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вышел хотфикс OrCAD/Allegro 17.2

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вышел хотфикс OrCAD/Allegro 17.2, HOTFIX VERSION: 044


Fixed CCRs: SPB 17.2 HF044
CCRID   Product            ProductLevel2 Title
1943727 ADW                DBEDITOR      EDM DBEditor: Cannot check in/out schematic model symbols with many linked parts
1800630 ADW                FLOW_MGR      Support spaces in design directory path on Windows
1951052 ADW                LRM           LRM stops responding on project update and removes parts from design
1891428 ADW                PART_MANAGER  Resistor turns into a capacitor when placed
1945194 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     3D_CANVAS     3D Viewer crashes when opening from board file.
1935558 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     INTERFACES    Exported STEP file missing components when viewed in free STEP viewer
1945640 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     MULTI_USER    Symphony client disconnects from server without any notification
1948454 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     MULTI_USER    Window DRC stops responding when run in Symphony
1946619 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     SHAPE         Pin/via with suppressed pad on shape layer and thermal connection type of none should void to drill hole.
1946708 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     SHAPE         Same net hole to shape voiding is incorrect.
1952213 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     SHAPE         Shape voiding from Thru Via when the via regular pad is not completely drilled out by Backdrill hole is not consistent
1889433 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    Command window shows result at the end of a command rather than showing dynamic updates
1933503 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    Extra click required to enable command window
1943692 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    Funckey commands are not working
1945914 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    Mouse focus lost in the command console when doing an 'undo' from the toolbar icon
1945920 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    Focus lost from command window when the toolbar is used for any operation
1949922 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    Focus lost from command window after save or even autosave
1947551 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     WIREBOND      PCB Editor crashes in wirebond edit mode
1935722 ALLEGRO_PROD_TOOLB OTHERS        Panelization: Cannot place parts after migrating design from release 16.6 to 17.2-2016
1951511 APD                REPORTS       The result of Metal Usage Report is incorrect.
1952942 ASDA               GRAPHICS      Need metric (mm) support in grids in SDA
1948122 ASDA               TDO           If user ID has uppercase characters in teamassignmenttemplate.xml, TDO fails to join a project
1931199 CONCEPT_HDL        COPY_PROJECT  Stop hard coding Copy Project license inside EDM
1938153 CONCEPT_HDL        OTHER         Component Browser stops responding on replacing and modifying components
1770601 CONCEPT_HDL        PDF           Wire Pattern set to two-dot chain line not shown in PDF
1791175 PCB_LIBRARIAN      CORE          Allow baseline of cells with pins at symbol origin: change error to warning
1922238 PCB_LIBRARIAN      CORE          Unable to check in into EDM Server due to con2con error SPLBPD-323 - Origin on pin connection point
1936812 PCB_LIBRARIAN      GRAPHICAL_EDI New Symbol Editor: Wrong text being updated when editing text after copy and paste
1804159 PCB_LIBRARIAN      SYMBOL_EDITOR Copy and paste of pins in new symbol editor: issues with pin name, rotation, and move
1927422 PCB_LIBRARIAN      SYMBOL_EDITOR Symbol outline not updated correctly in the new default graphic editor in Part Developer release 17.2-2016
1939272 PCB_LIBRARIAN      SYMBOL_EDITOR Symbol Editor changes origin to bottom left, outline to invisible, shows rectangle with center rectangle at new origin
1928076 RF_PCB             DISCRETE_LIBX dlibx2iff does not work with managed libraries and library-level PTF
1929574 RF_PCB             DISCRETE_LIBX Discrete Library to third-party Translator does not populate the Available Parts section correctly
1850360 TDA                CORE          TDO crashes while changing the root design
1934388 TDA                SDA           SDA TDO crashes on attempting to check in a 'New Block in Shared Area'

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ВРоде много пишут о фиксах Symbol Editor, а как на самом деле - что не исправлено? Рабочий Symbol Editor, стоит ставить?

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вышел хотфикс OrCAD/Allegro 17.2, HOTFIX VERSION: 045



Fixed CCRs: SPB 17.2 HF045
CCRID   Product            ProductLevel2 Title
1934956 ADW                DBEDITOR      Footprint missing from part in release 17.2-2016
1945005 ADW                DSN_MIGRATION Right side of Migration dialog box is cut off
1933245 ADW                FLOW_MGR      'Open last Project' button should open the last opened project
1953210 ADW                LIBDISTRIBUTI Library Distribution is not distributing all symbols. No errors for the missing schematic models.
1953727 ADW                LRM           LRM missing two symbols when migrating from release 16.6 to 17.2-2016
1952923 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     DATABASE      PCB Editor crashes on trying to delete layer
1957171 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     DATABASE      Pastemask offset not working when creating a symbol that requires two top-paste masks
1960059 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     DATABASE      Stackup definition causes custom script to crash
1932864 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     DFM           Exporting DFM Constraints losing the association to design level
1957467 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     EDIT_SHAPE    Compose Shape copies lines to wrong subclass
1938536 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     GRAPHICS      Multiple crashes on different boards after installing hotfix 040
1954075 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     SHAPE         Dynamic Crosshatch shapes should be clipped inside RKI if RKI Autoclip is enabled
1957803 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     SHAPE         Wrong dynamic shape status
1949923 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    Focus lost from command window when any command is active
1963245 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    Alias behaves as Funckey in release 17.2-2016, hotfix 044
1892126 ALLEGRO_PROD_TOOLB CORE          Clines disappear and then reappear suddenly on using Route - Shield Generator
1931127 ALLEGRO_PROD_TOOLB CORE          ZDRC not working for Xhatch Shape
1932563 ALLEGRO_PROD_TOOLB CORE          allegro_legacy_board_outline environment variable not set in PCB Design Compare.
1929855 ALLEGRO_PROD_TOOLB OTHERS        Outline not exported correctly for PCB design compare if Design_Outline and Cutout exist
1956494 APD                DATABASE      DBDoctor removes pads
1956291 APD                INTERACTIVE   axlSpreadsheetSetStyleProp should accept 0 and 1 as Boolean values for protection style
1960127 ASDA               ARCHIVER      Using the Tcl command 'archiveproject' crashes SDA
1953718 ASDA               CONSTRAINT_MA SDA Import Pin Delay fails with extra columns, does not explain why
1924498 CAPTURE            SCHEMATIC_EDI Cannot place part 'B' for heterogeneous part if 'Preferences - Miscellaneous - Auto References' not set
1927129 CAPTURE            SCHEMATIC_EDI unable to place heterogeneous part section directly from place part window
1928255 CAPTURE            SCHEMATIC_EDI Unable to place a specific section from Place Part
1945207 CAPTURE            SCHEMATIC_EDI Part selection pull-down reverts to part '1|A' when placing heterogeneous part
1945661 CAPTURE            SCHEMATIC_EDI Section drop-down in Place Part window is not working
1958121 CAPTURE            SCHEMATIC_EDI Preview and placement of sections of Heterogeneous parts is not correct in New Symbol Editor
1956535 CONCEPT_HDL        CORE          DE-HDL crashes on Import Pin Delay for a CSV file
1960922 CONCEPT_HDL        CORE          DE-HDL crashes on moving netgroup on Windows 10
1964016 CONCEPT_HDL        CORE          In DE-HDL moving around nets connected to Netgroups causes crash on Windows 10
1907040 F2B                PACKAGERXL    Export Physical output board file name reverts to old when changing options
1957862 ORBITIO            ALLEGRO_SIP_I allegro2orbit failed to translate rounded rectangle padstack

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вышел хотфикс OrCAD/Allegro 17.2, HOTFIX VERSION: 046


Fixed CCRs: SPB 17.2 HF046
CCRID   Product            ProductLevel2 Title
1880800 ADW                PART_BROWSER  Server connection failure on a running SDA session.
1880895 ADW                PART_BROWSER  NCB - components missing from the component browser
1962336 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     INTERFACES    Smart PDF shows both top and bottom probe layers for a film layer with only a single probe layer (top or bottom)
1955128 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     MANUFACT      Need to close PCB Editor to delete xsectionChart.log generated on placing a cross-section chart
1969088 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     SHAPE         PCB Editor crashes on updating shapes to smooth
1963828 ASDA               DESIGN_EXPLOR Unwired schematic block movement with text is not correct
1954426 ASDA               OPEN_CLOSE_PR Double-clicking to paste a note crashes SDA
1965423 ASDA               OPEN_CLOSE_PR Crash when working with notes in SDA
1960060 ASDA               PART_MANAGER  Original property differences not displayed in Part Manager on selecting a new part from CB and doing reset
1960112 ASDA               PART_MANAGER  Part Manager incorrectly updating part property values
1955723 ASDA               ROUTING       Draw Multiple Bits misses bit 0 when in reverse order.
1952963 CONCEPT_HDL        CORE          Variant Editor takes a long time to load
1962568 CONCEPT_HDL        CORE          Directive DEHDL_BROWSER_FILEPATH does not work
1939192 PCB_LIBRARIAN      SYMBOL_EDITOR pin_text size and location very different between DE-HDL and Symbol Editor resulting in text overlap
1952967 SCM                OTHER         Error while copying a release 17.2-2016 design: message says design created in release 16.3 or an earlier version
1948999 SPIF               OTHER         Some place_keepout shapes and antipads not exported

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вышел хотфикс OrCAD/Allegro 17.2, HOTFIX VERSION: 047


Fixed CCRs: SPB 17.2 HF047
CCRID   Product            ProductLevel2 Title
1969527 ADW                LIBIMPORT     Getting  java.lang.NullPointerException error on bulk import in hotfix 044
1976219 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     DATABASE       .SAV file not created although message reads it is producing one
1968270 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     DFM           PCB Editor crashes when running DRC
1978421 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     DRC_CONSTR    False DRCs between via and its fillet shown after editing shape boundary
1966772 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     PAD_EDITOR    PCB Editor and DBDoctor crash on editing DRA file: Found bad pointer, run dbdoctor
1973866 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     SHAPE         PCB Editor crashes when deleting a group
1818779 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_FORMS      DialogueBox goes behind Canvas when clicked on Allegro Main Window
1880175 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    Multiple Session of 17.2 PCB Editor gets mixed up in Linux
1946027 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    Arrow Keys in Canvas stop responding after changing the view.
1967701 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    Arrow Key panning does not work when third-party SKILL call is active
1967706 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    Observe Special Characters when command is run
1971183 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    Focus is lost from command line when Save icon is used
1971186 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    Focus from Command line is lost when using CTRL + N
1971190 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    Focus from Command line is lost when using CTRL + Alt
1971200 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    Focus is lost in comand line when you save using command save
1961833 APD                SHAPE         Crash when changing dimension of existing via padstack in the design
1968256 ASDA               EXPORT_PCB    SDA crashes directly after Export to PCB
1970284 ASDA               EXPORT_PCB    Placing part crashes SDA

