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DATE: 02-11-2011 HOTFIX VERSION: 024






858051 ALLEGRO_EDITOR OTHER Allegro's Help>About... System Info... doesn't work on Win7

862703 ALLEGRO_EDITOR DATABASE crash when doing a save_as

866288 ALLEGRO_EDITOR NC Drill customization table won’t let you add characters in lower case

866310 ALLEGRO_EDITOR DRC_CONSTR Testprep doesn't create a DRC for Testpoint > Component

866652 ALLEGRO_EDITOR SCHEM_FTB Allegro Spacing net class not updated with new logic

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DATE: 02-26-2011 HOTFIX VERSION: 025






746063 CIS OTHER CIS Query Does not display initial search results

779588 ALLEGRO_EDITOR PLACEMENT Symbol outline not rotated with component.

805616 ALLEGRO_EDITOR ARTWORK Allegro produces warning about database extents exceed film size

843145 CONCEPT_HDL CORE Cannot copy grayed out properties in the Attributes form to the buffer

845607 ALLEGRO_EDITOR EDIT_ETCH Sliding with arc gridless enabled leaves extra segments behind and 45 degree segment.

850428 SIG_EXPLORER SIMULATION SigXP failed to simulate the topology with designlink.

853665 SPECCTRA CHECK Scheduling violations reported incorrectly.

855534 CONSTRAINT_MGR OTHER formula result does not update when length changed

855793 CONCEPT_HDL CORE Rename Pin on Block is not working in DE HDL with HF 21

856306 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERACTIV Modifying pad instance corrupts db

859437 SIG_INTEGRITY GUI Log Scale setting of EMS2D was cleared by re-open design.

859850 SIG_INTEGRITY GEOMETRY_EXTRACT Allegro freeze during topology extraction with EMS2D.

860366 CAPTURE CONNECTIVITY Netlist is different in V16.3 than in V16.2

860809 F2B BOM Bomhdl failed to create the design view check for existance of the packaged directory

861027 CONSTRAINT_MGR CONCEPT_HDL Unable to synchronize the constraints

862137 SIP_LAYOUT OTHER SPB 16.3 SiP Logic - Derive assignment is unable to resolve connectivity of shapes

862980 ALLEGRO_EDITOR EDIT_ETCH When sliding a via the potential DRC behaviour is inconsistent.

863400 SPIF OTHER SPIF does not translate the oblong pads correctly

864363 APD REPORTS The Wirebond report is failing because there are Non-standard Bond wires present.

864621 ALLEGRO_EDITOR DATABASE Database corrupted after adding layers in Cross Section and trying to save the board file.

865875 ALLEGRO_EDITOR MENTOR mbs2brd translator results in broken/unrouted nets even though the BoardStation design is fully routed

866202 CONSTRAINT_MGR OTHER Worksheet File import fails with error message due to character limit

866726 CONCEPT_HDL CREFER TOC (table of content) not generated in schcref_1 schematic (CREFER flattened output).

867238 CONSTRAINT_MGR INTERACTIV Split Xnet for diff pair crashes PCB editor

867696 SIP_LAYOUT DIE_STACK_EDITOR When doing an Info on this design it will crash.

867742 ALLEGRO_EDITOR DATABASE Thermal Pad view for shapefillet on Negative layer

867842 CAPTURE PROJECT_MANAGER Capture crash with 'Open File Location"

868306 CAPTURE CONNECTIVITY mirror vertically removes junction creates extra nets

869758 CAPTURE GENERATE_PART Generate Part option "Copy schematic to library" does not copy schematic page attributes

869941 ALLEGRO_EDITOR PADS_IN PADS_IN unable to import Power PCB 2005.0 file in 16.3 but works with 16.2

870301 SIP_LAYOUT SHOW_ELEM When selecting Info and then a rectangle shape, the tool will crash.

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Кто пробовал 25-й хотфикс? Что нибудь критичное заметили?

Сейчас сижу на 22, собираюсь ставить 25... Заметил такую вещь в баглисте 23 хотфикса:

846679 ALLEGRO_EDITOR SHAPE Through Pin can not be voided correctly in dynamic shape.

Что это означает? Я у себя ничего такого не замечал...

И еще вопрос - а где вообще можно найти информацию про баги у текущего релиза?

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В списке поправленных багов очередного хотфикса:) Ну или у разработчиков спросить, у них точно баг-лист есть. Только зачем...

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DATE: 03-11-2011 HOTFIX VERSION: 026






851882 SCM SCHGEN Multiple issues with the ASA generated schematic in preserve mode while using square bracket

852063 ALLEGRO_EDITOR EDIT_ETCH What is being displayed in the HUD when a percentage is specified as a tolerance?

854502 ALLEGRO_EDITOR DRC_CONSTR DRC not detected until DBDoctor is executed. Status form and sum dwg report are incorrect.

