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  • День рождения 15.08.1957


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2 430 просмотров профиля
  1. С наступающим Новым Годом ! Здоровья,счастья,любви !
  2. https://www.dropbox.com/l/s/SfTIyc5qARY2ux1ipWAvon you received a link to the complete VHP-Female College package. Please, download the model. You might want to start with the MATLAB scripts first, in order to inspect the model.
  3. C$T 2015 $P5 is released. You can use the direct link to download it.
  4. https://www.cst.com/Content/News/news_item_...press%20release CST announces CST EMC STUDIO
  5. Ansys_EM_Update_March2014_x64 ANSYS Electromagnetics Suite 15.0.2 ANSYS Translators for ECAD Geometry 8.0.2 Вышло обновление ANSYS. У кого есть информация? Спасибо.
  6. CST STUDIO SUITE 2014 CST is pleased to announce the 2014 version of its flagship electromagnetic simulation software CST STUDIO SUITE®. The result of years of research and development, CST STUDIO SUITE 2014 includes improvements and innovations at every level, from the optimized solver technology to the new Ribbon-based GUI. These advances enhance the performance, usability and versatility of CST STUDIO SUITE without compromise and guide you through complex electromagnetic systems with ease. https://www.cst.com/2014
  7. Будем ждать выхода HFSS 2014
  8. ads_2012_08_hf2 (General Hotfix) Installation Instructions (.pdf) Download 945,574 bytes (923,4 kB) Linux (.zip) Download 560,753,901 bytes (534,8 MB) Release Notes (pdf) Download 56,950 bytes (55,6 kB) Windows (.zip) Download 182,218,281 bytes (173,8 MB) Issues addressed in this hotfix: Selecting/deselecting objects in ADS2011.05 layout Shift select should unselect a previously selected vertex Version Control function update_all_files_in_path() is not refreshing open views. Version Control: Delete Workspace menu needs to inform SOS that a workspace is being deleted so that SOS can check for checked out items within the workspace Version Control: Need new interface function so ADS can tell SOS when a workspace is opened and closed Layer Preferences empty Layers in the Layers Window and Layers Preferences window are not shown Agilent Survey Link is broken on WinXP 32-bit Gerber Import: drill files do not properly handle decimals IFF export is truncating most angles to an integer number of degrees IFF import is ignoring library resolution setting and using default resolution IFF import creates layout views without support for rotation, even if instances are rotated CouplerDual has bad noise behavior at some coupling values Design Kit part fails to tune when series component is added. S4P_Eqn does not work in S-parameters noise simulation when it is terminated withTerm in all ports of the S4P_Eqn Circuit converges easily on 2011, fails totally on 2012 Allow ADS_Diode data file to be stored at other than workspace ./data location (e.g., with the Design Kits). Dynamic tuning is not working with subcircuit parameters when linear collapse is enabled ADS hicum model with NQS turned on is slow and difficult to converge in HB simulation Tuning produces incorrect results for S-parameter analysis with mixer SI/PI analyzer does not label nodes correctly yielding to failure of inclusion of parts Momentum versus FEM different treatment for the via Momentum Virtuoso cannot invoke the Cadence Distributed Process window in IC615 ISR12 and later Replace EM_Class_wrk in next ADS hotfix Disappearing tabs in mailLVS Results Viewer LVS Results viewing window: tabs for Component mismatches, Nodal mismatches, and Parameter mismatches are lost on repeated viewing Replace modify "Sample Board setting using Strips" option in ADFI EESOF Export set up
  9. updates of ANSYS EM tools.(FEB_13) TPA802WinPatch SIwave701Win64Patch SIwave702Win64Patch Simplorer1102WinPatch Q3D1202Win64Patch Maxwell1602Win64Patch HFSS1502Win64Patch ECADXltr702WinPatch Designer802WinPatch
  10. emit http://www.delcross.com/products-emit.php savant http://www.delcross.com/products-savant.php I asked CST about version 2013. They said it is still Beta and not stable enough and will be released in April.
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