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вышел хотфикс OrCAD/Allegro 17.2, HOTFIX VERSION: 048


Fixed CCRs: SPB 17.2 HF048
CCRID   Product            ProductLevel2 Title
1913039 ADW                ADWSERVER     EDM Library Server exits with error message on starting library server service
1709155 ADW                COMPONENT_BRO Search query does not search for all the parts in the library
1827231 ADW                COMPONENT_BRO Clicking the 'a' key in Part Manager launched from DE-HDL crashes DE-HDL
1903818 ADW                COMPONENT_BRO Parts that have comment_body do not display version
1917961 ADW                COMPONENT_BRO Component Browser PPL column values are truncated when selecting the top '*' filter
1938172 ADW                COMPONENT_BRO Symbol version with COMMENT_BODY set to TRUE cannot be instantiated
1914103 ADW                CONF          conf creates incorrect path in fetch_dump.ini when MLR is enabled.
1911422 ADW                DBADMIN       RuleP101 - PACK_TYPE check against schematic model not working
1926691 ADW                DBEDITOR      Adding a new classification and immediately trying to delete it results in errors
1926694 ADW                DBEDITOR      Renaming a classification and then renaming it back to the original results in error
1934870 ADW                DBEDITOR      Adding a new classification and immediately trying to delete it results in errors
1872387 ADW                DSN_MIGRATION Design Migration does not cache all used parts into flatlib/part_table.ptf
1254292 ADW                FLOW_MGR      Flow Manager Open Last Project should open last project closed
1281817 ADW                FLOW_MGR      '-proj' switch in 'pcbdw_fm' does not work; launches Flow Manager without loading any project
1727286 ADW                FLOW_MGR      Product options for PCB SI and Power Integrity are incorrect in the flow and tool launchers
1875498 ADW                FLOW_MGR      EDM fails to open or becomes unresponsive.
1879386 ADW                FLOW_MGR      Unable to access COS with the default Firefox version in the 17.2 installation
1922541 ADW                FLOW_MGR      Warning message for unavailability of Java version appears on opening a project on Linux
1945451 ADW                FLOW_MGR      Checklist does not work with two-byte characters
1956213 ADW                FLOW_MGR      Not able to invoke Flow Manager on the remote system
1892285 ADW                LIBDISTRIBUTI Symbol not consistently available in 16.6 ADW Library
1961731 ADW                LIBIMPORT     libimport fails to create tar for two Capture models
1836620 ADW                LRM           Library Revision Manager crashes on clicking Help
1961845 ADW                PART_BROWSER  Error regarding environment variable
1890782 ADW                TDA           Launching TDO dashboard connected to PLM returns a license error
1980914 ADW                TDA           Cannot start Design Entry HDL and Component Browser in a TDO design
1833750 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     3D_CANVAS     Soldermask Text is not shown in 3D Canvas
1891230 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     3D_CANVAS     3D Canvas Viewer not bending PCB with proper radius
1913338 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     3D_CANVAS     STEP models missing from exported .stp file
1927507 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     3D_CANVAS     Get Error: All bend operations are disabled due to licensing and/or DLL installation issues on invoking 3D Canvas
1931508 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     3D_CANVAS     Place Bound Bottom is displayed on Top, when dra is opened in 3D Canvas
1943060 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     3D_CANVAS     Placebound bottom is not showing correctly.
1950099 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     3D_CANVAS     Place Bound Bottom is displayed on Top, when dra is opened in 3D Canvas
1988307 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     3D_CANVAS     3D Canvas error: All bend operations are disabled due to licensing and/or DLL installation
1923585 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     ARTWORK       Additional unwanted subclasses appear in film control when a new film definition is added
1944079 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     COLOR         Export of Board Parameters (Net Colors) does not contain entries for nets with spaces
1856320 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     DATABASE      Donut pad fails to connect with cross-hatched shape in full contact thermal mode, despite hatch overlap of donut.
1912313 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     DATABASE      Database corrupted during background process
1913344 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     DATABASE      When changing accuracy of design, the thermal relief for donut pad's outer pad connects to inner pad
1914470 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     DATABASE      Release 17.2-2016: export libraries command does not inherit posi/nega information
1932086 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     DATABASE      Unable to resolve DBDoctor error
1963932 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     DATABASE      DB Doctor is not recognizing placed parts and showing them as unplaced.
1987735 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     DATABASE      Interior sub-lamination backdrill holes are displayed with Top Soldermask pads where backdrill does not exist
1977622 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     DFM           Not able to add value '5' or multiples of 5 in in DFF constraints for maximum stacked via count
1892809 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     DRC_CONSTR    NODRC_ETCH_OUTSIDE_KEEPIN property is not working on TEXT
1894765 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     DRC_CONSTR    DRC for no_drc_component_board_overlap is not created if the place bound is outside Place Keepin
1896627 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     DRC_CONSTR    Moving components takes long time while doing placement
1914591 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     DRC_CONSTR    Spacing constraints for Mechanical to Hole shows resolved constraints different from the actual air-gap/space
1956468 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     DRC_CONSTR    DRC getting generated while moving the uvia and getting removed after updating DRC.
1884149 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     EDIT_ETCH     Arced Routing of differential pair creates unexpected arc radii
1891985 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     EDIT_ETCH     Etch edit does not follow the constraints
1860056 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     GRAPHICS      PCB Editor crashes on right-click after choosing the Move command
1860723 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     GRAPHICS      APD crashes on right-click when using the Move command
1870058 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     GRAPHICS      PCB Editor crashes when using Place Manual -H command
1930282 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     GRAPHICS      PCB Editor crashes on executing axlVisibleDesign(nil) from allegro.ilinit
1882813 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     INTERACTIV    Unable to set the end point with 'snap pick to' when adding an arc
1884725 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     INTERACTIV    Edit and Move vertex operation not working as desired
1902359 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     INTERACTIV    Connector boundary remains ON for a layer if visibility toggles in Shape Edit application mode
1909004 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     INTERACTIV    Parameter description showing wrong for Padless Holes under Design Parameter Editor
1912055 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     INTERACTIV    PCB Editor crashes on Delete By Query - AutoSilkscreen - Find By Query
1924503 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     INTERACTIV    Editing shape causes PCB Editor to crash
1929614 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     INTERACTIV    Unable to Place Via Array when Staggered ring is selected in Global Ring Parameters.
1938523 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     INTERACTIV    Change Shape Type message is same for dynamic and static shapes
1940827 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     INTERACTIV    Irrelevant/incorrect warning message when doing Edit- Change on Clines
1872653 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     INTERFACES    DXF export shows embedded layers in the layer configuration file
1873971 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     INTERFACES    IDX proposal comments are not shown when importing the IDX file into Allegro
1892172 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     INTERFACES    STEP Package Mapping form needs to be larger
1893311 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     INTERFACES    A line became two lines after import dxf
1937816 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     INTERFACES    Unit as % in Property Definition not supported by SubDrawing
1973084 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     INTERFACES    Physical library not placed if design and IDF database not matched while running
1987526 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     INTERFACES    IDX import Fails to recognize SURFACE FINISHES Class
1872856 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     IN_DESIGN_ANA Message displayed when creating directed groups needs to be improved
1900832 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     IN_DESIGN_ANA RTP: Return Path DRC does not check circle void correctly
1935641 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     IN_DESIGN_ANA Return path DRC crashes PCB Editor
1649465 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     MANUFACT      Manufacturing options are not visible in OrCAD PCB Designer legacy menu
1873417 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     MANUFACT      Autosilk fails to add line information. Only part of the line is getting copied to the autosilk layer.
1911596 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     MANUFACT      Documentation Editor drill chart shows two different rows for the same slot.
1937721 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     MANUFACT      Drill figure character scaled up in GERBER
1957768 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     MANUFACT      Import IPC2581 on cross-section does not import line width and impedance
1969363 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     MANUFACT      Pressfit connector backdrill depth is considering MNC Layer
1891102 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     MULTI_USER    Rejected by server error messages when using Symphony Team Design
1928082 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     MULTI_USER    Unknown SubClass BOUNDARY/MULTI_USER_LOCK automatically added when defining Artwork Output.
1976705 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     MULTI_USER    Symphony client disconnects from server without any notification - despite ping mechanism
1972554 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     NC            Mill symbol moved from Nclegend-slots-1-2 to Nclegend-1-2 subclass if nc_param.txt not present
1914412 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     OTHER         Autosilk lines do not clear padstacks that are not rectangular
1921933 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     PAD_EDITOR    column clearance cannot reset to 0 in padstack editor
1922234 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     PAD_EDITOR    DBDoctor reports 'illegal value for pad' and does not fix when zero corner radius for Rounded Rectangle is defined
1932183 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     PAD_EDITOR    Drill Symbol information not exported in Padstack XML if Drill Figure in none
1934880 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     PAD_EDITOR    Shapes with offsets not displaying properly in Padstack Editor views
1813270 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     PLACEMENT     When a place replicate module is updated, the vias used in thermal pad are removed
1840275 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     PLACEMENT     Placing component with the Mirror option causing display problems
1854099 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     PLACEMENT     Align components to zero spacing causing mirrored components to overlap
1854696 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     PLACEMENT     Pins shown incorrectly when the Alt Symbol and Mirror commands used consecutively
1862863 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     PLACEMENT     Too many messages in the command window when symbol does not support mirroring
1909857 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     PLACEMENT     Using Mirror with Alt Symbol placement displays incorrect graphics
1917128 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     PLACEMENT     Place - Autoplace - Room when all the components of the room are placed on board causing crash
1925144 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     PLACEMENT     PCB Editor stops responding on using the Autoplace - Room command
1961509 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     PLACEMENT     PCB Editor crashes on choosing Place - Autoplace -Room
1930669 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     REPORTS       Net 'VSS' not included in the Etch Length By Pin Pair Report
1982934 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     SCRIPTS       PCB Editor stops responding if Generate button is used to create script from journal file
1337346 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     SHAPE         Shape Check is generating problem point errors that seem unnecessary
1396692 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     SHAPE         Zcopy with expansion not following board outline
1902001 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     SHAPE         Shape behaving differently across hotfixes
1921287 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     SHAPE         3D canvas is showing some stray objects
1936482 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     SHAPE         Option for Fillet to not obey NO_SHAPE_CONNECT Property
1943899 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     SHAPE         Only one Shape to Route Keep In DRC in release 17.2-2016 compared to two in release 16.6
1944041 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     SHAPE         shape_rki_autoclip makes shape voiding incorrect
1947675 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     SHAPE         Shape void error when dv_squarecorners is enabled
1949250 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     SHAPE         Shapes are filled even after raising and lowering priority
1984526 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     SHAPE         Same net shape voided is inconsistent with respect to vias
1984955 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     SHAPE         Dynamic shape creating same net spacing drcs.
1839147 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     SKILL         axlDBGetLength() reports that the segments of a filled rectangle shape are invalid database ID arguments
1882776 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     SKILL         SKILL documentation for axlIsBetween() is wrong
1882882 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     SKILL         Example for axlMathConstants needs correction in Allegro SKILL Reference
