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  • ICQ
  1. Temperature alarm Temperature alarm with ATMega8 and DS18S20/DS18B20. Set high and low limits with rotary switches and device will alert you with buzzer and blinking LED's when temperature is out of limits. Triac Power Regulator/Timer Single-phase, zero crossing power regulator/timer. Can be used for switching on load for a defined time period, controlling power applied to load, or both functions combined. For example: heater control, soldering iron temperature regulation. 7-segment LED display for time/power indication.Bresenham's algorithm used for control signal distribution. Countdown timer Simple timer for switching on load for a defined time period. Set time period, push the START button and timer will turn on for a defined time period. After time elapses it will turn off automatically. http://www.embtron.com/
  2. Таймеры

    AVRCalc http://www.elektronik-projekt.de/include.p...p&contentid=184
  3. с ресет проблема решена, осталось #define #define проблема решена
  4. volatile помогло, лед моргает. Осталось две проблемы - прорама роботает до ресета ( есть ресет кнопка на PCB) после ресета стоп, и почему ети #define неработет.
  5. Вот код. RAM Debug и FLASH Debug роботает( диодами моргает) а RAM Release и FLASH Release нет. CrossWorks 1.4 #include <targets/LPC21xx.h> #define USE_MAM #define USE_PLL #define PLLCFG_VAL 0x23 // M=4 P=2 static void MAM_init() { MAMCR = 0; MAMTIM = 0x03; MAMCR = 2; } static void PLL_init() { PLLCFG = 0x43; PLLCON = 0x01; PLLFEED = 0xAA; PLLFEED = 0x55; while(!(PLLSTAT & 0x400)); PLLCON = 0x03; PLLFEED = 0xAA; PLLFEED = 0x55; } static void ledInit() { IO0DIR |= 0xD00; IO0SET = 0xD00; } static void ledOn(void) { IO0CLR = 0xD00; } static void ledOff(void) { IO0SET = 0xD00; } void delay(int d) { for(; d; --d); } int main(void) { PLL_init(); MAM_init(); ledInit(); while (1) { ledOn(); delay(200000); ledOff(); delay(200000); } return 0; } p.s. и еше обратите внимание на #define USE_MAM #define USE_PLL #define PLLCFG_VAL 0x23 // M=4 P=2 я так понял что с етими #define startup.s будет включать PLL и MAM. А нифига - пришлось самому писать MAM_init и PLL_init /***************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 Rowley Associates Limited. * * * * This file may be distributed under the terms of the License Agreement * * provided with this software. * * * * THIS FILE IS PROVIDED AS IS WITH NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE * * WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * *****************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************** * Preprocessor Definitions * ------------------------ * * VECTORED_IRQ_INTERRUPTS * * Enable vectored IRQ interrupts. If defined, the PC register will be loaded * with the contents of the VICVectAddr register on an IRQ exception. * * USE_PLL * * If defined, connect PLL as processor clock source. If undefined, the * oscillator clock will be used. * * PLLCFG_VAL * * Override the default PLL configuration (multiplier = 5, divider = 2) * by defining PLLCFG_VAL. * * USE_MAM * * If defined then the memory accelerator module (MAM) will be enabled. * * MAMCR_VAL & MAMTIM_VAL * * Override the default MAM configuration (fully enabled, 3 fetch cycles) * by defining MAMCR_VAL and MAMTIM_VAL. * * VPBDIV_VAL * * If defined then this value will be used to configure the VPB divider. * * SRAM_EXCEPTIONS * * If defined, enable copying and re-mapping of interrupt vectors from User * FLASH to SRAM. If undefined, interrupt vectors will be mapped in User * FLASH. * *****************************************************************************/ #ifndef PLLCFG_VAL #define PLLCFG_VAL 0x24 #endif #ifndef MAMCR_VAL #define MAMCR_VAL 2 #endif #ifndef MAMTIM_VAL #define MAMTIM_VAL 3 #endif #define MAMCR_OFFS 0x000 #define MAMTIM_OFFS 0x004 #define PLLCON_OFFS 0x080 #define PLLCFG_OFFS 0x084 #define PLLSTAT_OFFS 0x088 #define PLLFEED_OFFS 0x08C #define VPBDIV_OFFS 0x100 .section .vectors, "ax" .code 32 .align 0 /***************************************************************************** * Exception Vectors * *****************************************************************************/ _vectors: ldr pc, [pc, #reset_handler_address - . - 8] /* reset */ ldr pc, [pc, #undef_handler_address - . - 8] /* undefined instruction */ ldr pc, [pc, #swi_handler_address - . - 8] /* swi handler */ ldr pc, [pc, #pabort_handler_address - . - 8] /* abort prefetch */ ldr pc, [pc, #dabort_handler_address - . - 8] /* abort data */ #ifdef VECTORED_IRQ_INTERRUPTS .word 0xB9205F84 /* boot loader checksum */ ldr pc, [pc, #-0xFF0] /* irq handler */ #else .word 0xB8A06F60 /* boot loader checksum */ ldr pc, [pc, #irq_handler_address - . - 8] /* irq handler */ #endif ldr pc, [pc, #fiq_handler_address - . - 8] /* fiq handler */ reset_handler_address: .word reset_handler undef_handler_address: .word undef_handler swi_handler_address: .word swi_handler pabort_handler_address: .word pabort_handler dabort_handler_address: .word dabort_handler irq_handler_address: .word irq_handler fiq_handler_address: .word fiq_handler .section .init, "ax" .code 32 .align 0 /****************************************************************************** * * * Default exception handlers * * * ******************************************************************************/ reset_handler: #if defined(USE_PLL) || defined(USE_MAM) || defined(VPBDIV_VAL) ldr r0, =0xE01FC000 #endif #if defined(USE_PLL) /* Configure PLL Multiplier/Divider */ ldr r1, =PLLCFG_VAL str r1, [r0, #PLLCFG_OFFS] /* Enable PLL */ mov r1, #0x1 str r1, [r0, #PLLCON_OFFS] mov r1, #0xAA str r1, [r0, #PLLFEED_OFFS] mov r1, #0x55 str r1, [r0, #PLLFEED_OFFS] /* Wait for PLL to lock */ pll_lock_loop: ldr r1, [r0, #PLLSTAT_OFFS] tst r1, #0x400 beq pll_lock_loop /* PLL Locked, connect PLL as clock source */ mov r1, #0x3 str r1, [r0, #PLLCON_OFFS] mov r1, #0xAA str r1, [r0, #PLLFEED_OFFS] mov r1, #0x55 str r1, [r0, #PLLFEED_OFFS] #endif #if defined(USE_MAM) mov r1, #0 str r1, [r0, #MAMCR_OFFS] ldr r1, =MAMTIM_VAL str r1, [r0, #MAMTIM_OFFS] ldr r1, =MAMCR_VAL str r1, [r0, #MAMCR_OFFS] #endif #if defined(VPBDIV_VAL) ldr r1, =VPBDIV_VAL str r1, [r0, #VPBDIV_OFFS] #endif #if defined(SRAM_EXCEPTIONS) /* Copy exception vectors into SRAM */ mov r8, #0x40000000 ldr r9, =_vectors ldmia r9!, {r0-r7} stmia r8!, {r0-r7} ldmia r9!, {r0-r6} stmia r8!, {r0-r6} /* Re-map interrupt vectors from SRAM */ ldr r0, MEMMAP mov r1, #2 /* User RAM Mode. Interrupt vectors are re-mapped from SRAM */ str r1, [r0] #endif /* SRAM_EXCEPTIONS */ b _start #ifdef SRAM_EXCEPTIONS MEMMAP: .word 0xE01FC040 #endif /****************************************************************************** * * * Default exception handlers * * These are declared weak symbols so they can be redefined in user code. * * * ******************************************************************************/ undef_handler: b undef_handler swi_handler: b swi_handler pabort_handler: b pabort_handler dabort_handler: b dabort_handler irq_handler: b irq_handler fiq_handler: b fiq_handler .weak undef_handler, swi_handler, pabort_handler, dabort_handler, irq_handler, fiq_handler
  6. Flash Debug - Load into and run from Flash memory. Compile/assemble with debug information and with optimization disabled. RAM Debug - Load into and run from RAM. Compile/assemble with debug information and with optimization disabled. debug information - ето что конкретно ? Load into and run from RAM - ето как ? Если у меня LPC2129 с 256kb FLASH и 16kb RAM мне нужно "Load into and run from RAM" или "Load into and run from Flash memory"
  7. FLASH release/RAM release/FLASH debug/RAM debug