856797 EMI RULE_CHECK Arc segments were detected as warning by bypass_plane_split.

859213 PCB_LIBRARIAN CORE $LOCATION size in PDV and DEHDL differ

860772 ADW PCBCACHE Save Shopping Cart (pcbcache) is crashing component browser

862259 SIG_INTEGRITY FIELD_SOLVERS EMS2D run twice during View Topology.

865158 ALLEGRO_EDITOR SHAPE Shapes are not voided with Dynamic Shape Fill modes with Regions

865295 PCB_LIBRARIAN CORE Part Developer crashs with symbols having Japanese notes

866095 PCB_LIBRARIAN EXPORT_OTHER Export DE HDL part to Capture Part Crashed

866835 SCM UI User arguments not used over project arguments for new tool

867102 CAPTURE LIBRARY Incorrect pin number gets assigned to pin if a PDF is opened before writng the pin number.

868092 CAPTURE GEN_BOM Capture BOM in V16.3 is different than that of V16.2 for attached test case.

868517 ALLEGRO_EDITOR ARTWORK A pinhole was made in the artwork file.

868646 ALLEGRO_EDITOR SCHEM_FTB Change in the PIN_GROUP at the chips level not propagated to the board file does not allow the swap

868844 PCB_LIBRARIAN CORE BUBBLE_GROUP with no value causes problematic symbol

869326 CIS DESIGN_VARIANT View Variant is not showing part as Do Not Stuff

869547 ALLEGRO_EDITOR SCHEM_FTB Error while parsing the alternate symbol

869931 SIG_INTEGRITY OTHER DML Library Management rewrites library longer then 512 characters into multiple lines.

869960 F2B PACKAGERXL PART_NAME property added to Export Packageable schematic parts

870392 APD EDIT_ETCH Route > Slide not performing as expected in 16.3

870704 ALLEGRO_EDITOR PARTITION 2nd import of parttiotion unplace components in master

871177 CAPTURE LIBRARY Keyboard shortcut for closing the Place Part window

871552 PSPICE SIMULATOR Pspice tool crash

871643 ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERFACES IDF in batch and GUI for dra files fails to calculate extents correctly

871968 ALLEGRO_EDITOR COLOR After using Clear All Nets, Color Dialog box needs to be reopened for adding custom colors.

872352 APD WIREBOND Move Guide paths crashed APD.

872380 CONCEPT_HDL COMP_BROWSER DEHDL crash when editing the ppt_optionset.dat file from Part Manager.

872450 APD WIREBOND Wire to die edge angle remains highlighted in red for wire bond status window in v16.3

872787 APD WIREBOND Some Unused Wire profiles be purged but still existing in Bond Wire Profile of Color Visibility?

873217 ALLEGRO_EDITOR TESTPREP Testpoint generation not working correctly

873500 APD REPORTS Total Plating value is 0

873505 APD MANUFACTURING fillet size changed when recreate Plating Bar

873600 APD OTHER When attempting to Display Pin Names the tool takes a very long time.

874341 ALLEGRO_EDITOR OTHER "Gloss>Convert corner to arc" command made an unnecessary circular arc.

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DATE: 03-25-2011   HOTFIX VERSION: 027
820901  EMI            SETUP            Request EMC system.conf file that can be read from  CDS_SITE.
861999  ALLEGRO_EDITOR DRC_CONSTR       DRC hang after padeditdb
862463  CONCEPT_HDL    RF_LAYOUT_DRIVEN Rotating and Mirroring RF components in DE-HDL requires RFFLIPMODE property to be correctly updated
867223  ALLEGRO_EDITOR SHAPE            Shape fill disappears when Negative shape is converted to Positive in Cross Section
868733  CONCEPT_HDL    ARCHIVER         ASA Archiver not saving the entire design.
871548  ALLEGRO_EDITOR MENTOR           Shapes missing after mbs2brd translation
872003  SIG_EXPLORER   SIMULATION       TDR simulation results were different between 15.7 and 16.3.
872464  CONCEPT_HDL    CORE             DEHDL script works in SPB16.2 but not in SPB16.3
873772  SCM            CONSTRAINT_MGR   Importing a block results in subblocks coming in without properties
874335  SPECCTRA       ROUTE            Route Custom crashes SPECCTRA after routing for some time during "Running Route Phase".
874989  CAPTURE        SCHEMATICS       Schematics jumps to another page after a mouse click
875161  CAPTURE        NETLISTS         Creating Allegro netlist hangs Capture
875411  ALLEGRO_EDITOR NC               NC drill produces Error processing extract . Program terminated.
876004  ALLEGRO_EDITOR SHAPE            Unused pad suppression problem in Allegro v16.3 since S020~S024
876045  ALLEGRO_EDITOR SHAPE            Oval hole drills do not void shape with hole shape drc when the regular pad is smaller than hole
876168  SPECCTRA_MENT_ IMPORT           option to have a switch to prevent merging of plane layers during mbs2sp
876210  ALLEGRO_EDITOR SHAPE            When updating shapes to Smooth the tool will hang.
876284  ALLEGRO_EDITOR DATABASE         Executing SKILL file crashes Allegro
877057  ALLEGRO_EDITOR MENTOR           Footprints are shifted when importing from boardstation
877549  SIP_LAYOUT     WIREBOND         Wirebonds not moving correctly when on an Interposer smaller than the die.
877862  APD            WIREBOND         APD crashed when add Wirebond without any dump and cannot record script.
878199  CIS            DERIVE_NEW_DB_PA Change in Regional Setting causing problem in derive database
878216  APD            OTHER            stream_in - Stream file scan failed
878400  APD            WIREBOND         unable to add a wire bonding on few die pad