1902712 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     SKILL         axlAltSymbolReplace moves symbol to the top of design while replacing
1906329 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     SYMBOL        Mechanical Pin to Conductor property set on a pin in a symbol does not pass to the board
1911343 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_FORMS      Global Visibility not turning all layers off
1985584 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_FORMS      Import logic changes the Current Working Directory
1987829 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_FORMS      Import logic changes the current working directory
1992722 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_FORMS      After netlist import process, the board file is changing its current path
1697506 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    Stroke Editor working in OrCAD PCB Editor of release 16.6 does not work in release 17.2-2016
1702631 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    Etch Length by Net report does not list correct net name for nets in a bus
1703105 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    Bus net names are incorrect in reports when using the allegro_html_qt variable
1770786 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    Stroke Editor working in OrCAD PCB Editor of release 16.6 does not work in release 17.2-2016
1784938 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    Etch Length by Net report does not show net names with angle brackets in release 17.2-2016
1822557 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    axlUIWCloseAll is not closing text window in release 17.2-2016
1836400 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    Net names are truncated in HTML reports
1869879 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    Links not working in the Net loop report
1895878 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    axlUIWClose()/axlUIWCloseAll() functions do not work when allegro_html_qt setting is enabled.
1912282 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    PCB Editor exits with error message on editing objects
1913962 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    PCB Editor toolbars change on choosing View - UI Settings - Save Settings and then restarting
1933172 APD                UI_GENERAL    Cannot paste text into the command prompt without clicking when 'enable_command_window_history'  is set
1843712 CAPTURE            NETGROUPS     Signals shown only for first segment of NetGroup
1917768 CAPTURE            NEW_SYM_EDITO Missing package pin overview in Symbol editor
1920088 CAPTURE            NEW_SYM_EDITO Package view missing in the new Symbol Editor
1922196 CAPTURE            NEW_SYM_EDITO Snap to grid issue in Symbol editor
1927268 CAPTURE            NEW_SYM_EDITO View Package is grayed out in release 17.2-2016, hotfix 038 and later versions
1928012 CAPTURE            NEW_SYM_EDITO In new Symbol Editor, View - Package is grayed out
1930865 CAPTURE            NEW_SYM_EDITO View Package missing in hotfix 038
1938507 CAPTURE            NEW_SYM_EDITO Issues with new Symbol Editor: Justification and spreadsheet usability
1940869 CAPTURE            NEW_SYM_EDITO Missing pins in 'Edit Pins of All Section' table view for 4k resolution but not in 2k resolution
1940888 CAPTURE            NEW_SYM_EDITO Copying pins from a part and pasting on different parts not working properly.
1942994 CAPTURE            NEW_SYM_EDITO Cut / Paste of object in New Part / Symbol editor always pastes on grid
1944396 CAPTURE            NEW_SYM_EDITO JavaScript error while copying from 'Edit Pins of All Sections'
1950224 CAPTURE            NEW_SYM_EDITO Cyrillic alphabets are not displayed properly on Schematic.
1951369 CAPTURE            NEW_SYM_EDITO Cancel closes Symbol Editor
1966785 CAPTURE            NEW_SYM_EDITO Edit Part is grayed out
1973135 CAPTURE            NEW_SYM_EDITO Issue with new Symbol Editor: cannot copy-paste pins
1973344 CAPTURE            NEW_SYM_EDITO JavaScript error on opening part from design
1974122 CAPTURE            NEW_SYM_EDITO Cannot copy-paste all pin list on the new Symbol Editor
1983593 CAPTURE            NEW_SYM_EDITO Script error on copying and pasting to property sheet
1929692 CAPTURE            OPTIONS       PACK_SHORT issues with Pin Numbers that contain letters/alphabets
1876939 CAPTURE            OTHER         Incorrect Capture renaming error (ORCAP-1310)
1916090 CAPTURE            OTHER         Incorrect error message when 'save as' fails due to long directory path
1921927 CAPTURE            OTHER         Two functions are mapped to Shift + R in OrCAD Capture in hotfix 038
1946453 CAPTURE            OTHER         Shift+R shortcut is assigned to two functions.
1965456 CAPTURE            OTHER         Shortcut Shift + R is not opening the Independent Sources dialog box
1968757 CAPTURE            OTHER         Close CIP is grayed when right-clicking on the tab in Capture.
1938437 CAPTURE            PART_EDITOR   OrCAD Capture new Symbol Editor Pin Type missing in table
1906757 CAPTURE            SCHEMATICS    Intersheet reference is overlapping with the offpage connector name
1867016 CAPTURE            SCHEMATIC_EDI Part placeholders not being positioned when moved
1932837 CAPTURE            SCHEMATIC_EDI Parameters graphics are not correctly positioned
1949518 CAPTURE            SCHEMATIC_EDI Getting error when comparing designs
1967545 CAPTURE            SCHEMATIC_EDI Only section A of heterogeneous part being placed and not sections B, C, or D
1933919 CIS                DBC_CFG_WIZAR New CIS Configuration .dbc file created in release 17.2-2016 shows release 16.3
1932550 CIS                RELATIONAL_DB VIEW NAME in Relational Database configuration is not working as expected.
1832524 CONCEPT_HDL        CHECKPLUS     Default checkplus rules show body height of 0 (sym_2 of the attached cell). This causes the cell to fail verification.
1912023 CONCEPT_HDL        CHECKPLUS     signalWidth predicate does not recognize SIG[1..0] as bus.
1966120 CONCEPT_HDL        COPY_PROJECT  Copying release 17.2-2016 project results in message stating the project is of an older version
1879425 CONCEPT_HDL        CORE          Adding signals with the right-click menu is not following the defined color scheme
1890542 CONCEPT_HDL        CORE          Getting ERROR(SPCOCN-1911) when running export physical with backannotation
1907684 CONCEPT_HDL        CORE          Moving symbol makes canvas unresponsive for a long time
1920711 CONCEPT_HDL        CORE          Pin names changes when mirroring the swapped section.
1931421 CONCEPT_HDL        CORE          On Linux, 'cpmaccess -read' returns incorrect value
1931782 CONCEPT_HDL        CORE          Setting DONT_FORCE_ORIGIN_ONGRID to ON does not work for sig_name
1932433 CONCEPT_HDL        CORE          _movetogrid causes signal disconnection
1946993 CONCEPT_HDL        CORE          DE-HDL Part Manager fails to update parts on schematic if new KEY properties exist in PTF but not in schematic
1947029 CONCEPT_HDL        CORE          Design Entry HDL Font Support not working for signal rename
1962865 CONCEPT_HDL        CORE          Schematic symbol creation with '-' as pin name not packaging
1966805 CONCEPT_HDL        CORE          Issues with packaging design containing cells named with a leading underscore
1967760 CONCEPT_HDL        CORE          DE-HDL crashes on moving Net Group/Port in release 17.2-2016, hotfix 044
1968282 CONCEPT_HDL        CORE          DE-HDL Part Manager fails to update parts on schematic when new KEY properties exist in PTF and not in schematic
1972815 CONCEPT_HDL        CORE          Part Manager not updating missing key attributes from the ptf file by using 'Update instances' option
1887790 CONCEPT_HDL        CREFER        CRefer links not working in selected cpm file
1898535 CONCEPT_HDL        INTERFACE_DES Global Navigation window does not reflect removal of a net on page2 that is part of a netgroup on page1
1888048 CONCEPT_HDL        PDF           Japanese characters are not output correctly to PDF on Linux.
1937505 CONCEPT_HDL        PDF           Missing intersection dot in schematic PDF
1942486 CONSTRAINT_MGR     CONCEPT_HDL   CM crashes when you save after importing a TCF file
1983743 CONSTRAINT_MGR     CONCEPT_HDL   Region Class-Class members are being duplicated in CM in the current session
1906573 CONSTRAINT_MGR     ECS_APPLY     Database corrupt and DBDoctor reports illegal database pointer error
1913805 CONSTRAINT_MGR     OTHER         Setting environmental variable CM_PARTIAL_DCF in release 17.2-2016 causing crash
1914813 CONSTRAINT_MGR     OTHER         C++ Runtime error and non-recoverable crash in class-class worksheet
1920142 CONSTRAINT_MGR     OTHER         Xnet names are not consistent in the design
1898549 CONSTRAINT_MGR     SCHEM_FTB     Importing netlist causing crash in release 17.2-2016, hotfix 036
1814851 CONSTRAINT_MGR     UI_FORMS      Field solver /DRC check running forever
1889862 CONSTRAINT_MGR     UI_FORMS      PCB Editor hangs while assigning net voltages in CM
1965470 CONSTRAINT_MGR     UI_FORMS      Constraint Manager GUI Issue in release 17.2-2016, hotfix 039: Font size small and rows/columns in shrink mode
1945406 ECW                ADMINISTRATIO Tree view was not refreshed soon after changing the site permission.
1826848 ECW                METRICS       SPDWECW-551 and SPDWECW-553 should be warnings, not errors
1933373 ECW                PROJECT_MANAG ecwbatch does not accept password and does not ignore invalid users
1921502 F2B                PACKAGERXL    Errors on running Export Physical:SPCOPK-1138 and SPCOPK-1149
1929846 F2B                PACKAGERXL    PackagerXL is still creating the pstcmbc.dat file on a release 16.6 design uprevved to release 17.2-2016
1953780 F2B                PACKAGERXL    Updated subdesign package information not updated on the top-level design in the reuse flow
1971738 F2B                PACKAGERXL    Deleting blank space from pstxnet.dat file crashing DE-HDL
1891002 INSTALLATION       DOWNLOAD_MGR  Issue with Download Manager (Change Preferences Option does not Work)
1972890 ORBITIO            OTHER         OrbitIO-APR failed to run if PCB design included
1954262 PCB_LIBRARIAN      CORE          Footprint model check in fails with verification checks failed error
1943656 PCB_LIBRARIAN      GRAPHICAL_EDI Symbol Editor is blank if .ascii file is newer than .css file
1897887 PCB_LIBRARIAN      SYMBOL_EDITOR New Symbol Editor: Inconsistent symbol results when adding vector pins in Part Developer
1898003 PCB_LIBRARIAN      SYMBOL_EDITOR Issue with Page Border Symbol
1842007 PSPICE             LIBRARIES     Change required in swit_reg.lib
1906922 PSPICE             LIBRARIES     Mismatch in mapping of IC pins in model and PSpice template for analog device AD8138
1947586 PSPICE             LIBRARIES     Update the model AD8138/AD in ANLG_DEV.OLB
1748470 PSPICE             MATLAB        PSpice displays an error when sending current in co-simulation
1802455 PSPICE             MATLAB        Incorrect current direction for pins in SLPS flow
1852811 PSPICE             MATLAB        ORPSIM-2604 being reported in SLPS simulation
1858716 PSPICE             MATLAB        Co-Simulation fails if 'RC' is used as reference of resistor
1921641 PSPICE             MODELEDITOR   Model Editor in Client Server installation slow to invoke
1922160 PSPICE             MODELING_APPS New Capture Associate Symbol GUI not reading libraries
1843698 PSPICE             PROBE         PSpice icons appear very small on a specific computer
1773841 PSPICE             SIMULATOR     orSimSetup64 crashes when running the simulation for attached design
1816316 PSPICE             SIMULATOR     Simulation stuck; however, the status bar is correctly updated during Pseudo Transient Analysis
1887119 SCM                IMPORTS       Cannot selectively update changes in VDD
1889362 SCM                IMPORTS       Cannot selectively update changes in Visual Design Differences
1958545 SCM                SETUP         Auto assign models does not work in SCM same way as in DE-HDL
1988841 SIG_EXPLORER       INTERACTIV    SigXplorer stops responding or crashes in hotfix 047 when a design is saved
1988943 SIG_EXPLORER       INTERACTIV    SigXplorer crashes on selecting Update Constraint Manager
1991375 SIG_EXPLORER       INTERACTIV    SigXplorer crashes when clicking Save
1993749 SIG_EXPLORER       INTERACTIV    SigXplorer crashes on saving topology
1969975 SIG_INTEGRITY      GUI           Model Browser edits model above the one that is selected
1953184 SIP_LAYOUT         IMPORT_DATA   Sub Drawing not saving dashed lines
1913864 SIP_LAYOUT         ORBITIO_IF    SiP Layout design import results in wrong die rotation
1880237 SIP_LAYOUT         PADSTACK_EDIT Background Window comes to the forefront when closing the Padstack editor
1972560 SIP_LAYOUT         STREAM_IF     GDS Export fidelity issue: inverted arcs
1920317 SIP_LAYOUT         THIEVING      Thieving pattern does not allow for OOPS operation
1909075 SYSTEMSI           DOC           SystemSI PBA channel and circuit simulations do not respond if bit pattern is 1s or 0s
1916101 SYSTEMSI           DOC           Lack of stimulus in file causes Serial Link Analysis to become unresponsive
1919562 SYSTEMSI           ENG_PBA       SystemSI generates wrong timing bathtub curves in channel simulations for write and read
1964064 SYSTEMSI           GUI_PBA       Able to sweep AMI parameters in SSI-PBA
1971266 SYSTEMSI           GUI_PBA       MCP header shows only 49 ckt nodes instead of 52 for s52p S-parameter file
1885625 SYSTEMSI           GUI_SLA       Manage AMI + DLL from Setup Analysis Window
1924382 SYSTEMSI           GUI_SLA       Data Rate field in SystemSI Stimulus property form is confusing for PAM4 operation
1982341 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     CANVAS_EDIT   Signal rename does not maintain new signal name value
1976857 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     CONSTRAINT_MA System Capture-CM Match Group Creation is not updating correctly
1929606 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     DESIGN_CORRUP Opening design causes System Capture to crash
1914697 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     DRC           Overlapping component DRC does not work
1973467 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     IMPORT_PCB    System Capture Import Physical shows many component and physical differences on a design that is synced up
1962603 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     NAVLINKS      Ability to not underline hyperlinks for Navigation Link values
1967639 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     PART_MANAGER  Part Manager does not open in System Capture for part property value changes even after setting the cpm directive.
1964388 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     SMART_PDF     Some shapes are not visible in the smart PDF schematics
1976832 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     TDO           Rolling Back local lower-block requires check-out of higher-level packaged & variant views
1976844 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     TDO           CM - TDO check-out dependencies are broken
1976859 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     TDO           Variant Editor in System Capture -TDO allows to delete a variant without checking out variants view
1839816 TDA                CORE          All the design objects are locked in the EDM dashboard after a DSFrame error
1889898 TDA                CORE          Cannot check in the top level of the project in TDO
1892411 TDA                CORE          Unable to undo the block checkout if something fails
1877757 TDA                DEHDL         Refresh Hierarchy does not show latest TDO lock/unlock status in DE-HDL


