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Весь контент yosephcz

  1. I have permanent role position opened for HTML5 / CSS3 / Javascript in my team. Czech republic region (one hour driving distance from Prague, direct train connection to Minsk, Moscow), friendly team, accommodation provided and paid by company. Visa procedure company help for right person. Salary approx. 24000 USD/year. Contact me directly by email if interested: yosephcz _at_ yahoo. Minimum intermediate English language required. Regards, Josef
  2. salary - taxes == $1500 per month per person, accommodation will be arranged && 100% paid by company. I do not know how much is accommodation in Moscow but I think it is bloody expensive like in Czech Republic. btw. what salary is market standard? What is important number for contract I think is: income $$$ - accommodation $$$ = ?
  3. I am looking for an experienced application programmer for long term contract or permanent role, company is based in Czech Republic. Programming under Windows (90% of projects) and Linux. Role is oriented to application layer programming (driver layer not needed but is advantage). Knowledge of IP communication, socket, user interface, WinAPI, Windows system services, communication interfaces RS232 / 485 / ethernet. Programing in C / C++. Programming under Windows (strong knowledge): Embarcadero (Borland) C++ Builder or MS Visual Studio, under Linux (basic knowledge minimum): GCC + GTK. Salary: 24000,- USD per year + bonus for accommodation costs. Work permit, accommodation etc. company will arrange. Friendly experienced small R&D team. Contact: [email protected]
  4. I think that calculating in USD is better because in Russian spoken countries USD is more common calculating than calculating in EUR.
  5. Привет, в городе Пардубице аренда квартиры есть 300,- USD за месяц, обед в кафе от 3,- USD. Налоговое удержание есть около 25%. YOSEPHCZ
  6. да фирма есть C...Tel, IP address есть адрес нашего сервера. У нас есть старт нового проекта на линуксе. Нам нужен линукс программист.
  7. I am looking for a stable member of our development team = I prefer permanent job position than contract role. We can give to him (or her :-) ) good salarary for Czech Republic region, it means about $25000,- USD per year (it depends on experience - I think that salary can be changed after conversation with him/her). Best regards, YOSEPHCZ
  8. извините меня что я буду писать по английски: Embedded linux project based on ARM9 Samsung S3C2410 and S3C2440. We need a programmer for writing of device drivers, porting of linux kernel to our custom board (writing of patch to linux kernel source code), writing of user aplication software, cross-compiling etc. Hardware skills are wellcome! Good salary - depends on skills. We can arrange accommodation. There is friendly atmosphere in our team. English communication skills for technical communication with people in team is enough, it is not must to have excellent english communication skills. Сенкс, YOSEPHCZ
  9. оператор new

    ето вам нужно для Rowley Crossworks 1.4: void * operator new(size_t sz_) throw() { return (void *)malloc(sz_); } YOSEPHCZ
  10. Как CrossWorks-ом сгенерить BIN файл: Project->Properties->Linker->Additional output format YOSEPHCZ
  11. ST ARM STR710x; CrossWorks

