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Камера на ПЛИС

есть вот такой модуль для кодирования видео

Прогоняю его через Xilinx ISE

** -----------------------------------------------------------------------------**
** quantizator353.v
** Quantizator module for JPEG compressor
** Copyright © 2002-2010 Elphel, Inc
** -----------------------------------------------------------------------------**
**  This file is part of X353
**  X353 is free software - hardware description language (HDL) code.
**  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
**  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
**  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
**  (at your option) any later version.
**  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
**  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
**  GNU General Public License for more details.
**  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
**  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
** -----------------------------------------------------------------------------**

`timescale 1ns/1ps

// will add extracted DC (8 bits) to data from DCT here that will make data 12 bits (signed) long.
// It will be possible to make a sequincial multiplier for DC - but I'll skip this opportunity now.
//********** TODO: switch to 16-bit tables instead of the 12-bit ones **************
module quantizator(clk,   // pixel clock
			   en,   // enable (0 resets counter)
			   sclk, // system clock, twqe, twce, ta,tdi - valid @negedge (ra, tdi - 2 cycles ahead
			   twqe, // enable write to a quantization table
			   twce, // enable write to a coring table				   
			   ta,  // [6:0]  table address
			   tdi,  // [15:0] table data in (8 LSBs - quantization data)
//				   readback,	// readback data

			   ctypei,   // component type input (Y/C)
			   dci,	  // [7:0]   - average value in a block - subtracted before DCT
			   first_stb, //this is first stb pulse in a frame
			   stb,	  // strobe that writes ctypei, dci
			   tsi,   // table (quality) select [2:0]
			   pre_start,// marks first input pixel (one before)
			   first_in, // first block in (valid @ start)
			   first_out, // valid @ ds
			   di,	// [11:0] pixel data in (signed)
			   do,	// [11:0] pixel data out (AC is only 9 bits long?) - changed to 10
			   dv,	// data out valid
			   ds,  // data out strobe (one ahead of the start of dv)
			   dc_tdo, //[15:0], MSB aligned coefficient for the DC component (used in focus module)
//				   dc_tdo_stb,
			   dcc_en,  // enable dcc (sync to beginning of a new frame)
			   hfc_sel, // hight frequency components select [2:0] (includes components with both numbers >=hfc_sel
						// hfc_sel == 3'h7 - now high frequency output - just 3 words - brightness and 2 color diffs
			   color_first, // first MCU in a frame
			   coring_num, // coring table pair number (0..7)
			   dcc_vld, // single cycle when dcc_data is valid
			   dcc_data,  // [15:0] dc component data out (for reading by software) 
			   n000,	  // input [7:0] number of zero pixels (255 if 256) - to be multiplexed with dcc
			   n255);	 // input [7:0] number of 0xff pixels (255 if 256) - to be multiplexed with dcc

input		 clk;
input		 en;
input		 sclk;
input		 twqe;
input		 twce;
input [ 8:0]   ta;
input [15:0]   tdi;
input		 ctypei;
input [ 8:0]   dci; // now normal signed number
input		 first_stb; //this is first stb pulse in a frame
input		 stb;
input [ 2:0]  tsi;
input		 pre_start;
input		 first_in; // first block in (valid @ start)
output		first_out; // valid @ ds
input [12:0]   di;
output[12:0]   do;
output		 dv;
output		 ds;
output [15:0] dc_tdo;
input		 dcc_en;
input [2:0]   hfc_sel;
input		 color_first;
input  [2:0]  coring_num; // Coring table number (0..7)
output		 dcc_vld;
output[15:0]   dcc_data;
input  [7:0]  n000;
input  [7:0]  n255;

wire   [3:0] tdco; // coring table output
reg	[3:0] tbac; // coring memory table number (LSB - color)
reg		   coring_range; // input <16, use coring LUT
wire   [15:0]   tdo;
reg   [ 9:0]   tba;   // table output (use) address   
wire   [15:0]   zigzag_q;
reg			wpage,
wire	[5:0]   zwa;
reg	[5:0]   zra;
reg	[12:0]  qdo;
reg	[12:0]  qdo0;
reg			zwe;
reg	[12:0]   d1;
reg	[12:0]   d2,d3; // registered data in, converted to sign+ absolute value
wire [27:0]   qmul;
wire			start_a;
reg  [15:0]   tdor;
reg   [20:0]   qmulr; // added 7 bits to total8 fractional for biasing/zero bin
wire			start_out;
wire			start_z;
reg			ds;
reg			dv;
reg   [ 8:0]   dc1;   // registered DC average - with restored sign   