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вышел хотфикс OrCAD/Allegro 17.2, HOTFIX VERSION: 049


Fixed CCRs: SPB 17.2 HF049
CCRID   Product            ProductLevel2 Title
2002642 ADW                ADWSERVER     Exception in adwserver.out with LDAP enabled
2007046 ADW                ADWSERVER     Component Browser is not connecting to server in hotfix 048
1997678 ADW                DBEDITOR      Model not deleted due to missing cell model relation
1985059 ADW                FLOW_MGR      Flow Manager issues warning about project path that contains a period, removes from catalog file
1991515 ADW                FLOW_MGR      Flow Specific Tools: Launch error after upgrading to Hotfix 044 and extending code
1972762 ADW                PART_BROWSER  The Schematic Models icon does not match the definition in EDM Component Browser
1830062 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     DATABASE      Uprevving release 14.0 design with stand-alone DBDoctor in release 17.2-2016 crashes; works in release 16.6
1980161 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     DATABASE      NODRC_ETCH_OUTSIDE_KEEPIN assigned to text in library part is not passed to PCB Editor
2003757 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     DATABASE      Open circuit not detected by PCB Editor: reports unconnected pin as connected
2009748 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     DFM           PCB Editor crashes on Update DRC
1796895 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     DRC_CONSTR    Increase precision of Inter Layer Spacing check
1997487 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     DRC_CONSTR    Cannot add teardrops to some pins
1857024 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     EDIT_ETCH     PCB Editor crashes on using funckey 'y FORM mini padstack_list -+'
1979750 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     INTERFACES    axlStepSet not working for component definitions
1988168 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     MANUFACT      Graphical Compare in productivity toolbox terminates with errors
1982233 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     SCHEM_FTB     Netlist files cannot be imported into board as the process is not finishing
2000367 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     SCHEM_FTB     Cross-probing between OrCAD Capture and PCB Editor does not work in HotFix 048
2000397 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     SCHEM_FTB     Cross-probing not working with hotfix 048
2000552 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     SCHEM_FTB     Cross-probing is not working if we are importing Netlist from PCB Editor
2001165 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     SCHEM_FTB     Cross-probing between Capture - Allegro PCB Editor fails after hotfix 048
2002635 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     SCHEM_FTB     Cross-probing issue because of Unique MPS Session in HotFix 048 (QIR7)
2004252 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     SCHEM_FTB     Cannot do cross-probing between Capture and PCB Editor
2004305 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     SCHEM_FTB     Inter-tool communication is not working properly in PCB Editor release 17.2-2016, hotfix 048
1978660 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     SHAPE         Static shape on dynamic shape issue: thermals not removed when component is moved
1985035 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     SHAPE         Thermal reliefs not removed on moving parts
1960966 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     SKILL         Stackup import is not working in release 17.2-2016 via automation
2003651 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_FORMS      Error on starting and loading footprints in hotfix 048: message about customExtended and customState
2003810 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_FORMS      OrCAD layout editor font size is too small for almost all UI
2003832 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_FORMS      Error on loading footprint in hotfix 048: custom toolbar cannot be loaded due to registry problem
2004769 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_FORMS      Custom toolbars cannot be loaded as the size of customState and customExtended differs in registry
2007669 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_FORMS      Broken scalability between OrCAD PCB Editor and Allegro PCB Editor
1987164 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    PCB Editor stops responding when multiple sessions are accessing third-party tool
1983512 ALLEGRO_PROD_TOOLB CORE          Allegro Productivity toolbox: Advanced Testpoint Check is not working
1996008 APD                3D_CANVAS     New 3D Canvas does not work in APD
1993698 APD                SHAPE         APD stops responding and database is corrupted on moving, deleting, or updating a symbol
1999446 CAPTURE            OTHER         Update symbol database in Trial
1962222 CONCEPT_HDL        CORE          Nested hierarchy block RefDes transfer issue: suffix added to RefDes
1964260 CONCEPT_HDL        CORE          RefDes not updated in a hierarchy block on repackaging release 16.6 design
1972243 CONCEPT_HDL        CORE          Version filter does not work correctly
1993448 CONSTRAINT_MGR     DATABASE      CSet is duplicated with same name when modified in SigXplorer
1976148 CONSTRAINT_MGR     INTERACTIV    DRC worksheet in Allegro PCB Editor: 'Go to Source' flickers worksheet and does not switch
1948372 CONSTRAINT_MGR     UI_FORMS      cmDiffUtility fails to compare and gives the message 'Failed to read the configuration file'
1961750 EAGLE_TRANSLATOR   PCB_EDITOR    Voids and some shapes of third-party board not translated correctly
1984569 FSP                DECAP         When a pin function is in an interface or custom connector is changed, decaps defined for the part is deleted
1984588 FSP                DECAP         FSP crashes when changing pin functions or bank settings for a connector
1984590 FSP                DECAP         FSP design fails to load if pins are defined with a pin function that is later changed in custom_connector.crf
1985555 PCB_LIBRARIAN      IMPORT_EXPORT JavaScript exceptions on opening libraries converted using con2cap
1961944 PCB_LIBRARIAN      SYMBOL_EDITOR Hide symbol outline in new Symbol Editor
1967532 PCB_LIBRARIAN      VERIFICATION  libimport fails with ERROR(SPDWPAR-102): Metadata has the ErrorStatus value set.
1976965 PSPICE             SIMULATOR     PSpice 'Tools - Generate Report' not working in release 17.2-2016
1982260 RF_PCB             FE_IFF_IMPORT Unable to successfully pull in .IFF file created in ADS.
1981585 RF_PCB             LIBRARY       Cannot load RF symbol via2 into PCB Editor
1976845 SIG_EXPLORER       OTHER         CPW trace models do not solve in SigXplorer after changing some trace parameters
1986466 SIG_INTEGRITY      OTHER         Delay in Relative Propagation Delay worksheet is displayed as a negative value
1980264 SIP_LAYOUT         INTERACTIVE   SiP Layout crashes on running 'Manufacture - Documentation - Display Pin Text'
1983381 SIP_LAYOUT         REPORTS       Incomplete Design Summary Report
2005709 SIP_LAYOUT         SHAPE         Dynamic shape voiding around same net cline segment: no property attached
2008064 SIP_LAYOUT         SHAPE         Hotfix 048 (QIR 7): Shape creates void for same net cline, it should be shorted
1980967 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     CANVAS_EDIT   System Capture does not reflect part symbol changes
1988928 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     CANVAS_EDIT   Changing version 2 of the resistor part makes the PART_NUMBER property visible
1990215 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     CANVAS_EDIT   Draw Multiple Bits: Bits do not follow mouse smoothly
1972658 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     EXPORT_PCB    Modified injected properties do not get updated in the pstchip.dat file after running Part Manager and Export Physical
1989421 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     EXPORT_PCB    Part Manager does not update the PTF values
1992407 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     PART_MANAGER  Part Manager removes part properties and main window and details window updates are inconsistent