    Izvinite, ja budu pisat' po English, segodn'ja u menja net russkoj klaviatury: First - Startup.s from CW: .section .vectors, "ax" .code 32 .align 0 /***************************************************************************** * Exception Vectors * *****************************************************************************/ _vectors: ldr pc, [pc, #reset_handler_address - . - 8] /* reset */ ldr pc, [pc, #undef_handler_address - . - 8] /* undefined instruction */ ldr pc, [pc, #swi_handler_address - . - 8] /* swi handler */ ldr pc, [pc, #pabort_handler_address - . - 8] /* abort prefetch */ ldr pc, [pc, #dabort_handler_address - . - 8] /* abort data */ nop ldr pc, [pc, #-0x0808] //by yosephcz - EIC_IVR register ////ldr pc, [pc, #irq_handler_address - . - 8] /* irq */ ldr pc, [pc, #fiq_handler_address - . - 8] /* fiq */ ... Second - you must properly configure EIC - for example: #define SIR(n) (*(&EIC_SIR0 + n)) ... EIC_IVR = 0x40000000; ... SIR(ivector_) = priority_ | ((UINT32)pISRfce_ << 16); ... enable IRQ etc. .... Where: A/ "((UINT32)pISRfunction_ << 16)" is lower 16bits of address of your ISR routine. "pISRfunction_" is pointer to your ISR routine. This 16bits will be filled in lower 16bits of EIC_IVR register when IRQ appears. Higher 16bits of EIC_IVR register is filled in my CPU init code "EIC_IVR = 0x40000000;". B/ priority_ is IRQ priority ACTION: When IRQ appears, EIC_IVR is filled with address of your ISR routine and CPU jumps to the address which is filled in EIC_IVR register. EIC_IVR is filled automatically by CPU according to the active interrupt source. For more please see STR71x user manual - EIC (Enhanced Interrupt Controller). Note: make sure that 0x40000000 is correct offset of your ISR routine. I have for example created flash memory section from 0x40002000, where my ISR routines are linked. I have theoretically 0xE000 Bytes for ISR code. I think that this situation is much better on Philips LPC2xxx devices, where you can fill 32bit address of your ISR routine. On STR71x you can fill only 16bits and higher 16bits you must fill for ALL ISR functions to the EIC_IVR register = your ISR functions must be linked in 0xFFFF Bytes memory block (it means max. 64kB "only"). This mechanism is the fastest solution of IRQ handling. This mechanism is very similar to the LPC2xxx. Or you can do the other method whis is written in ST examples, but this mechanism is slower. YOSEPHCZ
  12. ST ARM STR710x; CrossWorks

    работаю на STR712FR2T6 уже 1 год, уже 2000+ шт. (3 различные проекта), STR712 мне нравится. IRQ/FIQ нет проблема. HDLC я не пробовал.
  13. Кто уже рaботал c ARMами от СТ Микро STR71x?
  14. Мужики хелп, LPC2106 есть таймер0 и его два MATCH MODULES 0 и 1, T0MCR=0x09, T0CCR=0x00, VIC interrupt OK enabled: ******************************************** unsigned int tmp0_, tmp1_, tmpT0TC_; void TIMER0_IRQ() __attribute__ ((interrupt ("IRQ"))); void TIMER0_IRQ() { tmpT0TC_ = T0TC; //save register value for debug watch if(T0IR & 0x01) { //MATCH 0 T0IR = 0x00000001; //clear interrupt flag T0MR0 += 4001; //add value count0_++; //counter IO0PIN ^= 0x00000010; //pin complement } if(T0IR & 0x02) { //MATCH 1 T0IR = 0x00000002; //clear interrupt flag T0MR1 += 5000; //add value count1_++; IO0PIN ^= 0x00000004; //pin complement } VICVectAddr = 0x00000000; //Dummy write to signal end of interrupt } ******************************************** Программа работает хорошо, но когда count1_ == 0x0B84, программа работает плохо = count0_ есть инкремент но count1_ инкремента нет, нужно таймер T0TC0 оверфлов и матч модул1 работает опять только момент, но матч модул0 работает всё время хорошо!
  15. хелп! RowleyCW1.2+LPC2106+LPC2000FlashUtilityPhilips: программа "build configuration ARM Flash Debug" работает хорошо но "build configuration ARM Flash Release" не работает == после ресета работает только 2сек.!
  16. сенкс это OPEN DRAIN, но в каком даташите вы это читал?
  17. у меня есть: PINSEL0 = 0x00000000; IO0DIR = 0x0000000C; но комманда IO0SET = 0x0000000C; не работает, есть 0 Волт P0.2 и P0.3! Но прочие GPIO пины (P0.0, P0.1 => IO0DIR = 0x00000003;) работают хорошо!
  18. "reentrant function" ARM7, GCC

    мужики, есть LPC2292 + GCC compiler, как сделать "reentrant function"?
  19. mcu.cz rulezz! это хорошой чехословацкый сервер!
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