// for fifo for ctype, dc
wire		 ctype;
wire   [8:0]   dc;
wire		 next_dv;

reg  [ 5:0]   start;
wire [15:0]   dcc_data;
wire		  dcc_stb;
reg		   dcc_vld;
reg		   dcc_run;
reg		   dcc_first;
reg		   dcc_Y;
reg  [1:0]	ctype_prev;
reg [12:0]	dcc_acc;
reg [12:0]	hfc_acc;
wire		  hfc_en;
reg		   hfc_copy; // copy hfc_acc to dcc_acc
wire [10:0]   d2_dct; // 11 bits enough, convetred to positive (before - 0 was in the middle - pixel value 128) - dcc only
reg		   sel_satnum; // select saturation numbers - dcc only
reg		   twqe_d; //twqe delayed (write MSW)
reg		   twce_d; //twce delayed (write MSW)
reg	[15:0] dc_tdo;
reg	[15:0] pre_dc_tdo;
wire		  copy_dc_tdo;

wire		  first_in; // first block in (valid @ pre_start)
reg		   first_interm, first_out; // valid @ ds

wire   [2:0]  ts;
wire   [2:0]  coring_sel;

reg	[2:0]  block_mem_ra;
reg	[2:0]  block_mem_wa;
reg	[2:0]  block_mem_wa_save;
reg   [15:0]  block_mem[0:7];
wire  [15:0]  block_mem_o=block_mem[block_mem_ra[2:0]];
assign	  dc[8:0]=		  block_mem_o[8:0];
assign	  ctype=			block_mem_o[9];
assign	  ts[2:0]=		  block_mem_o[12:10];
assign	  coring_sel[2:0]=  block_mem_o[15:13];

assign start_a=start[5];
assign start_z=start[4];
assign dcc_stb=start[2];

always @ (posedge clk) begin
  if (stb) block_mem[block_mem_wa[2:0]] <= {coring_num[2:0],tsi[2:0], ctypei, dci[8:0]};

  if	  (!en) block_mem_wa[2:0] <= 3'h0;
  else if (stb) block_mem_wa[2:0] <= block_mem_wa[2:0] +1;

  if (stb && first_stb)  block_mem_wa_save[2:0] <= block_mem_wa[2:0];

  if	  (!en)   block_mem_ra[2:0] <= 3'h0;
  else if (pre_start) block_mem_ra[2:0] <= first_in?block_mem_wa_save[2:0]:(block_mem_ra[2:0] +1);

assign		d2_dct[10:0]={!d2[11] ^ ctype_prev[0], d2[9:0]}; 

assign		dcc_data[15:0]=sel_satnum?
				{dcc_first || (!dcc_Y && dcc_acc[12]) ,(!dcc_Y && dcc_acc[12]), (!dcc_Y && dcc_acc[12]), dcc_acc[12:0]};
assign		 do[12:0]=zigzag_q[12:0];
//	assign		 qmul[23:0]=tdor[11:0]*d3[11:0];
assign		qmul[27:0]=tdor[15:0]*d3[11:0];

assign		 start_out =   zwe && (zwa[5:0]== 6'h3f);   //adjust?
assign		 copy_dc_tdo = zwe && (zwa[5:0]== 6'h37);   // not critical