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DATE: 04-8-2011    HOTFIX VERSION: 028
704398  CONCEPT_HDL    CORE             In Windows mode basic shortcuts do not work when in German language
771137  ADW            LRM              LRM reports 'Injected Mismatch' for a value based on capitalization of ptf value
872547  CONCEPT_HDL    CORE             Document schematic - Published PDF is missing Bookmarks
875001  CONSTRAINT_MGR OTHER            Click on the Constraint Manager selected net filter icons crash software.
875039  CONSTRAINT_MGR ANALYSIS         RPD margin is not calculated in 16.3
876275  CONCEPT_HDL    CONSTRAINT_MGR   Constraint Manager not retaining target net
877912  APD            DRC_CONSTRAINTS  Shape to Shape DRC seems to be behaving inconsistenly above 90 um spacing on mcm database.
878022  CONCEPT_HDL    CONSTRAINT_MGR   NO_XNET_CONNECTION is not working unless defined on last discrete before receiver
878519  SIG_EXPLORER   OTHER            View Trace Parameter - stripline trace model display incorrect distance to the reference plane
879529  CAPTURE        NETLISTS         Misleading bus/pin ERROR [NET0081] message from PSpice netlist
881455  ALLEGRO_EDITOR INTERFACES       Some Drill Figures missing while Exporting DXF
881711  ALLEGRO_EDITOR SCHEM_FTB        Spacing constraints(Net Class) from schematic are not transferring correctly to the layout
882277  ALLEGRO_EDITOR DRC_CONSTR       Get Bogus (false) "Thru Pin to shape spacing" DRC for Oval slotted pads.
882408  SCM            SCHGEN           Export physical fails due to netlisting error with the ASA exported schematic
882796  APD            OTHER            GDS stream import results in a set of bumps misplaced... possibly rotated 90 degrees

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DATE: 04-22-2011 HOTFIX VERSION: 029






789198 CAPTURE PROPERTY_EDITOR Newly added user property to a symbol can not be moved on the schematic page.

812501 CAPTURE NETLIST_OTHER Extension of PADS netlist is .NET in V16.3. It should be .ASC.

842161 CIS GEN_BOM CIS standard BOM taking long time

844125 CAPTURE NETLISTS Normal and convert view placed in same design don't get netlisted due to duplicate power pin names.

847688 CAPTURE PROPERTY_EDITOR Property Editor changes selection on Display

851044 CAPTURE GEN_BOM "Export BOM report to Excel" does not appear in the Standard Bill of Material Window.

862785 CAPTURE NETLISTS RINF netlist with net attributes generetaed by capture 16.3 is not getting loaded in CADSTAR tool

868118 CAPTURE NETLIST_ALLEGRO Differential pairs not getting netlisted in hierarchical design.

869630 ALLEGRO_EDITOR DATABASE Request - support additional dielectric layers above the top conductor layer for flex designs.

880219 CIS GEN_BOM Standard CIS BOM does not viewed properly if underscore presents in Part_Number property

881792 ALLEGRO_EDITOR SHAPE Cannot Delete the Islands on the shape. No Error reported.

882128 SPECCTRA HIGHSPEED Difference in length report between Allegro and SPECCTRA

883224 SIG_INTEGRITY SIMULATION crash while reflection simulation from Constraint Manager

883291 SIG_INTEGRITY OTHER Z-axis delay causes incorrect actual values for delay

883971 APD EDIT_ETCH APD crashed when I tried to add cline in (-6674.79 -7506.74) via.

884061 CAPTURE SCHEMATIC_EDITOR multi-line text zoom doesn't work correctly

884181 ADW DBEDITOR Parts get released anyway without any errors flagged.

885019 CAPTURE GEN_BOM Create BOM causes Capture crash with include file

886437 ALLEGRO_EDITOR SHAPE Change of behavior of NET_SHORT between 16.2 and 16.3

887190 ALLEGRO_EDITOR PADS_IN getting parse error during PADS to Allegro Import

887348 ALLEGRO_EDITOR MENTOR mbs2brd translator crashing without any error message in attached testcase -v16.3s027

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DATE: 04-22-2011 HOTFIX VERSION: 029

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