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1 571 просмотр профиля
  1. Hi everybody how to set the mu of the ferrite ? 1000 is the default value in HFSS. 1 is the default value in CST. I am very confuse for this setting.
  2. The polarization angle in port define dialog is not effect. In the help of the cst, the polarization angle is used to define the direction of E-filed. Have any one enacount this situation?
  3. Double click , then open the property edit window. I want to scale the figure not the number. I copy this filed plot to word, but the colorkey part is too bigger than the antenna part. And the colorkey can not be zoom out.
  4. How to scale the colorkey in Field display view? THanks
  5. anyone know how to use postprocessingvariable? and how to use derivatives in add solution setup dialog?
  6. Thanks. Also find Hfss has already provide a calculator cookbook.
  7. How to export the current distribution in a patch to a ascii file?
  8. CST2012

    Very beautiful. Also I expect the multilayer green function solver urgently.
  9. я думаю, Согласующие цепи, не изменит распределение поля
  10. Отрегулируйте прозрачность? Или нажмите “B” ключевые?
  11. Это возможно. нажмите кнопку "Edit source" набор "MAG" port1 port2 port3 port4 1 1 0 0 Вы можете получить один результат. набор "MAG" port1 port2 port3 port4 0 0 1 1 Вы можете получить другой результат. :rolleyes:
  12. использовать несколько "solution setup" Укажите, какой порт использовать в "Edit sources" :rolleyes:
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