assign next_dv=en && (ds || (dv && (zra[5:0]!=6'h00)));	
always @ (posedge clk) begin
  d1[12:0]	  <= di[12:0];
//	   dc1[8:0]   <= start[0]?{{2{~dc[7]}},dc[6:0]}:9'b0;   // sync to d1[8:0]ctype valid at start, not later
  dc1[8:0] <= start[0]?dc[8:0]:9'b0;   // sync to d1[8:0]ctype valid at start, not later
  d2[12:0] <= {dc1[8],dc1[8:0],3'b0} + d1[12:0];
  d3[12]	  <= d2[12];
  d3[11:0]	  <= d2[12]? -d2[11:0]:d2[11:0];

  if (start[0] || !en) tba[9:6] <= {ts[2:0],ctype};

/// TODO - make sure ctype switches at needed time (compensate if needed) *****************************************
  if (start[3] || !en) tbac[3:0] <= {coring_sel[2:0],ctype}; // table number to use

  if	  (start[0])	tba[5:0] <= 6'b0;
  else if (tba[5:0]!=6'h3f) tba[5:0] <= tba[5:0]+1;
  tdor[15:0]  <= tdo[15:0]; // registered table data out
  if (start[3])  pre_dc_tdo[15:0] <= tdor[15:0]; //16-bit q. tables)
  if (copy_dc_tdo) dc_tdo[15:0]	 <= pre_dc_tdo[15:0];
  qmulr[19:0] <= qmul[27:8]; // absolute value
  qmulr[20]   <= d3[12];	 // sign
  qdo0[12]	<= qmulr[20];  // sign

// tdco[3:0] - same timing as qdo0;	  
// use lookup table from 8 bits of absolute value (4.4 - 4 fractional) to calculate 4 bit coring output that would replace output
// if input is less thahn 16. For larger values the true rounding will be used.

// Absolute values here have quantization coefficients already applied, so we can use the same coring table for all DCT coefficients.
// there are be 16 tables - 8 Y/C pairs to switch
  qdo0[11:0]  <= qmulr[19:8] + qmulr[7]; // true rounding of the absolute value 
  coring_range<= !(|qmulr[19:12]) && !(&qmulr[11:7]); // valid with qdo0
//	  qdo[11:0]   <= coring_range? {8'h0,tdco[3:0]}:qdo0[11:0];
  qdo[11:0]   <= coring_range? (qdo0[12]?-{8'h0,tdco[3:0]}:{8'h0,tdco[3:0]}):(qdo0[12]?-qdo0[11:0]:qdo0[11:0]);
  qdo[12]	 <= qdo0[12] && (!coring_range || (tdco[3:0]!=4'h0)); 

  if (start_out) rpage <= wpage;
  if (start_out) zra[5:0] <= 6'b0;
  else	if (zra[5:0]!=6'h3f)   zra[5:0] <=zra[5:0]+1; // conserving energy
  ds			<= start_out;
  dv	<= next_dv;
  if (start_a)   first_interm <= first_in;
  if (start_out) first_out	<=first_interm;
// zwe???
  zwe <= en && (start_a || (zwe && (zwa[5:0]!=6'h3f)));
  if		  (!en) wpage <= 1'b0;
  else if (start_a) wpage <= ~wpage;


always @ (posedge clk) begin
 sel_satnum <= dcc_run && (start[0]? (ctype_prev[1:0]==2'b10): sel_satnum);
 hfc_copy <= dcc_run && (hfc_sel[2:0]!=3'h7) && (tba[5:0]==6'h1f) && ctype_prev[0] && ctype_prev[1];
 start[5:0] <= {start[4:0], pre_start}; // needed?
 if	(!dcc_en) dcc_run <= 1'b0;
 else if (start[0]) dcc_run <= 1'b1;
 if (!dcc_en)	ctype_prev[1:0] <= 2'b11;
 else if (start[0]) ctype_prev[1:0] <= {ctype_prev[0],ctype && dcc_run}; 
 if (dcc_stb || hfc_copy) dcc_acc[12:0] <= hfc_copy?
										   {(d2_dct[10]&&ctype_prev[0]),(d2_dct[10]&&ctype_prev[0]),d2_dct[10:0]}+((ctype_prev[0] || ctype_prev[1])?13'h0:dcc_acc[12:0]);
 if (!dcc_run || hfc_copy) hfc_acc <=13'b0;
 else if (hfc_en) hfc_acc <= hfc_acc + {2'b0, d3[10:0]};
 if (dcc_stb) dcc_first <= color_first && dcc_run && dcc_stb && ctype && !ctype_prev[0];
 if (dcc_stb) dcc_Y <= dcc_run && dcc_stb && ctype && !ctype_prev[0];
 dcc_vld <= (dcc_run && dcc_stb && (ctype || ctype_prev[0] || sel_satnum)) || hfc_copy;

