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  1. Вакансия: FPGA-разработчик - FPGA Design Engineer Ищем инициативного специалиста, готового взять на себя разработку и ведение проектов от Т.З. до готового изделия. Основное направление работы – разработка алгоритмов ЦОС для систем связи. Задачи: • Реализация алгоритмов цифровой обработки сигналов (фильтрация, корреляционный анализ); • Рефакторинг кода; • Запуск и отладка цифровых платформ; • Поддержка устройств; Условия: • Полная рабочая неделя; • Трудоустройство по ТК РБ; • Белая заработная плата; • Возможны редкие командировки; • Работа в небольшом дружном коллективе; • Приветствуется оригинальность решений поставленных задач; Требования: • высшее техническое образование по профилю: • радиотехника / радиофизика / вычислительные системы; • опыт разработки устройств на базе FPGA фирмы Xilinx 7й серии и выше; • владение Verilog/VHDL/System Verilog; • знание основ спектрального анализа; • знание основ цифровой схемотехники; • опыт работы с измерительным оборудованием: осциллограф, генератор, анализатор спектра; • технический английский; • ответственность, коммуникабельность; Адрес: 220114, г. Минск, ул. Огинского, 6 – 36 (ст. м. Борисовский тракт) Примечание: Вопрос оплаты труда сугубо индивидуальный в зависимости от знаний квалификации и опыта работы. Детали можно обсудить более подробно после получения резюме на [email protected] FPGA Design Engineer.docx
  2. Требуется удаленный монтаж печатных плат. В большинстве это тестовые и отладочные платы в единичных экземплярах. Иногда могут быть небольшие серии до 10 шт. Слишком больших серий не планируется, поэтому производственные SMT линии не рассматриваю – нечем будет загружать. По элементам это от 0201 (редко), 0402(часто) и до 1210, по корпусам все разнообразие от SOIC до QFN, DQFN и небольшие BGA. Из своего опыта – будет достаточно качественного ручного монтажа. Главные критерии – оперативность и качество! Желательно север города, чтобы не тратить время на дорогу (логистику). Контакты через: [email protected]
  3. Principal Senior R&D Engineer Edwards Lifesciences BMEYE Edwards Lifesciences BMEYE BV, located in Amsterdam, has a track record in the development of innovative non-invasive monitoring technologies, which have been incorporated in medical devices sold worldwide. Edwards Lifesciences BMEYE’s mission is to improve patient care by offering reliable non-invasive alternatives for invasive hemodynamic monitoring methods. The company is looking for a Principal Senior R&D engineer. Main purpose of the Job Participate in the development of a new sensors for the patient monitors of Edwards Lifesciences. Key Performance area Generate design concepts and prototype builds. Participate in pre-clinical evaluations. Interaction with Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) to determine their needs/wants Transfer of the concept design to the Engineering team. Develop, maintain and execute R&D project plans and coordinate cross functional team developmental activities in support of company's strategic plan Develop test methods and procedures to evaluate device prototype performances Conduct engineering reviews utilizing existing test protocols, or develop new ones as needed and generate related written reports Maintain accurate documentation of concepts, designs, drawings, and processes Maintain current knowledge of competitive technologies in addition to medical, technical, and biomedical developments related to company products Assign work to technicians and temporary workers on a needs basis The professional requirements The Senior Engineer has ideally a couple years of relevant engineering experience that includes exposure to design of experiments, specification development, and prototyping. Experience in the medical device or other highly regulated industry is desired Experience with 3D modeling (Pro Engineer, Solidwords and/or AutoCAD) is an added value Personal Skills Perseverance and results driven with a sense of urgency Eagerness to get understanding of other relevant disciplines Proactive, able to deliver result on time Hands-on mentality, creative in finding solutions Be able to work independently as well as in a team Good English language skills Terms Edwards Lifesciences BMEYE offers you a competitive remuneration package which reflects the market condition in the Netherlands and the levels of skills and experience they need to remain at the forefront of their science of heart valves and hemodynamic monitoring industry. The company encourages you to explore your potential whatever your needs and ambitions. They are committed to providing the training and development you need to reach your own personal goals within the constraints of mutual benefit. They offer you the opportunity to grow in your technical knowledge. Information For additional information about this job, please contact Erik Maresch telephone +31 6 54 39 34 33 To apply, send your CV to: [email protected] Principal_R_D_Engineer_EW.doc.pdf
  4. Усилитель до 50ГГц на 40ГГц порядка 18дБм, это из того что можно взять и попробовать ! а так можно и покаскадировать при желании...
  5. Обязательно 24dBm на 40ГГц или можно меньше?
