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Всё та же проблема - не инициализируется дисплей. Может, не так подключаю? Помимо SCL и SDA с дисплея идут CSB и RST, помеченные как "Active Low". Правильно ли я делаю, подвесив их через резистор 10к на Vdd? Нужно ли включать RST при запуске?

давно не заходил на форум, все никак время не находилось.

удалось разобраться?

если нет - схему подключения фстудию, будем разбираться

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давно не заходил на форум, все никак время не находилось.

удалось разобраться?

если нет - схему подключения фстудию, будем разбираться

Дисплей так и не заработал - не приходит ACK, хотя подключено всё 100% правильно, это обсуждалось со знающими людьми, да и схеме подключения в даташите полностью соответствует. Проблема, думаю, именно в коде. Сейчас код примерно такой:

function I2C_out(j) --//I2C Output
    print("~~I2C output '",string.format("0x%X",j),"':\r\n")
    local d, n;
    print("1. Sending 8 bits (n = [0,7])\r\n")
    for n = 0,7 do --//send 8 bits
        print("1.",n+1,".1) n = ", n, ", d = ",d, ", d and 0x80 = ",bit.band(d,0x80),". ");
        if(bit.band(d,0x80) == 0x80) then --//get only the MSB
            setHIGH(SDA);--SDA=1; --//If it is 1 then SDA=1 
            print("SDA to 1: SDA == ", gpio.getv(SDA),"\r\n");
            setLOW(SDA);--SDA=0; --//If 0 then SDA=0    
            print("SDA to 0: SDA == ", gpio.getv(SDA),"\r\n");            
        print("1.",n+1,".2) SCL clocks\r\n"); 
        print("SСL to 0: ")    
        setLOW(SCL);--SCL = 0;
        print("SCL == ",gpio.getv(SCL),"\r\n")
        print("SСL to 1: ")    
        setHIGH(SCL);--SCL = 1; --//clock in data
        print("SCL == ",gpio.getv(SCL),"\r\n")
        d = bit.lshift(d,1);--d=(d<<1); --//shift data byte left
        print("SСL to 0: ")    
        setLOW(SCL);--SCL = 0;
        print("SCL == ",gpio.getv(SCL),"\r\n")
    print("SDA to 1: ")
    setHIGH(SDA);--SDA = 1;
    print("SDA == ",gpio.getv(SDA),"\r\n")    
    print("SСL to 1: ")    
    setHIGH(SCL);--SCL = 1; --//clock in data
    print("SCL == ",gpio.getv(SCL),"\r\n")
    print("SСL to 0: ")    
    setLOW(SCL);--SCL = 0;
    print("SCL == ",gpio.getv(SCL),"\r\n")
    print("3. Wait until ACK:\r\n")
    while(gpio.getv(SDA)==1) do --//wait here until ACK
        print("SСL to 0: ")    
        setLOW(SCL);--SCL = 0;
        print("SCL == ",gpio.getv(SCL),"\r\n")
        print("SСL to 1: ")    
        setHIGH(SCL);--SCL = 1;
        print("SCL == ",gpio.getv(SCL),"\r\n")
        print("NACK (Sending '", string.format("0x%X",j)," (gpio.getv(SDA) == ",gpio.getv(SDA),"')\r\n");
    setLOW(SCL);--SCL = 0;    
function I2C_Start(void)
    print("SСL to 1: ");
    setHIGH(SCL)--SCL = 1;    
    print("SCL == ",gpio.getv(SCL),"\r\n");
    print("SDA to 1: ")
    setHIGH(SDA);--SDA = 1;
    print("SDA == ",gpio.getv(SDA),"\r\n")    
    print("SDA to 0: ")    
    setLOW(SDA);--SDA = 0;
    print("SDA == ",gpio.getv(SDA),"\r\n")
    print("SСL to 0: ")    
    setLOW(SCL);--SCL = 0;
    print("SCL == ",gpio.getv(SCL),"\r\n")
function I2C_Stop(void)