SRL16 i_hfc_en (.Q(hfc_en), .A0(1'b1), .A1(1'b0), .A2(1'b0), .A3(1'b0), .CLK(clk),
				.D(((tba[2:0]>hfc_sel[2:0]) || (tba[5:3]>hfc_sel[2:0])) && dcc_run && !ctype_prev[0])); // dly=1+1

zigzag i_zigzag(   .clk(clk),

  always @ (negedge sclk) twqe_d <= twqe;
  always @ (negedge sclk) twce_d <= twce;

  RAMB16_S18_S18 i_quant_table (
  .DOA(tdo[15:0]),	   // Port A 16-bit Data Output
  .DOPA(),	 // Port A 2-bit Parity Output
  .ADDRA({tba[9:6],tba[2:0],tba[5:3]}),   // Port A 10-bit Address Input
  .CLKA(clk),	 // Port A Clock
  .DIA(16'b0),	   // Port A 16-bit Data Input
  .DIPA(2'b0),	 // Port A 2-bit parity Input
  .ENA(1'b1),	   // Port A RAM Enable Input
  .SSRA(1'b0),	 // Port A Synchronous Set/Reset Input
  .WEA(1'b0),	   // Port A Write Enable Input

  .DOB(), // Port B 16-bit Data Output
  .DOPB(),	 // Port B 2-bit Parity Output
  .ADDRB({ta[8:0],twqe_d}),   // Port B 10-bit Address Input
  .CLKB(!sclk),	 // Port B Clock
  .DIB(tdi[15:0]),	   // Port B 16-bit Data Input
  .DIPB(2'b0),	 // Port-B 2-bit parity Input
  .ENB(1'b1),	   // PortB RAM Enable Input
  .SSRB(1'b0),	 // Port B Synchronous Set/Reset Input
  .WEB(twqe || twqe_d)   // Port B Write Enable Input

  RAMB16_S4_S18 i_coring_table (
  .DOA(tdco[3:0]),		  // Port A 4-bit Data Output
  .ADDRA({tbac[3:0],qmulr[11:4]}),  // Port A 12-bit Address Input
  .CLKA(clk),			   // Port A Clock
  .DIA(4'b0),			   // Port A 4-bit Data Input
  .ENA(1'b1),			   // Port A RAM Enable Input
  .SSRA(1'b0),			  // Port A Synchronous Set/Reset Input
  .WEA(1'b0),			   // Port A Write Enable Input

  .DOB(),				   // Port B 16-bit Data Output
  .DOPB(),				  // Port B 2-bit Parity Output
  .ADDRB({ta[8:0],twce_d}), // Port B 10-bit Address Input
  .CLKB(!sclk),			 // Port B Clock
  .DIB(tdi[15:0]),		  // Port B 16-bit Data Input
  .DIPB(2'b0),			  // Port-B 2-bit parity Input
  .ENB(1'b1),			   // PortB RAM Enable Input
  .SSRB(1'b0),			  // Port B Synchronous Set/Reset Input
  .WEB(twce || twce_d)	  // Port B Write Enable Input