  6. Ищем инициативного специалиста, готового взять на себя разработку и ведение проектов от Т.З. до готового изделия. Желательны знания в следующих областях (не обязательно во всех перечисленных): - RF/Microwave modules design (Broadband Receiver, Transmitter, Up/Down converter, frequency planning); - Frequency Synthesizer design ( single/multi­loop PLL from fixed to octave frequency bandwidth); - LNA design (Balanced LNA, FB LNA, TWDA LNA, NF Load Pull); - High dynamic range IF amplifier design (balanced amplifiers for matching ADC/DAC with next analog circuits); - RF/Microwave filter design up to 40GHz (lumped, microstrip, cavity, waveguide, DR, CR); - RF signal processing circuits design (power divider/combiner, quadrature hybrid, balun, directional coupler, phase shifter, broadband matching network); - RF power amplifier design up to (class A/AB narrow and broadband PA, PA for complex modulated signals, Load Pull analysis); - RF Switches design (pin diode, high isolation); - Experience in the field of RF measurements (Noise Figure, IP1, IP2, IP3, Phase noise, etc.); - Technical background in the RF PCB design. Знание специализированных CAD: Microwave Office, ADS, etc. Опыт работы с измерительным оборудованием: Vector Network Analyzer, Spectrum Analyzer, Signal Analyzer, Vector signal Generator, Power meter, Noise Figure Analyzer, Frequency counter, Oscilloscope, Phase Noise testing, BER meter. Основное направление работы – это широкополосные РПУ/РПД до 40ГГц и все что с этим связано. Вопрос оплаты труда сугубо индивидуальный в зависимости от знаний квалификации и опыта работы (ориентировочно от 120т.р. и выше). Детали готов обсуждать более подробно только после получения резюме: [email protected] Территориально ст. м. Площадь Мужества
  7. Что же тогда получается, что VNA измеряет только импеданс 50 Ом??? :))) смотрите в сторону сдвига референсных плоскостей при измерении, т.е. вам нужно добраться вашим калиброванным VNA до того места в топологии где подсоединяется транзистор
  8. Ужас!!! Лучше вообще не браться, а покупать уже готовые и клеить свою бирку :), чтобы кровь не закипела !!! Можно по подробнее про условия самовозбуда усилителя мощности от по плате будет бегать почти киловатт реактивной мощности
  9. Если есть интерес, пишите на [email protected] (там все сугубо индивидуально в зависимости от опыта и квалификации) Ну а для совсем грубой прикидки в инете полно информации, включая ресурсы типа www.glassdoor.com
  10. Предложение все еще в силе, по всем вопросам пишите на [email protected]
  11. Предложение все еще в силе, по всем вопросам пишите на [email protected]
  12. Предложение все еще в силе, по всем вопросам пишите на [email protected]
  13. Отсутствие дискриминации - это нормально!!!!! Предложение все еще в силе!
  14. Senior Analog and M/S Design Engineer Main purpose of the job The Senior Analog and M/S Design Engineer will work with a team of experienced IC designers to develop state-of-the-art integrated circuits and will be involved in research, definition, design, simulation, layout support, characterization and release to production of high-performance Analog and Mixed-Signal products. The professional requirements M.S. or Ph.D. level with more than 4 years design experience in Analog and Mixed-Signal design. Possess strong intuitive and analytical understanding of transistor-level design. Understand placement and layout issues with respect to mixed-signal IC design. Proven record of designing innovative products. Design lead capabilities. Experience in CMOS 90 nm and smaller feature size technology is required. Location Delft ( The Netherlands) Terms The company offers you a competitive remuneration package which reflects the market condition in the Netherlands and the levels of skills and experience they need to remain at the forefront in the semiconductor industry. The company encourages you to explore your potential whatever your needs and ambitions. They are committed to providing the training and development you need to reach your own personal goals within the constraints of mutual benefit. They offer you the opportunity to grow in your professional knowledge. Information All applications will be welcomed and will be considered on the relative merits of the applicant against the role profile for the position regardless of colour, race, nationality, ethnic origin, sex, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, parental responsibilities, age, religion, or belief. For additional information about this job, please contact Erik Maresch telephone +31 6 54 39 34 33 To apply, send your CV to: [email protected] Senior_Analog_MS_Design_Engineer.pdf
  15. Senior RF Design Engineer Main purpose of the job The Senior RF Design Engineer will work with a team of experienced IC designers to develop state-of-the-art integrated circuits and will be involved in design, simulation, layout support, characterization and release to production of high-performance Radio Frequency Analog circuits. The Senior RF Design Engineer should be able to translate customer requirements into design specifications and perform feasibility studies and analyze new analog design ideas. The professional requirements M.S. or Ph.D. level with more than 4 years design experience in Analog RF design. Possess strong intuitive and analytical understanding of transistor-level design. Understand placement and layout issues with respect to RF frequency IC design. Proven record of designing innovative RF products. Design lead capabilities. Experience in CMOS 90 nm and smaller feature size technology is required. Experience in high level models (Verilog AMS) and verification environment. Location Eindhoven ( The Netherlands) Terms The company offers you a competitive remuneration package which reflects the market condition in the Netherlands and the levels of skills and experience they need to remain at the forefront in the semiconductor industry. The company encourages you to explore your potential whatever your needs and ambitions. They are committed to providing the training and development you need to reach your own personal goals within the constraints of mutual benefit. They offer you the opportunity to grow in your professional knowledge. Information All applications will be welcomed and will be considered on the relative merits of the applicant against the role profile for the position regardless of colour, race, nationality, ethnic origin, sex, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, parental responsibilities, age, religion, or belief. For additional information about this job, please contact Erik Maresch telephone +31 6 54 39 34 33 To apply, send your CV to: [email protected] Senior_RF_Design_Engineer.pdf
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