    print("SDA to 0: ")    
    setLOW(SDA);--SDA = 0;
    print("SDA == ",gpio.getv(SDA),"\r\n")
    print("SСL to 0: ")    
    setLOW(SCL);--SCL = 0;
    print("SCL == ",gpio.getv(SCL),"\r\n")
    print("SСL to 1: ");
    setHIGH(SCL)--SCL = 1;    
    print("SCL == ",gpio.getv(SCL),"\r\n");
    print("SDA to 1: ")
    setHIGH(SDA);--SDA = 1;
    print("SDA == ",gpio.getv(SDA),"\r\n")    
function Show(text)
    local n,i;
    local page=0xB0;  --//first page
    for i=0, 13 do --//100 pixels = 12.5 pages
        I2C_out(0x10); --//column address Y9:Y6
        I2C_out(0x01); --//column address Y5:Y2
        for n=0, 160 do
            I2C_out(text);  --//send data 4 times for grayscaling
            text = text+1;  --//point to next byte of data
        page = page+1;  --//move to next page
--* LCD Initialization *
function init_LCD()
    for n = 1, #initTable do

--* MAIN *
Slave = 0x3F; --//slave address
--Comsend = 0x00; 
--Datasend = 0x40;
initTable = {
    0x00,    --Comsend
    -- Select partial display line (p. 56)
    -- Sets the ratio within range of 16 to 128 (ICON disabled) or 17 to 129 (ICON enabled)
    -- to realize partial display by using the 2-byte instruction
    0x48,    -- 1-st
    0x64,    -- 2-nd : 1/100 duty
    -- ADC select (p. 62)
    -- Changes the relationship between RAM column address and segment driver. 
    -- The direction of segment driver output pins could be reversed by software. 
    -- This makes IC layout flexible in LCD module assembly. 
    0xA0,    -- ADC = 0: normal direction (SEG0 -> SEG127) 

    -- SHL select (p. 61)
    -- COM output scanning direction is selected by this instruction which determines the LCD driver output status. 
    0xC8,    -- SHL = 1: reverse direction (COM127 -> COM0) 
    -- Set Initial COM0 Register (p. 55)
    -- Sets the initial row (COM) of the LCD panel using the 2-byte instruction. 
    -- By using this instruction, it is possible to realize the window moving without the change of display data. 
    0x44,    -- 1-st
    0x00,    -- 2-nd scan from COM0

    --    Oscillator ON Start (p. 62)
    0xAB,    -- This instruction enables the built-in oscillator circuit

    -- Select Regulator Resistor (p. 60)
    -- Selects resistance ratio of the internal resistor used in the internal voltage regulator. 
    -- See voltage regulator section in power supply circuit
    0x26, -- 1+ (Rb / Ra) = 6.5

    -- Set Electronic Volume Register (p. 60)
    -- Consist of 2-byte Instructions
    -- The 1st instruction set Reference Voltage mode, 
    -- the 2nd one updates the contents of reference voltage register.
    -- After second instruction, Reference Voltage mode is released. 
    0x81,    -- 1-st *****
    0x18,    -- 2-nd 
    -- 0x1C, -- 2-nd

    -- Select LCD bias (p. 60)
    -- Selects LCD bias ratio of the voltage required for driving the LCD.
    0x57,    -- 1/12
    -- 0x56, -- 1/11 ****
    -- Select DC-DC Step-up (p. 59)
    -- Selects one of 4 DC-DC step-up to reduce the power consumption by this instruction. 
    -- It is very useful to realize the partial display function.
    0x64,    -- 3x times boosting circuit

