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Информация о ziggystardust

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  1. I use SystemView for my Masters project. I had to create some DLL or tokens to simulate a 3G speech codec but I only managed to get the decoder to work and that was all programmed in C. I recall you can built a whole DSP system using their tokens and also you can generate VHDL code as well. If anyone require tutorial notes, I manged to extract some notes from my dspedia CD. It also has some notes or tutorial in advanced DSP system.
  2. прочёл документ - на мой взгляд очень неудачная терминология этот "self-checking" тестбенч и пример под этим заголовком - достаточно примитивная техника - удачнее было бы применять термин "автоматизированный" тестбенч (и на мой взгляд для надёжной верификации проекта иной чем автоматизированный подход вообще недопустим) http://www.iiiccc.com/public/index.php?opt...parent=category www.asic-world.com Verilog I am sure you can get some idea by looking at the website.
  3. Use babelfish. that is why the russian is rubbish. I use the matlab code from the Maxim application notes to characterise an Atmel ADC 2GHz, and the results generated were very close to values in the Atmel datasheet. that was sampling at 2GHz and input sine wave of 25 MHz.
  4. I get this error message quite often. Check JTAG connector is attached securely to the board and parallel cable or power cycle the board. I had a lot of cables at work, not working and anumber of them was due to a loose connection with in the parallel 4 cable. You can try and open up the cable and check for any loose wires and resolder it. Hope you can read English.
  5. Большие примечания в характеризовать ADCs testing_adcs.pdf testing_adcs_2.pdf
  6. Большие примечания в характеризовать ADCs test_tones_for_adc.pdf coherentsampling.pdf
  7. Мой друг от Nortel использовал его раньше. Кодим не будет очень weel составленное а функциональное. Огорченно это будет перевод babelfish.
  8. http://www.edaboard.com/viewtopic.php?t=66...ighlight=haykin http://www.edaboard.com/ftopic155474.html
  9. http://isscvs.cern.ch/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/?...oot=atlas&path=
  10. http://www.eecg.toronto.edu/~tm4/jddr.html http://www.opencores.com/pdownloads.cgi/list/ddr_sdr
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