    В чем разница между FLASH release/RAM release/FLASH debug/RAM debug ?
  8. А какая тебе разнича. Тебе нужно 100 циклов вот компилятор и делает их. А то что он уменшает переменную ето его дело.
  9. Но PORTD &= ~(1<<5); PORTD |= 1<<5; переносимо на любои компилятор
  10. Бум делать електросчетчик Проц uPSD3233. Че он будет делать: Считать елетроенергию (ADE7756) Комуникации(Modbus slave) - RS232,RS485, power-line RTC, EEPROM на I2C LCD екранчик Кнопочки Так че мне нужно - TINY или FULL http://www.keil.com/rtx51/specs.htm Или не Keil ?
  11. В WinAVR - 20050214 нет cbi и sbi О том что их небудет предупреждали уже давно. #define bit_set(p,m) ((p) |= (m)) #define bit_clear(p,m) ((p) &= ~(m)) #define BIT(x) (0x01 << (x)) bit_set(PORTD,BIT(0)); bit_clear(PORTD, BIT(0));
  12. Keil GCC + WIGGLER JTAG ?

    Потому что нужно бесплатное а не "бесплатное'
  13. Philips ARM Design Contest 2005

    Забрал бы я First Prize $3,000 но вот гады поменяли правила и оставили только LPC2131 LPC2132 LPC2134 LPC2136 LPC2138ю А у меня Olimex c LPC2129 и Ethernet :maniac: http://www.jandspromotions.com/philips2005/index.htm
  14. Можно делать так - качаеш ICCAVR демо запускаеш Aplication Builder и код переносиш в WINAVR. Просто и бесплатно :)
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