    0xE3,    -- NOP (p. 64)
    0xE3,    -- NOP (p. 64)
    -- Power control (p. 58)
    0x2C,    --    Internal voltage converter circuit is ON
    -- Select DC-DC Step-up (p. 59)
    -- Selects one of 4 DC-DC step-up to reduce the power consumption by this instruction. 
    -- It is very useful to realize the partial display function. 
    0x66,    -- 5x times boosting circuit
    0xE3,    -- NOP (p. 64)
    0xE3,    -- NOP (p. 64)
    -- Power control (p. 58) 
    0x2E,    -- Internal voltage converter circuit is ON 
            -- Internal voltage regulator circuit is ON 
    0xE3,    -- NOP (p. 64)
    0xE3,    -- NOP (p. 64)
    -- Power control (p. 58) 
    0x2F,    -- Internal voltage converter circuit is ON 
            -- Internal voltage regulator circuit is ON 
            -- Internal voltage follower circuit is ON 
    -- Set Bias Power Save Mode (p. 58)
    -- This command is for saving the IC current consumption by Bias Power Saving
    -- After this Instruction is set, Bias function is also working 
    0xF3,    -- 1-st
    0x00,    -- 2-nd

    -- Set FRC & PWM mode (p. 65)
    0x96,    -- 3FRC
            -- 60PWM

    -- Set Mode Register (p. 49)
    -- 2-byte instruction to set Mode (EXT) and FR (Frame frequency control), BE (Booster efficiency control).
    -- Booster Efficiency
    -- The ST7528 incorporates software configurable Booster Efficiency Command. 
    -- It could be used with Voltage multiplier to get the suitable Vout and Power consumption. 
    -- Default setting is Level 2
    0x38,    -- 1-st
    0x75,    -- 2-nd
            -- FR frequency = 70 Hz ±20%
            -- Booster Efficiency Level 2
            -- The Instruction of EXT=1 Mode is available

    -- Set FRC & PWM mode (p. 65)
    0x95,    -- 3FRC
            -- 45PWM
    -- 0x97, ****

    -- 16-level (White Mode ~ Dark Mode) Gray Scale Display with PWM and FRC Methods
    -- (p. 1)

--start 16-level grayscale settings
    -- Set Gray Scale Mode & Register (p. 65)
    -- Consists of 2 bytes instruction. 
    -- The first byte sets grayscale mode and the second byte updates the contents 
    -- of gray scale register without issuing any other instruction.
    0x80, -- Set white mode and 1st frame
    0x00, -- set pulse width

    0x81, -- Set white mode and 2nd frame
    0x00, -- set pulse width
    0x82, -- Set white mode and 3rd frame
    0x00, -- set pulse width
    0x83, -- Set white mode and 4th frame
    0x00, -- set pulse width
    0xBC, -- Set Dark mode and 1st frame
    0x3C, -- set pulse width

    0xBD, -- Set Dark mode and 2nd frame
    0x3C, -- set pulse width

    0xBE, -- Set Dark mode and 3rd frame
    0x3C, -- set pulse width

    0xBF, -- Set Dark mode and 4th frame
    0x3C, -- set pulse width
-- end grayscale settings

    -- Set Mode Register (p. 49)
    -- 2-byte instruction to set Mode (EXT) and FR (Frame frequency control), BE (Booster efficiency control).
    -- Booster Efficiency
    -- The ST7528 incorporates software configurable Booster Efficiency Command. 
    -- It could be used with Voltage multiplier to get the suitable Vout and Power consumption. 
    -- Default setting is Level 2
    0x38,    -- 1-st
    0x74,    -- 2-nd
            -- FR frequency = 70 Hz ±20%
            -- Booster Efficiency Level 2
            -- The Instruction of EXT=0 Mode is available

    0xAF    -- Turns the display ON
delay = 10

    print("CSB to 0: ")    
    print("CSB == ",gpio.getv(CSB),"\r\n")
    print("RST to 0: ")    
    print("RST == ",gpio.getv(RST),"\r\n")
    print("RST to 1: ")    
    print("RST == ",gpio.getv(RST),"\r\n")


--The end

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С ногами RST и CSB разобрался. RST сначала опускаем в ноль, CSB тоже. Потом выдерживаем паузу, и возвращаем RST в 1.

Впрочем, проблему это не решило. Пытался и ногу SDA ставить в режим входа непосредственно перед ожиданием ACK, и с адресом экспериментировать, и с задержками - тщетно.

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