outdata : STRING;
	file output_data_file: text open write_mode is "final_out.txt";
 if rising_edge(clk) then
	if huffman_bitsream_final_out.valid = '1' then
		outdata := raw_format_slv_hex( STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (bitsream_final_out.bitstream));
	end if;
 end if;
 end process;

Подскажите пожалуйста, что нужно сделать чтобы была заись в файл в hex формате?

 variable i : integer := 0;
 variable c : std_logic_vector(127 downto 0);   
 type t_ch is array (0 to 15) of character; 
 constant hex_c : t_ch := ('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F');
 file wfile : text open write_mode is "write.log";
 variable l : line; 
     if rst = '1' then    
         c := x"12000000000000000000000000000000";
     elsif clk = '1' and clk'event then     
         c:= c + 1;      
         write(l, 'x'); write(l, '"');
         for j in 0 to 31 loop      
             i := conv_integer(c(127 - j*4 downto 124  - j*4));     
             write(l, hex_c(i)); 
         end loop; 
         write(l, '"');write(l, ',');writeline(wfile, l);   

     end if;
 end process;               

Записываем переменную с. 

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Вот процедурка. Я до конца её не дописал, ибо не было нужды. Вроде работала.

Библиотеки такие:

    use IEEE.std_logic_textio.all;
    use std.env.stop;
    use std.textio.all;
    -- Процедура для записи в файл
    procedure writing_to_file 
        path_file             : in string;
        signal clk            : in std_logic;
        signal data_in        : in std_logic_vector;
        signal data_in_valid  : in std_logic;
        constant radix        : in string; 
        constant line_length  : in positive; 
        constant debug_length : in positive
    ) is
        file write_data_table     : text open write_mode is path_file;
        variable buf              : line; 
        variable i                : integer := 0;
        variable j                : integer := 0;
        while i <= debug_length - 1 loop
            wait until falling_edge(clk);
            if (data_in_valid = '1') then
                if (radix = "Hex") then 
                    hwrite(buf, data_in);
                end if;
                if (radix = "Integer") then 
                    write(buf, to_integer(unsigned(data_in)) );
                end if;
                if (radix = "Singed") then 
                    hwrite(buf, data_in);
                end if;
                if (radix = "Unsigned") then 
                    hwrite(buf, data_in);
                end if;
                if (j = line_length - 1) then 
                    j := 0;
                    writeline(write_data_table, buf);
                    j := j + 1;
                end if;
                if (i = debug_length - 1) then 
                    i := debug_length - 1;
                    report LF & LF & LF &
                    "==================================================================================================================="& LF &
                    "                                                    STOP SIMULATION                                                "& LF &
                    i := i + 1;
                end if;
            end if;
        end loop;
    end procedure; 


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