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Добрый день, возникла проблема. есть 2 скетча, один сканирует карту пропуска а второй отправляет на ftp файл по отдельности они работают, но при соединении карта SD не инициализируется. #include <Wire.h> #include <SD.h> #include <NewSoftSerial.h> #include <SoftwareSerial.h> #include <DS3231.h> DS3231 Clock; bool Century=false; char* file_name1 = "RFIDlog1.csv"; // имя файла прикрепляемого char char_buffer; String string_buffer = ""; int buffer_space = 1000; const int chipSelect = 10; NewSoftSerial mySerial(3, 2); // Считыватель RFID NewSoftSerial mySerialgsm(6, 7); // RX, TX GSM (rxPin, txPin) int counter; byte data[14]; byte hexBlock1,hexBlock2,hexBlock3,hexBlock4,hexBlock5; byte hexCalculatedChecksum,hexChecksum; #define stx 2//Define the value of rfid start bit #define etx 3//Define the value of rfid end bit byte res; byte msb; byte lsb; int val; bool h12; bool PM; byte ADay, AHour, AMinute, ASecond, ABits; bool ADy, A12h, Apm; void setup() { Wire.begin(); Serial.begin(19200); mySerial.begin(9600); mySerialgsm.begin(19200); Serial.println("Hi"); InitiSD(); } void loop() { int hour; hour = Clock.getHour(h12, PM); if ( hour >= 6 && hour <= 23 ) //Запуск программы считывания карт с 6 часов утра до 23 часов и соответсвенно отправка после 23 часов { read_and_log(); } else { File dataFile1 = SD.open(file_name1); if (dataFile1) { Serial.println("Opening the file: " + String(file_name1) + " done."); }else { Serial.println("Error opening " + String(file_name1)); while(true); } Serial.println("Starting..."); gprs_modem_function (); Serial.println("The end..."); } } void read_and_log (){ if (mySerial.available() > 0) { data[counter] = mySerial.read(); counter++; if(counter > 13) { counter = 0; //check if start of text and end of text is correct if(data[0] == stx && data[13] == etx) { //Turn LED on pin 8 ON digitalWrite(8,HIGH); Serial.println("RFID Tag correctly received."); //Hex ID blocks. Two transmitted Bytes form one Hex ID block. //Hex ID blocks: 6 2 | E 3 | 0 8 | 6 C | E D //Transmitted Bytes: 36H 32H | 45H 33H | 30H 38H | 36H 43H | 45H 44H hexBlock1 = AsciiCharToNum(data[1])*16 + AsciiCharToNum(data[2]); hexBlock2 = AsciiCharToNum(data[3])*16 + AsciiCharToNum(data[4]); hexBlock3 = AsciiCharToNum(data[5])*16 + AsciiCharToNum(data[6]); hexBlock4 = AsciiCharToNum(data[7])*16 + AsciiCharToNum(data[8]); hexBlock5 = AsciiCharToNum(data[9])*16 + AsciiCharToNum(data[10]); //Transmitted checksum. hexChecksum = AsciiCharToNum(data[11])*16 + AsciiCharToNum(data[12]); //XOR algorithm to calculate checksum of ID blocks. hexCalculatedChecksum = hexBlock1 ^ hexBlock2 ^ hexBlock3 ^ hexBlock4 ^ hexBlock5; if ( hexCalculatedChecksum == hexChecksum ) { Serial.println("Checksum OK!"); // gets the date and time // RX8025.getRtcTime(&rtc_sec, &rtc_min, &rtc_hou, &rtc_wee, &rtc_dat, &rtc_mon, &rtc_yea); //going to write it all to sd now Serial.println("Will try to write data to RFIDlog.csv on SD now."); // open RFIDlog.csv. note that only one file can be open at a time, // so you have to close this one before opening another. File dataFile = SD.open("RFIDlog.csv", FILE_WRITE); // if the file is available, write to it: if (dataFile) { //Write the RFID Card ID dataFile.print("ID:"); dataFile.print(","); dataFile.print(data[3], BYTE); dataFile.print(data[4], BYTE); dataFile.print(data[5], BYTE); dataFile.print(data[6], BYTE); dataFile.print(data[7], BYTE); dataFile.print(data[8], BYTE); dataFile.print(data[9], BYTE); dataFile.print(data[10], BYTE); dataFile.print(","); dataFile.print(" :Serial: "); dataFile.print(data[5], BYTE); dataFile.print(data[6], BYTE); dataFile.print(","); dataFile.print(" :Number: "); dataFile.print(data[7], BYTE); dataFile.print(data[8], BYTE); dataFile.print(data[9], BYTE); dataFile.print(data[10], BYTE); dataFile.print(" ,"); dataFile.print(" ,"); //print date if (Century) { // Won't need this for 89 years. dataFile.print("1"); } else { dataFile.print("0"); } dataFile.print("Date:"); dataFile.print(" ,"); dataFile.print(Clock.getYear(), DEC); dataFile.print("/"); dataFile.print(Clock.getMonth(Century), DEC); dataFile.print("/"); dataFile.print(Clock.getDate(), DEC); dataFile.print(","); //print time dataFile.print("Time:"); dataFile.print(","); dataFile.print(Clock.getHour(h12, PM), DEC); dataFile.print(":"); dataFile.print(Clock.getMinute(), DEC); dataFile.print(":"); dataFile.print(Clock.getSecond(), DEC); dataFile.print(","); if (h12) { if (PM) { dataFile.print(" PM "); } else { dataFile.print(" AM "); } } else { dataFile.print(" 24h "); } //print temp. dataFile.print("Temp Deg. C"); dataFile.print(","); dataFile.print(Clock.getTemperature(), 2); dataFile.println(","); //close the RFIDlog.csv file dataFile.close(); // print to the serial port for monitoring this line can be removed along with // 'void monitorout()' at the end of the script to reduce sketch size, but // only do this if you are sure every thing works and you DO NOT need a diag output // when writing the data to the SD card monitorout(); // flush newsoftserial and delay to prevent mutiple readings of same RFID tag delay(2000); // По умолчанию 2500 mySerial.flush(); //turn led off digitalWrite(8,LOW); } // if the file RFIDlog.csv isn't open, pop up an error: else { Serial.println("Error opening file - RFIDlog.csv"); return; } } else { Serial.println("Checksum didn't match transmitted checksum. Corrupt data!"); // don't do anything more: return; } } } } } uint8_t AsciiCharToNum(byte data) { //First substract 48 to convert the char representation //of a number to an actual number. data -= '0'; //If it is greater than 9, we have a Hex character A-F. //Substract 7 to get the numeral representation. if (data > 9) data -= 7; return data; } void data_file_dump () { File dataFile = SD.open("RFIDlog.csv"); // if the file is available, write to it: if (dataFile) { while (dataFile.available()) { Serial.write(dataFile.read()); } dataFile.close(); Serial.print("Finished dumping, waiting for 2 min"); delay(120000); //delay for 2 minutes after dumping RFIDlog.csv } // if the file isn't open, pop up an error: else { Serial.println("Error opening RFIDlog.csv to dump data"); delay(2000); } } void monitorout(){ //Print Tags ID Serial.print("ID:"); } void InitiSD(){ Serial.println("Initializing SD Card..."); pinMode(10, OUTPUT); if (!SD.begin(chipSelect)) { Serial.println("SD Card failed, or not present."); return; } Serial.println("SD Card Ready."); Serial.println(" "); } void erase_dataFile(){ Serial.println("Removing RFIDlog.csv..."); SD.remove("RFIDlog.csv"); Serial.println("RFIDlog.csv Removed"); delay(20000); if (SD.exists("RFIDlog.csv")){ Serial.println("RFIDlog.csv exists."); delay(5000); } else { Serial.println("RFIDlog.csv doesn't exist."); delay(5000); } } byte gprs_modem_function (){ File dataFile1 = SD.open(file_name1); byte reply = 1; int i = 0; while (i < 10 && reply == 1){ //Try 10 times... reply = sendATcommand("AT+CREG?","+CREG: 0,1","ERROR", 1000); i++; delay(1000); } if (reply == 0){ reply = sendATcommand("AT+SAPBR=3,1,\"Contype\",\"GPRS\"","OK","ERROR", 1000); if (reply == 0){ reply = sendATcommand("AT+SAPBR=3,1,\"APN\",\"internet.mts.ru\"", "OK", "ERROR", 1000); if (reply == 0){ reply = sendATcommand("AT+SAPBR=3,1,\"USER\",\"mts\"", "OK", "ERROR", 1000); if (reply == 0){ reply = sendATcommand("AT+SAPBR=3,1,\"PWD\",\"mts\"", "OK", "ERROR", 1000); if (reply == 0){ reply = 2; i = 0; while (i < 3 && reply == 2){ //Try 3 times... reply = sendATcommand("AT+SAPBR=1,1", "OK", "ERROR", 10000); if (reply == 2){ sendATcommand("AT+SAPBR=0,1", "OK", "ERROR", 10000); } i++; } if (reply == 0){ reply = sendATcommand("AT+SAPBR=2,1", "OK", "ERROR", 1000); if (reply == 0){ reply = sendATcommand("AT+FTPCID=1", "OK", "ERROR", 1000); if (reply == 0){ reply = sendATcommand("AT+FTPMODE=1", "OK", "ERROR", 1000); // Пассивный режим (1) Активный режим (0) if (reply == 0){ reply = sendATcommand("AT+FTPSERV=\"\"", "OK", "ERROR", 1000); //сервер фтп, можно как айпи указать так и адрес типа ftp.tra-ta-ta.com if (reply == 0){ reply = sendATcommand("AT+FTPPORT=21", "OK", "ERROR", 1000); if (reply == 0){ reply = sendATcommand("AT+FTPUN=\"u21278091\"", "OK", "ERROR", 1000); // Логин u21278091 if (reply == 0){ reply = sendATcommand("AT+FTPPW=\"Simpson\"", "OK", "ERROR", 1000); // Пароль Simpson if (reply == 0){ reply = sendATcommand("AT+FTPPUTNAME=\"" + String(file_name1) + "\"", "OK", "ERROR", 1000); if (reply == 0){ reply = sendATcommand("AT+FTPPUTPATH=\"/\"", "OK", "ERROR", 1000); if (reply == 0){ unsigned int ptime = millis(); reply = sendATcommand("AT+FTPPUT=1", "+FTPPUT: 1,1", "+FTPPUT: 1,6", 60000); Serial.println("Time: " + String(millis() - ptime)); if (reply == 0){ if (dataFile1) { int i = 0; while (dataFile1.available()>0) { char_buffer = dataFile1.read(); string_buffer.concat(char_buffer); i++; if (i == buffer_space) { sendATcommand("AT+FTPPUT=2," + String(buffer_space), "AT+FTPPUT=2,10", "ERROR", 1000); sendATcommand(string_buffer, "OK", "ERROR", 5000); string_buffer = ""; i = 0; } } if (string_buffer != ""){ sendATcommand("AT+FTPPUT=2," + String(i), "AT+FTPPUT=2,10", "ERROR", 1000); sendATcommand(string_buffer, "OK", "ERROR", 5000); sendATcommand("AT+FTPPUT=2,0", "OK", "ERROR", 1000); } dataFile1.close(); } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } return reply; } byte sendATcommand(String ATcommand, String answer1, String answer2, unsigned int timeout){ byte reply = 1; String content = ""; char character; //Clean the modem input buffer while(mySerialgsm.available()>0) mySerialgsm.read(); //Send the atcommand to the modem mySerialgsm.println(ATcommand); delay(100); unsigned int timeprevious = millis(); while((reply == 1) && ((millis() - timeprevious) < timeout)){ while(mySerialgsm.available()>0) { character = mySerialgsm.read(); content.concat(character); Serial.print(character); delay(10); } //Stop reading conditions if (content.indexOf(answer1) != -1){ reply = 0; }else if(content.indexOf(answer2) != -1){ reply = 2; }else{ //Nothing to do... } } return reply; } Arduino nano 328 SD карта подключена к CS 10 пину собственно byte gprs_modem_function () отправляет на фтп если закоментировать часть Serial.println("Time: " + String(millis() - ptime)); if (reply == 0){ if (dataFile1) { int i = 0; while (dataFile1.available()>0) { char_buffer = dataFile1.read(); string_buffer.concat(char_buffer); i++; if (i == buffer_space) { sendATcommand("AT+FTPPUT=2," + String(buffer_space), "AT+FTPPUT=2,10", "ERROR", 1000); sendATcommand(string_buffer, "OK", "ERROR", 5000); string_buffer = ""; i = 0; } } if (string_buffer != ""){ sendATcommand("AT+FTPPUT=2," + String(i), "AT+FTPPUT=2,10", "ERROR", 1000); sendATcommand(string_buffer, "OK", "ERROR", 5000); sendATcommand("AT+FTPPUT=2,0", "OK", "ERROR", 1000); } то карта инициализируется... подскажите пожалуйста в чем может быть проблема
  2. яндекс тоже работает AT+SAPBR=1,1 AT+SAPBR=3,1,"CONTYPE","GPRS" AT+SAPBR=3,1,"APN","internet.mts.ru" AT+SAPBR=3,1,"USER","mts" AT+SAPBR=3,1,"PWD","mts" AT+EMAILCID=1 AT+EMAILTO=30 AT+SMTPCS="UTF-8" AT+SMTPSRV="smtp-devices.yandex.com",25 AT+SMTPAUTH=1,"name","password" AT+SMTPFROM="[email protected]","name" AT+SMTPRCPT=0,0,"[email protected]","name2" AT+SMTPRCPT=1,0,"[email protected]","name3" AT+SMTPRCPT=2,0,"[email protected]","name4" AT+SMTPSUB="Theme_0001" AT+SMTPBODY=19 This is a new Email AT+SMTPSEND
  3. Добрый день, semyanov_dmitry подскажите как вы с карты SD скопировали файл в память модема? у меня получается создавть файл на внутренней памяти модема командой AT+FSCREATE=RFIDlog.csv затем AT+SMTPFILE=1,"RFIDlog.csv",0 прикрепляем файл и отправляется писмо с вложением файла, а вот как скопирвоать файл с SD не могу разобраться... быть может часть кода покажете именно копирование с карты в память. заранее спасибо!
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