  RAMB16_S18_S18 i_zigzagbuf (
  .DOA(),	  // Port A 16-bit Data Output
  .DOPA(),	// Port A 2-bit Parity Output
  .ADDRA({3'b0,wpage,zwa[5:0]}),  // Port A 10-bit Address Input
  .CLKA(clk),	// Port A Clock
  .DIA({3'b0,qdo[12:0]}),	  // Port A 16-bit Data Input
  .DIPA(2'b0),	// Port A 2-bit parity Input
  .ENA(1'b1),	  // Port A RAM Enable Input
  .SSRA(1'b0),	// Port A Synchronous Set/Reset Input
  .WEA(zwe),	  // Port A Write Enable Input

  .DOB(zigzag_q[15:0]),	  // Port B 16-bit Data Output
  .DOPB(),	// Port B 2-bit Parity Output
  .ADDRB({3'b0,rpage,zra[5:0]}),  // Port B 10-bit Address Input
  .CLKB(clk),	// Port B Clock
  .DIB(16'b0),	  // Port B 16-bit Data Input
  .DIPB(2'b0),	// Port-B 2-bit parity Input
  .ENB(next_dv),	  // PortB RAM Enable Input
  .SSRB(1'b0),	// Port B Synchronous Set/Reset Input
  .WEB(1'b0)	   // Port B Write Enable Input


// Alternative ZigZag distributed ROM. More convinient, but extra resources. Use upper half of quantization table to save slices.
module zigzag (clk,
  input   clk, start;
  output [5:0]   q;

  reg   [5:0]	  a;
  reg   [5:0]	  q;
  wire  [4:0]	  rom_a;
  wire   [5:0]	  rom_q;

  assign   rom_a[4:0]=a[5]?(~a[4:0]):a[4:0];

  always @ (posedge clk) begin
  if (start)   a[5:0] <= 6'b0;
//	  else	a[5:0] <= a[5:0]+1;   // may add if (a[5:0]!=6'h3f) to make cleaner simulation and conserve energy
  else   if (a[5:0]!=6'h3f) a[5:0] <= a[5:0]+1;
  q[5:0]   <= a[5]? (~rom_q[5:0]):rom_q[5:0];


  ROM32X1 i_z0 ( .A0(rom_a[0]), .A1(rom_a[1]), .A2(rom_a[2]), .A3(rom_a[3]), .A4(rom_a[4]), .O(rom_q[0]));
  ROM32X1 i_z1 ( .A0(rom_a[0]), .A1(rom_a[1]), .A2(rom_a[2]), .A3(rom_a[3]), .A4(rom_a[4]), .O(rom_q[1]));
  ROM32X1 i_z2 ( .A0(rom_a[0]), .A1(rom_a[1]), .A2(rom_a[2]), .A3(rom_a[3]), .A4(rom_a[4]), .O(rom_q[2]));
  ROM32X1 i_z3 ( .A0(rom_a[0]), .A1(rom_a[1]), .A2(rom_a[2]), .A3(rom_a[3]), .A4(rom_a[4]), .O(rom_q[3]));
  ROM32X1 i_z4 ( .A0(rom_a[0]), .A1(rom_a[1]), .A2(rom_a[2]), .A3(rom_a[3]), .A4(rom_a[4]), .O(rom_q[4]));
  ROM32X1 i_z5 ( .A0(rom_a[0]), .A1(rom_a[1]), .A2(rom_a[2]), .A3(rom_a[3]), .A4(rom_a[4]), .O(rom_q[5]));
//C67319CC   611A7896   6357A260   4A040C18   8C983060   F0E0C080
// transposed! (old was 93D94C66   16A1A578   D0244EBC   7BF6E8F0   9C3870C0   E0C08000

//synthesis translate_off
/*	defparam i_z0.INIT = 32'h93D94C66;
defparam i_z1.INIT = 32'h16A1A578;
defparam i_z2.INIT = 32'hD0244EBC;
defparam i_z3.INIT = 32'h7BF6E8F0;
defparam i_z4.INIT = 32'h9C3870C0;
defparam i_z5.INIT = 32'hE0C08000;
defparam i_z0.INIT = 32'hC67319CC;
defparam i_z1.INIT = 32'h611A7896;
defparam i_z2.INIT = 32'h6357A260;
defparam i_z3.INIT = 32'h4A040C18;
defparam i_z4.INIT = 32'h8C983060;
defparam i_z5.INIT = 32'hF0E0C080;