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вышел хотфикс OrCAD/Allegro 17.2, HOTFIX VERSION: 050


Fixed CCRs: SPB 17.2 HF050
CCRID   Product            ProductLevel2 Title
2012119 ADW                ADWSERVER     Cannot connect Component Browser to server
1998856 ADW                ADW_UPREV     adw_uprev fails and a typo in rule name
1673333 ADW                CONF          Configuration Manager stops working and gives Java Timer-1 Error
1900342 ADW                DBEDITOR      'Link To' on a schematic classification attribute does not work with linked attributes containing parenthesis
1997516 ADW                DBEDITOR      DBEditor stops responding on changing attributes
1986292 ADW                LIBDISTRIBUTI Some parts are not updated in the part table in all_noauto and ini_noauto (restricted_sites).
2010460 ADW                PART_BROWSER  PKG-1002 error when opening a DE-HDL design
2013430 ADW                PART_BROWSER  Add component is inactive if WB_SHARED_RESOURCES is not pointing to the installation directory
2022806 ADW                PART_BROWSER  PKG-10005: Cannot package the following primitive instance in any section of the physical part
2006528 ADW                PART_MANAGER  Part Manager does not update parts when Key PTF property value changes
1980397 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     DATABASE      Mechanical pins with route keepouts (RKO) not updated
1988171 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     DATABASE      Backdrill clearance Keepout is not applied consistently
1994280 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     DFM           PCB Editor crashes during Unplace component
2012742 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     DFM           DFT for testpoint to outline not showing DRC
2002680 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     EDIT_ETCH     PCB Editor crashes on choosing Add Connect for two selected nets
2004597 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     EDIT_ETCH     Illegal BMS Identifier error when copying multiple via structures
2004929 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     EDIT_ETCH     Net with physical pin pair constraints is using incorrect line width when routed
2008314 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     EDIT_ETCH     Adding nets in tabbed routing crashes PCB Editor
2018710 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     GRAPHICS      Using the mouse to zoom by scrolling stops working randomly
2018841 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     GRAPHICS      Canvas does not regain mouse focus after working in the Options pane in hotfix 049
2019482 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     GRAPHICS      Canvas does not regain mouse focus after working with the Options pane in hotfix 049 on Windows 7
2019864 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     GRAPHICS      Using the mouse scroll button to scroll the canvas: focus is in the Options pane
2020750 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     GRAPHICS      Zoom in/Zoom out scroll does not work
2020847 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     GRAPHICS      Scroll up/down key focus remains in command screen even when canvas is selected
1908812 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     INTERACTIV    Tools > Design Compare command does not work on Windows
1995846 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     INTERACTIV    When there is an embedded component, the result of Metal Usage report is incorrect.
2011449 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     INTERACTIV    Command not found error (_impvision) for Impedance and Return Path DRC visions
1982867 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     INTERFACES    DBDoctor displays error for objects outside extent that cannot be fixed because the extents cannot be increased
1983177 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     INTERFACES    PCB Editor crashes when reading IDX file
1985623 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     INTERFACES    STEP model not exported from PCB Editor
1994855 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     MANUFACT      Drill legend with counter-bore: legend size not uniform when database set to inches
2001355 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     NC            PCB Editor crashes with NC route parameter
1753414 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     OTHER         Ability to add Rigid Flex class in a format symbol
2004786 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     OTHER         Legacy menu option missing in OrCAD Professional
1949695 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     PADS_IN       Third-party to PCB Editor translation does not make a clean conversion
1949658 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     PLACEMENT     SKILL module creation issue: subsequent runs rotate module incorrectly
2001496 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     PLACEMENT     Constraint Region not replicated as part of the Place replicate apply command
2002989 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     PLACEMENT     Default rotation point is set to 'User Pick'
2007301 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     PLACEMENT     DFA boundary is shifted when moving components with User Pick
2007312 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     PLACEMENT     DFA boundary is shifted when moving components with User Pick
2008098 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     PLACEMENT     DFA boundary shows a shift if anchor point is set to 'User pick'
2009085 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     PLACEMENT     DFA boundary is shifted when moving components with User Pick
2009090 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     PLACEMENT     DFA boundary is being offset when moving components with User Pick
2009580 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     PLACEMENT     Component outline offsets during move process
2010726 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     PLACEMENT     Two images appear when moving component in release 17.2-2016, hotfix 048
2010819 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     PLACEMENT     A separate outline appears when moving components using User Pick
2011454 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     PLACEMENT     DFA boundary is not centered correctly on moving components
2011497 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     PLACEMENT     DFA boundary shifted from the part when moved
2014250 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     PLACEMENT     Moving a symbol using the 'User Pick' causing an offset image of the symbol outline getting attached to cursor
2015676 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     PLACEMENT     Strange end-to-end DFA checking: offset of DFA from component when in user pick
2016421 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     PLACEMENT     Fail to place symbols because definition is incompatible for attribute 'PW_GENERATED'
2016452 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     PLACEMENT     Some symbols cannot be placed due to property definition differences
2016527 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     PLACEMENT     PCB Editor crashes on moving all components on board
2017364 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     PLACEMENT     Strange behavior when moving component: DFA or place bound area is centered around the User Pick position
2018859 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     PLACEMENT     Moving parts by 'User Pick' or 'Sym Pin #' shows two component placement boundary outlines
2019364 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     PLACEMENT     PCB Editor stops responding when moving components
2019478 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     PLACEMENT     PCB Editor crashes when moving more than one component across the design
2019624 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     PLACEMENT     DFA Boundary is offset from definition when moving symbols with user pick
2021625 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     PLACEMENT     Graphical Issue with Edit - Move and User Pick: additional outline image shown
2022203 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     PLACEMENT     Place bound outline is shown at the center of the pick when moving a part by User Pick
2024655 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     PLACEMENT     Moving multiple components causes PCB Editor to crash
2025895 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     PLACEMENT     PCB Editor stops responding when multiple symbols are moved and on getting too close to another symbol
2004497 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     SHAPE         Automatically deleting antenna shape is not deleting thermal reliefs associated with those shapes
2007832 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     SHAPE         Cannot void shape properly after rotating symbol
2009601 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     SHAPE         Error for shape created using third-party SKILL utility
2010924 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     SHAPE         Dynamic shape does not void in route keepout areas
2011176 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     SHAPE         Nothing happens on choosing 'Shape- - Change Shape Type' in Allegro Sigrity SI
2015446 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     SHAPE         Thermal relief connection created for static shape covering pin when inside a void in a dynamic shape.
2017273 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     SHAPE         Same net spacing does not void properly for shape to hole.
2012878 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_FORMS      Custom toolbars cannot be loaded as size differs for customState and customExteded in registry
2018177 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_FORMS      Custom toolbars cannot be loaded as size differs for customState and customExteded in registry
2019437 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_FORMS      Custom toolbars cannot be loaded as size differs for customState and customExteded in registry
2020491 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_FORMS      Cannot load custom toolbars because the customState and customExtended Windows Registry entries are incorrect
1897843 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    Function Keys, such as F3, F6, and F7, are not working if tool is idle for some time
2000445 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    Funckeys not working in hotfix 048 with the new Command Pane as default
2001847 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    Ctrl related funckeys not working in hotfix 048
2008112 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    Funckeys using Ctrl and Shift do not work in hotfix 048 (QIR 7)
2010370 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    Shift + arrow key does not move component in release 17.2-2016, hotfix 048
2015418 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    Funckey not working
2015443 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    Text does not regain focus even on clicking after using a drop-down menu
2016899 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    Dynamic zoom and funckeys are disabled after clicking a combo box in the Options pane
2019753 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    Infinite Cursor disappears regularly in hotfix 049 when infinite_cursor_bug_nt is set
2019990 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    Mouse over does not highlight pin, need to click
2020162 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    Funckeys not working in hotfix 049: pressing F4 not running Show Element
2020168 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    Data tips not shown on mouse hover
2020840 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    Page-up/Page-down (remapped to zoom-in/zoom-out) stop working until mouse scroll button is pressed
2021416 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    New user interface does not shift input focus and zoom in/out does no longer work in layout window
2022185 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    Ctrl related funckeys are not working
2023402 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    During Add text, focus does not move from the subclass dropdown to the canvas.
2025806 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    Function keys and shortcuts not detected
2027581 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    Funckey problem: focus lost from canvas on using another window
2009382 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     ZONES         When deleting zone by Zones - Manage, the shape in zone is out-of-date
1977211 APD                DXF_IF        APD: die pads shift after export DXF
2018483 CAPTURE            NETLISTS      Error when extracting netlist from schematic (ORNET-1193)
2022764 CAPTURE            NETLISTS      Schematic will not generate pstchip.dat file
1921557 CAPTURE            NEW_SYM_EDITO Zoom to region option grayed out
1945203 CAPTURE            NEW_SYM_EDITO Symbol Editor: No Zoom to Region and cannot edit Pin Type and User Pin Properties for multiple pins
1950178 CAPTURE            NEW_SYM_EDITO Ability to remove convert view of a component
1966792 CAPTURE            NEW_SYM_EDITO JavaScript error on trying to edit pin name for GP0
1969099 CAPTURE            NEW_SYM_EDITO Cannot add convert view after creating a part
1969834 CAPTURE            NEW_SYM_EDITO Shapes not mirrored around center if more than one shape selected in Symbol Editor
1970984 CAPTURE            NEW_SYM_EDITO New part is getting Numeric Numbering automatically
1972607 CAPTURE            NEW_SYM_EDITO New Symbol Editor: name cannot be edited unless value is entered for a new property
1972635 CAPTURE            NEW_SYM_EDITO New Symbol Editor: wrong listing of Symbol Properties in right pane
1974296 CAPTURE            NEW_SYM_EDITO Design Template font settings are not being honored for new library/part creation
1982783 CAPTURE            NEW_SYM_EDITO Part Editor is blurry when zoomed out.
1993361 CAPTURE            NEW_SYM_EDITO Cannot change part numbering, set to Numeric by default
2003749 CAPTURE            NEW_SYM_EDITO Cannot save edits to hierarchical blocks in new Symbol Editor in hotfix 048
2004395 CAPTURE            NEW_SYM_EDITO 'Pin ignore' modifications not saved in new Symbol Editor 'Edit Pins' after hotfix 048
2007747 CAPTURE            NEW_SYM_EDITO Cannot add Convert View after creating a part
2011321 CAPTURE            NEW_SYM_EDITO 'Place - Picture' is not working for blocks in hotfix 048
2013146 CAPTURE            NEW_SYM_EDITO 'Part Edit' not updating changes in hierarchical block
2002904 CAPTURE            OTHER         Unable to check out Capture license in release 17.2-2016, HotFix 048
2002922 CAPTURE            OTHER         Unable to check out Capture license in release 17.2-2016, HotFix 048
1988812 CAPTURE            PART_EDITOR   Parts created or edited with hotfix 038 Part editor do not use default font size
2008912 CAPTURE            SCHEMATIC_EDI Design Compare shows 'NaN' in the graphical output
1985701 CONCEPT_HDL        CHECKPLUS     Library symbols are missing from the examples folder
1933789 CONCEPT_HDL        CORE          honor_sch_custom_texts
2001737 CONCEPT_HDL        PDF           DE-HDL crashes on choosing File - Publish PDF
2010508 CONSTRAINT_MGR     CONCEPT_HDL   Schematic data corrupted on reading the data from CM database using the CM SKILL APIs
1997461 PSPICE             AA_FLOW       'Edit PSpice Model' from 'Assign Tolerance' window does not work
2005948 SIP_LAYOUT         DIE_EDITOR    CTE expansion tool shifts pins off the die
1893045 SIP_LAYOUT         INTERACTIVE   Refreshing bond finger labels causes all the labels to shift location
2006926 SIP_LAYOUT         ORBITIO_IF    Bundle translation from OrbitIO is incorrect
2006659 SIP_LAYOUT         SHAPE         Cannot form fillets inside a shape in hotfix 048
1969192 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     CANVAS_EDIT   Pin Numbers of Discrete Symbols visible
1982368 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     CANVAS_EDIT   System Capture switches to Auto Pan, even if the option is disabled, in the Notes mode
1995012 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     CANVAS_EDIT   Connect lines do not move with components
1907992 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     CONNECTIVITY_ Draw stubs is not respecting stub length setting.
1960100 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     CONNECTIVITY_ Moving components after routing failure:  connect lines do not move resulting in disconnected route
1988284 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     CONSTRAINT_MA Log files and topology files are being stored at the top-level design (CPM) folder level
1996039 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     COPY_PASTE    Cut and Paste change the pin numbers for connector after saving design.
1951700 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     EXPORT_PCB    System Capture: Export Physical - Change Directory UI entry block not displaying properly
1970761 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     EXPORT_PCB    Cannot import System Capture netlist if PCB Editor is launched with -proj argument
1997533 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     IMPORT_PCB    Pins do not swap in System Capture on backannotation
1910962 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     MISCELLANEOUS Dragging GND symbol placed on a pin sometimes disconnects the GND symbol
1962037 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     TABLE_OF_CONT Table of content link number not same as page number in the title block
1986317 TDA                SHAREPOINT    Cannot enable Design Management and SSO session expires


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вышел хотфикс OrCAD/Allegro 17.2, HOTFIX VERSION: 051

Fixed CCRs: SPB 17.2 HF051
CCRID   Product            ProductLevel2 Title
2015843 ADW                LIBDISTRIBUTI Error for library distribution (lib_dist_client) regarding string index out-of-range
1869914 ADW                PART_BROWSER  Adding components to System Capture schematic canvas takes long time in Linux clusters
2010458 ADW                PART_BROWSER  RefDes values not appearing on parts
2022630 ADW                PART_MANAGER  Unable to successfully import a DE-HDL Design into System Capture
2005033 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     3D_CANVAS     3D Flex issues: Error message when opening design with bends in 3D viewer
2023496 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     3D_CANVAS     Error for designs with bend in 3D Viewer
2033459 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     3D_CANVAS     3D Canvas error: All bend operations are disabled due to licensing and/or DLL installation
1996431 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     ARTWORK       Via holes for connection have incorrect coordinates in Gerber
1995656 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     DATABASE      Attaching and Detaching a text file created with SKILL writeTable() function corrupts the text file
2027122 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     DATABASE      PCB Editor crashes when creating Place Replicate module
2023916 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     DFM           DFF Annular Ring: Thru via pad to Mask violates on via in pad instances.
2024523 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     DFM           PCB Editor crashes in Mask To Trace check of DFF.
2021318 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     IN_DESIGN_ANA Integrated Analysis and Checking: Unable to run simulation with Crosstalk flow
2014162 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     NC            Backdrill results using an OrCAD Professional license showing wrong values with hotfix 048
2010791 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     PLACEMENT     Setting dfa_pause_level to 3 and then moving and rotating part places the part with offset
2017112 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     PLACEMENT     place_boundary shown at wrong location when moved with User pick and footprints rotated
2028048 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     PLACEMENT     Rotate option using pick is rotating the outlines in different axis in view
2028314 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     PLACEMENT     Crash on moving components in Allegro PCB Editor
2029235 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     PLACEMENT     PCB Editor crashes when moving more than one component and hovering on IC
2022644 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     SHAPE         dv_fixfullcontact obsolete in release 17.2-2016
2023322 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     SHAPE         Gloss does not add teardrops on all clines.
2024235 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     SHAPE         Copper Pour disappears when area includes parts
2024531 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     SHAPE         rki_autoclip is not working at a special XY location
2024599 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     SHAPE         Cannot create round corner for shape
2024707 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     SHAPE         In-line void control does not work when there is no_shape_connect property attached
2026849 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     SHAPE         Cannot assign region name using the 'next' operation
2030156 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     SHAPE         Shape Area report for cross-hatched shape includes hatching and boundary
1852981 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     SKILL         Error message while creating Copper Mask layer without a name using SKILL not clear
1968054 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     SKILL         Document of axlClearObjectCustomColor should indicate that it can clear color for DBID of Net
2026429 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_FORMS      PCB Footprint wizard: horizontal and vertical lead pitch level reversed in the image
1768032 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    Numeric keypad does not work for file selection shortcut
1797376 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    Release 17.2-2016: Padstack Designer saves padstack to the working directory when script is used
1798524 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    Unable to save a padstack using script
1823031 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    Help not working for OrCAD Productivity Toolbox
1849921 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    Analyze menu missing in OrCAD PCB SI
1951740 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    Trigger for 'open' does not work when opening a .dra file
1952163 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    Analyze menu missing in OrCAD PCB SI
1982966 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    SKILL command to access the Option window fields while in Interactive commands.
1983567 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    Alias with Ctrl not working with 'command window history' variable enabled
1989507 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    Third-party tool causes PCB Editor to stop responding to command
2003511 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    Aliases using control (tilde) characters stopped working after upgrading to hotfix 048
2010418 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    New command window breaks funckeys
2018201 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    SKILL axlDBControl ('activeLayer /') updates active class/subclass but ministatus form not updated
2023468 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    axlZoomInOut does not zoom out, always zooms in regardless of zoom factor (positive or negative)
2026428 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    PCB Editor takes several minutes when saving a design
2032697 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    Funckeys with Ctrl not working with 'command window history' variable enabled
2032717 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    Funckey combinations, such as Ctrl + M, not working
2014211 ALLEGRO_VIEWER     OTHER         Arrow keys are not panning in Allegro Physical Viewer
2039081 CAPTURE            NETLISTS      Netlist not created: netlist fails for numeric pin names with backslash '\'
1993057 CONCEPT_HDL        CONSTRAINT_MG Constraints disappear in hierarchical design (Electrical->Net->Routing->Relative Propagation Delay)
2004641 CONCEPT_HDL        CONSTRAINT_MG 'Save Hierarchy' (hier_write) deletes bus object in Constraint Manager
2020901 CONCEPT_HDL        CONSTRAINT_MG Incorrect match Groups created in CM (TDO design)
2014979 CONCEPT_HDL        CORE          The active schematic page randomly changes while editing text
2027905 CONSTRAINT_MGR     DATABASE      Pin Property changes in CM during uprev to release 17.2-2016
1762263 ORBITIO            INTERFACES    Add set allegro_orbit_import variable to user preference
2005860 PSPICE             LIBRARIES     Error when simulating design with TL494 part in release 17.2-2016
1980072 PSPICE             SIMULATOR     Noise in the waveform when using DELAYT and DELAYT1 with capacitor
1977615 RELEASE            INTEGRATION   Cannot import third-party schematics into OrCAD Capture in release 16.6
2027009 RF_PCB             SETUP         'RF-PCB' - 'Setup' changes not saved on Apply
2002040 SIP_LAYOUT         MANUFACTURING IPC 356 'ignore die layers' does not work: netlists to die
2024703 SIP_LAYOUT         WLP           Cannot Add Pin Text: Error on 'Manufacturing' - 'Documentation' - 'Display Pin Text'
2010045 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     CANVAS_EDIT   Cannot snap back vertical CAP until moved up and down horizontally
2010443 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     CANVAS_EDIT   Cannot select the CAP part
2012843 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     PACKAGER      Cannot short two grounds in the schematic
2015574 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     PACKAGER      System Capture is treating quotes in PTF files differently from DE-HDL
2022653 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     VARIANT_MANAG Variant Editor - Allow Alternates where ALT_SYMBOL is a valid match for JEDEC_TYPE
2024742 TDA                SHAREPOINT    Accessing projects is taking time
2010531 XTRACTIM           OTHER         Allegro crash on repaint of command window
2022351 XTRACTIM           OTHER         XtractIM is crashing the latest HF S049