//synthesis translate_on

//synthesis attribute INIT of i_z0  is "C67319CC" 
//synthesis attribute INIT of i_z1  is "611A7896" 
//synthesis attribute INIT of i_z2  is "6357A260" 
//synthesis attribute INIT of i_z3  is "4A040C18" 
//synthesis attribute INIT of i_z4  is "8C983060" 
//synthesis attribute INIT of i_z5  is "F0E0C080" 



синтез проходит с ворнингами, а implement выдает ошибку,


ERROR:LIT:241 - Attribute INIT on ROM32X1 instance
  "i_compressor/i_quantizator/i_zigzag/i_z5" has a hexadecimal value,
  "11110000111000001100000010000000", which is too large. INIT should contain a
  maximum of 32 bits.
ERROR:LIT:241 - Attribute INIT on ROM32X1 instance
  "i_compressor/i_quantizator/i_zigzag/i_z4" has a hexadecimal value,
  "10001100100110000011000001100000", which is too large. INIT should contain a
  maximum of 32 bits.
ERROR:LIT:241 - Attribute INIT on ROM32X1 instance
  "i_compressor/i_quantizator/i_zigzag/i_z3" has a hexadecimal value,
  "01001010000001000000110000011000", which is too large. INIT should contain a
  maximum of 32 bits.
ERROR:LIT:241 - Attribute INIT on ROM32X1 instance
  "i_compressor/i_quantizator/i_zigzag/i_z2" has a hexadecimal value,
  "01100011010101111010001001100000", which is too large. INIT should contain a
  maximum of 32 bits.
ERROR:LIT:241 - Attribute INIT on ROM32X1 instance
  "i_compressor/i_quantizator/i_zigzag/i_z1" has a hexadecimal value,
  "01100001000110100111100010010110", which is too large. INIT should contain a
  maximum of 32 bits.
ERROR:LIT:241 - Attribute INIT on ROM32X1 instance
  "i_compressor/i_quantizator/i_zigzag/i_z0" has a hexadecimal value,
  "11000110011100110001100111001100", which is too large. INIT should contain a
  maximum of 32 bits.


я так понял что проблемы с инициализацией модулей в конце кода (i_z) но ведь там все нормально, по 32 бита, в чем проблема? Что можно сделать?

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//synthesis attribute INIT of i_z0  is 32'hC67319CC;

или как написано в LibraryGuide

ROM32X1 #(
.INIT(32'hC67319CC) // Contents of ROM
) i_z0

Также попробуйте убрать инициализацию в .v и прописать в UCF.

И какая у вас версия ISE, под какой кристалл собираете?

На каком этапе появляется ошибка translate, map, P&R?

Изменено пользователем doublekey

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//synthesis attribute INIT of i_z0  is 32'hC67319CC;

или как написано в LibraryGuide

ROM32X1 #(
.INIT(32'hC67319CC) // Contents of ROM
) i_z0

Также попробуйте убрать инициализацию в .v и прописать в UCF.

И какая у вас версия ISE, под какой кристалл собираете?

На каком этапе появляется ошибка translate, map, P&R?


Спасибо огромное, вариант из LibraryGuide заработал, удалось получить файл прошивки

Я только начинаю разбираться с ПЛИС, а надо сделать что то вроде этого кода (код не мой, есть в открытых исходниках), вот и приходится сразу в бой, т.к. время поджимает, а код видимо был написан для другой версии или стандарта? Ну в общем спасибо!

Версия ISE 14.4 lin 64

кристалл xc3s1200e -4

ошибка была на translate

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Вы можете написать сейчас и зарегистрироваться позже. Если у вас есть аккаунт, авторизуйтесь, чтобы опубликовать от имени своего аккаунта.

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