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вышел хотфикс OrCAD/Allegro 17.2, HOTFIX VERSION: 052


Fixed CCRs: SPB 17.2 HF052
CCRID   Product            ProductLevel2 Title
2020429 ADW                ADWSERVER     Incorrect adwservice status on Linux
2034815 ADW                LIBDISTRIBUTI Cannot mark classification obsolete because it is associated to objects in the database
2015461 ADW                PART_BROWSER  New Component Browser should read the mapping of symbol and associated package as it results in error PKG-1005
2049380 ADW                PART_BROWSER  System Capture Import HDL not importing complete PTF File data
1948608 ADW                TDA           CUSTOMVAR directive value in project CPM was not updated by TDA UPDATE command.
1992662 ADW                TDA           Custom directive added to the cpm file not updated after check-in
1733129 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     COLOR         'Display - Highlight', double-click permanently highlights symbol
1861938 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     COLOR         Changing layer color changes layer visibility
2034753 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     CROSS_SECTION Allegro PCB Editor crashes when a cross-section technology file is imported in Overwrite mode
2036895 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     CROSS_SECTION Replay script error during import of tcfx Xsection file
1929360 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     DATABASE      Via color is inconsistent on Vias with color assigned
1984203 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     DATABASE      Drill holes not displayed correctly in the Zone area
2013596 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     DATABASE      Assigning net name on Vias does not change the Via Color to that on Net Color automatically
2025798 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     DATABASE      Assign net to via changes color of the via to the default color
2032678 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     DATABASE      Unable to delete layer on design
2032725 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     DATABASE      Dehighlight removes color assignment from color dialog
2029542 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     DFA           Interactive Placement with Manufacturing Package to Package spacing
2020548 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     DFM           Cadence DFM Customer site cannot Submit Request
2020566 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     DFM           Error when sending Design True DFM Rules Request
2030179 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     DFM           Allegro PCB Editor .brd file will not save after routing using Automatic Router
2052907 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     DFM           The Submit Request button for DesignTrue DFM Rules Request does not work
1928915 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     EDIT_ETCH     PCB Editor constraint status bar does not match Constraint Manager data when z-axis delay is turned on.
1932165 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     EDIT_ETCH     Arc slide behavior with clines at odd angles: notches on slides
1943901 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     EDIT_ETCH     arc segment incorrect on slide.
2031055 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     EDIT_ETCH     On drawing cline the width on a Layer is larger than defined constraint
1877891 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     GRAPHICS      Allegro PCB Editor crashes when started from EDM for projects without a board file or empty master.tag file
2040689 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     NC            The decimal digits of a rotated oval padstack do not match the Drill Chart.
2028105 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     PLACEMENT     Delay in moving a large count pin symbol
2019027 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     REPORTS       Information shown in the Report Viewer is not correct.
2022461 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     SHAPE         Abnormal termination of  thieving function in Allegro PCB Editor
2032048 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     SHAPE         shape void difference from hotfix 026 to 048: need square corners for full round
2040138 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     SHAPE         shape_rki_autoclip affects the overlapping shape boundary
2040259 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     SHAPE         Same net shape and cline adds shape void around cline
2031468 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     TECHFILE      Cross section import (.tcfx) not working correctly.
2006425 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_FORMS      Option to disable 'Create a New Design' window in OrCAD PCB Designer
2007451 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_FORMS      Option to suppress 'Create a New Design" window for File > Open in OrCAD PCB Editor from hotfix 048
2009314 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_FORMS      Existing scripts that open OrCAD PCB Editor not working in hotfix 048
2021476 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_FORMS      PCB Editor is slow when using the command 'add connect'
2039462 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_FORMS      Hovering over Default symbol height in Design Parameter Editor does not display a description
1808054 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    Illegal value in axlFormSetField crashes PCB Editor
1822679 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    'Symbol pin #' field is truncated on rotating components in the Placement Edit mode
1856438 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    Script recording messages not displayed in the PCB Editor task bar when using the script window.
1879078 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    Running PCB Editor from command prompt with '-product help' should list all products and options
1944225 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    Cannot close log file window till we close report dialog box
1967708 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    New Command Window Shows Last Command in UI
1968380 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    Write all open editing sessions in MRU
1982138 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    axlFormListDeleteItem(fw field -1) not deleting last item of a list
2003054 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    Grids not shown when 'nolast_file' is set
2010760 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    Pressing tabs is selecting only vias and not selecting clines in PCB Editor in hotfix 048
2019120 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    Tab key is not working when there are two objects on top of each other
2029248 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    Colorview load is not working when using absolute path
2030985 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    The view of the PCB is offset after closing and opening the board.
2037968 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    Tab key will not cycle between cline elements.
2015766 ALLEGRO_PROD_TOOLB CORE          Advanced Testpoint Check does not work
2023356 ALLEGRO_PROD_TOOLB CORE          Edit new session does not work in quick symbol editor tool box
2017162 CAPTURE            CONSTRAINT_MG Cannot apply ECSets in Constraint Manager-enabled Capture
2026777 CAPTURE            CONSTRAINT_MG Cannot apply electrical CSet (ECSet) in Constraint Manager-enabled Design Entry CIS
2027545 CAPTURE            CONSTRAINT_MG Getting error (ORCAP-40320) while creating ECSet
2012967 CAPTURE            OTHER         Capture license is loaded slowly in hotfix 048
2010093 CONCEPT_HDL        ARCHIVER      Archive .zip file keeps the whole folder hierarchy and not only the project hierarchy
2040431 CONCEPT_HDL        EDIF300       EDIF300, Schematic Writer, crashes in release 17.2-2016
2034077 SIP_LAYOUT         DFA           DRC is not catching all Shape minimum width violations
2034094 SIP_LAYOUT         DIE_ABSTRACT_ [VSDP-RDL Exchange] some traces are lost in SiP Layout
2037462 SIP_LAYOUT         DIE_ABSTRACT_ Cline Segments are lost on saving and re-opening the design in next session
2025321 SIP_LAYOUT         IMPORT_DATA   compose symbol from geometry defaults need to change due to performance
2017759 SIP_LAYOUT         PLACEMENT     Placing a die creates extra place bound and puts pin numbers in the wrong place, causing future netlist import failure
2021057 SIP_LAYOUT         SHAPE         Polybool assert error when adding dynamic shape prevents shape voiding.
2012381 SIP_LAYOUT         SKILL         Ability to check if the Dynamic Unused Pads Suppression box is selected using SKILL
1990299 SIP_LAYOUT         UI_GENERAL    Pressing 'Esc' cancels DRC checking when there is no focus on the Allegro PCB Editor canvas
1997317 SIP_LAYOUT         WLP           Advanced WLP, Metal Density Scan does not correctly calculate scan region count in Y direction
2029524 SPECCTRA           ROUTE         SPECCTRA stops responding when executing the quit command
1670888 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     CANVAS_EDIT   Rotation error when connected to a power symbol
1880809 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     CANVAS_EDIT   Can modify only one RefDes from canvas for duplicate RefDes; can modify both from the Properties window
1979063 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     CANVAS_EDIT   System Capture : File > Close is grayed out
2034498 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     CAPTURE_IMPOR Cannot find parts via Find & Replace after importing Capture design
1984561 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     CROSSPROBE    System Capture: Cross-probing from layout does not work when zoomed into a specific area on canvas
1863460 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     DARK_THEME    thumbnail preview of pages is in light them but dragging the page the previes is dark
2025876 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     EDIT_OPERATIO Route failures when dragging a circuit
2005904 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     FORMAT_OBJECT Pin name text is smaller in System Capture than in DE-HDL by about 25%
2036782 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     IMPORT_BLOCK  Unable to import the block from project.
2025949 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     IMPORT_DEHDL_ Title block and thick wires/lines of border in DE-HDL do not  translate in System Capture
2025950 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     IMPORT_DEHDL_ Broken connectivity on imported ground symbols
2040923 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     MISCELLANEOUS System Capture - Multiple Symbol Replace, disconnects and changes orientation
2017526 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     NAVLINKS      Page information missing in NAVLINKS
2015346 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     PAGE_MANAGEME Rename page fails in some cases
2038811 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     PRINT         Black & White PDF showing colors
2048493 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     SYMBOL_GEN    Symbol Editor, Modify outline adds an 'X' in symbol incorrectly
2031995 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     VARIANT_MANAG Variant Editor does not load the design and restarts the machine after sometime.
2032005 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     VARIANT_MANAG Custom variables not saved for variants
1968431 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     WORKSPACE     Unable to reorder the pages (tabs) when opened in the workspace
2040995 XTRACTIM           GUI           Running XIM from APD enables "skip DC R simulation" by mistake


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вышел хотфикс OrCAD/Allegro 17.2, HOTFIX VERSION: 053

Fixed CCRs: SPB 17.2 HF053
CCRID   Product            ProductLevel2 Title
2035766 ADW                DSN_MIGRATION EDM release 17.2-2016: design migration UI is cut off on right
2044872 ADW                PART_BROWSER  Component Browser: Only one PTF file read for multiple PTF files under Part Table all referenced in master.tag
2025147 ADW                TDO-SHAREPOIN Design Management stops responding when a board file is deleted and then checked in with the same name
2025201 ADW                TDO-SHAREPOIN Getting error message (SPDWSD-20) when logging in to team design
2052046 ADW                TDO-SHAREPOIN Joining projects is downloading 0-byte files due to SSL error
2056694 ADW                TDO-SHAREPOIN Design Management stops responding on checking in an object with the same name as a previously deleted object
2047512 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     3D_CANVAS     Mechanical components do not move when bending in 3D Viewer
2048086 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     3D_CANVAS     Wirebonds are not linked to diepad when component is embedded body down
2051277 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     3D_CANVAS     3D View Vias are Offset from Board in Z direction
2054327 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     3D_CANVAS     3D Canvas error: All bend operations are disabled due to licensing and/or DLL installation
2056547 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     3D_CANVAS     3D model not shown for component with STEP file assigned
2044980 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     ARTWORK       'Import - Artwork': PCB Editor stops responding and no artworks are loaded
2061203 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     CROSS_SECTION Importing cross-section from single stackup to multiple stackup adding additional layers to the primary zone
1826533 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     DATABASE      Dyn_Thermal_Con_Type not behaving as defined in Symbol Editor after placing on PCB file.
1857282 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     DATABASE      PCB Editor slow when Manhattan and Path length tooltip enabled in datatip customization
2052767 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     DATABASE      Allegro PCB Editor crashes on editing padstack
1825692 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     DRAFTING      Dimension line text moved by Update Symbols
1874814 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     DRAFTING      'Connect Lines' does not merge overlapping lines
1874935 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     DRAFTING      Angular dimension text has extra spaces added before the degree symbol.
1882597 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     DRAFTING      'Trim Segment' should allow trimming for all intersecting segment types
2052315 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     DRC_CONSTR    DRC (pad-shape) incorrect when both pad and drill are offset from pad origin.
2040603 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     EDIT_SHAPE    Shape is not updating correctly after the 'move' command
2050177 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     INTERACTIV    Letters need to remain aligned and uniform after performing Boolean ANDNOT operation
2052586 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     IPC           IPC356 showing shorts and disconnects for chip-on-board design
2044350 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     MANUFACT      Cross Section table showing multiple decimal digits for the Tolerance column
2051150 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     NC            Counterbore/Countersink holes not being shown in the NC legend table.
2058199 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     NC            'Manufacture - NC - Drill Legend' does not populate the CounterBore/CounterSink row values in the Drill Chart table
2061809 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     NC            Counter bore NC Legend does not show any data
2063477 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     NC            Counter bore NC Legend does not show its value
2033849 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     PLACEMENT     PCB Editor stops responding when removing a plane that the Place Replicate command added
2037509 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     PLACEMENT     Move or Rotate or Mirror of a module/group makes PCB Editor to crash with no .SAV file created
2047480 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     SCHEM_FTB     Importing netlist using Capture-CM flow in PCB Editor is crashing netrev
2046276 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     SHAPE         Add notch is not snapping to the grid point
2047572 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     SHAPE         Voiding elements on static shape do not void adjacent layer keep-outs and PCB Editor stops responding
2048483 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     SHAPE         Shapes not getting updated post backdrill update
2050120 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     SHAPE         Dynamic fill is flooding over other etch shapes within a symbol.
2058017 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     SHAPE         Shape not voiding correctly when fillets are present
2010569 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     SKILL         Using SKILL to add 'nil' to a DRC object following a 'println' statement crashes PCB Editor in hotfix 048.
2055055 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     SKILL         Using SKILL to add a 'nil' property value to a String causes Allegro PCB Editor to crash
1961689 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     SYMBOL        Pin Numbers are moved from center with Pin Rotation when adding pins to Footprint
2034949 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     SYMBOL        Angular dimension from DRA not created in PCB
2046242 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    Searching User Preference Summary results in crash
2053496 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    Confirmation dialog box is behind canvas
2063423 ALLEGRO_EDITOR     UI_GENERAL    Blocking dialog popped up by axlUIPrompt() goes behind the canvas and is hidden
1886781 ALLEGRO_VIEWER     OTHER         Opening Color192 in Allegro Free Viewer causes it to crash
1699433 APD                EDIT_ETCH     Field solver runs when not expected
1937159 APD                EDIT_ETCH     Routing clines takes long time
2050863 APD                SHAPE         Taper voiding process is different in Within the region/Out of Region
2047391 CAPTURE            PART_EDITOR   Pin type cannot be changed in hotfix 051
2049161 CAP_EDIF           IMPORT        Fatal error 'cannot determine grid' when converting third-party design to Capture
2053578 CONCEPT_HDL        CONSTRAINT_MG Values specified for custom properties are not preserved
2047583 CONCEPT_HDL        COPY_PROJECT  Design Entry HDL crashing when trying to open page 52 of copied project
2036239 CONCEPT_HDL        CORE          When cutting/pasting, multiple error pop-ups appear for the same notification
2037572 CONCEPT_HDL        CORE          Warning (SPCOCD-578): Soft VOLTAGE property found is misleading and should be auto resolved when closing CM
2037578 CONCEPT_HDL        CORE          VOLTAGE property gets deleted after copying it from a non-synchronized source
2046958 CONCEPT_HDL        CORE          Moving block pins from symbol right to left places pin names outside the symbol
2032480 CONSTRAINT_MGR     CONCEPT_HDL   Incorrect matchgroups created when working with multiple level nested hierarchical blocks
2045274 CONSTRAINT_MGR     CONCEPT_HDL   Running SKILL script or navigating pages in the hierarchy viewer crashes schematic editor
2046765 SIP_LAYOUT         DIE_ABSTRACT_ SiP Layout 'dump libraries' crashes when exporting library
2067970 SIP_LAYOUT         DIE_ABSTRACT_ SiP Layout cannot dump libraries, viewlog is empty
1981749 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     ARCHIVER      System Capture: Archiving a design from the Tcl command window results in error
1968437 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     ASSIGN_SIGNAL Net name pasted in lower-case though UPPERCASE INPUT is enabled
1983063 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     AUTOSHAPES    Auto Shapes are being shown as part of components
1968463 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     CANVAS_EDIT   System Capture should not allow illegal characters to be entered for net names
2006593 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     CANVAS_EDIT   Asterisk in a search string is not treated as a wildcard character
1721863 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     CONNECTIVITY_ Net Names move to random locations when the components are moved around the canvas
1960130 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     CONNECTIVITY_ Disconnected nets when using the mirror option
1985029 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     EDIT_OPERATIO Net aliases do not drag with circuit, they appear to move after the circuit is dropped
1895142 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     EXPORT_PCB    System Capture reports incorrect unsaved changes when closed after running export physical
1628596 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     FIND_REPLACE  Alias issue in Find: Results do not show the resolved physical net names
1988297 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     FIND_REPLACE  Edit > Find and Replace does not replace a net with an existing net on the canvas
1843885 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     FORMAT_OBJECT Renaming a net causes it to lose custom color assignment
1969308 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     FORMAT_OBJECT System Capture: Clicking arrows to increase/decrease font size does not work correctly when clicked fast
1990060 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     FORMAT_OBJECT Bold, italics, and underline formats not visually shown on all selected objects concurrently
1993208 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     FORMAT_OBJECT Setting font prior to placing text does not work, pop-up does not work, and bucket results in scrolling page
1981775 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     IMPORT_PCB    Import Physical takes a long time on some designs to launch the UI
1982320 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     IMPORT_PCB    In the B2F flow none of the *view files are created
2010996 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     INSERT_PICTUR Image in title block is at a wrong location in design: correctly placed in library
1967614 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     MISCELLANEOUS Dragging a circuit with net aliases does not move the net aliases with it
1980999 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     NEW_PROJECT   System Capture stops working with message regarding Part Manager initialization for a design based on DE-HDL
1973437 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     OPEN_CLOSE_PR Opening a design crashes System Capture
1986566 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     OPEN_CLOSE_PR System Captures stops responding on opening project, cleaning project displays project already open message
1993093 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     OPEN_CLOSE_PR Add option to override the lock file similar to Allegro PCB Editor
2042360 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     OPEN_CLOSE_PR System Capture will not open nor gives error message when previous lock file present inside the logic folder
1992247 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     PART_MANAGER  Part Manager displays message for undo and redo stack even after specifying not to show message
2048000 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     PERFORMANCE   Performance issue when instantiating and moving a component
1892120 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     PROPERTY_EDIT Some parts missing reference designators and some have two properties, RefDes and REFDES
1970009 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     PROPERTY_EDIT System Capture: Right-clicking RefDes with conflict in 'Edit Properties' shows the Hyperlink option
2042707 SYSTEM_CAPTURE     VARIANT_MANAG variant.lst file under 'physical' folder not updated when closing Variant Editor


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