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  1. IAR 6.4 Optimization Bug

    В версии 6.50.5 баг с оптимизацией вроде бы исправили.
  2. К вопросу об углах: http://www.ultracad.com/articles/90deg.pdf " Conclusions: The TDR data do not show any measurable reflections from either 45 or 90 corners in microstrip traces. In theory, there is a change in Zo caused by a corner, but the effect is not sufficient to be resolvable with a 17 ps rise-time pulse. The radiated emission measurements (up to 1.3 GHz.) do not show an increase for 90 corners, compared to 45 corners, that is larger than measurement uncertainty. All of the trace geometries measured produced radiated emissions that were 35-50 dB below the emissions of a 3-cm long monopole antenna and only slightly above those from a straight trace with no corners. For most circuit boards it is expected that discontinuities encountered at IC packages, connectors, and vias will produce much larger reflection or radiation effects than either 45 or 90 corners. "
  3. Andrew N. Sloss, Dominic Symes, Chris Wright ARM System Developer’s Guide. Designing and Optimizing System Software. 7.4 Square Roots 7.4.1 Square Root by Trial Subtraction ... following optimized assembly to implement the preceding algorithm in only 50 cycles including the return. ... 7.4.2 Square Root by Newton-Raphson Iteration ... It uses a table lookup followed by two Newton-Raphson iterations and is accurate to a maximum error of 2**-29. On an ARM9E the code takes 34 cycles including the return....
  4. AT91SAM7X128-AU B

    А Atmel его знает :) Видимо контроллер flash глючит при переходных процессах. Во всяком случае мне помогло. Угу. Только я reset по BOD не включал.
  5. AT91SAM7X128-AU B

    Включи BOD
  6. AT91RM9200

  7. Вообще-то есть :) http://focus.ti.com/lit/an/spraav1b/spraav1b.pdf page 10-11, 23-24 "the trace width exiting the BGA pad is much too large. In this case the trace acts as a heatsink during reflow" Я не сторонник тонких проводников питания - совсем наоборот :). Но надо знать меру.
  8. Changes between V6.0.5 and V6.1.0 released October 6 2010 + Added xTaskGetTickCountFromISR() function. + Modified vTaskSuspend() to allow tasks that have just been created to be immediately suspended even when the kernel has not been started. This allows them to effectively start in the Suspended state - a feature that has been asked for on numerous occasions to assist with initialisation procedures. + Added ports for the Renesas RX62N using IAR, GCC and Renesas tool suites. + Added a STM32F103 demo application that uses the Rowley tools. + Under specific conditions xFreeBytesRemaining within heap_2.c could end up with an incorrect value. This has been fixed. + xTaskCreateGeneric() has a parameter that can be used to pass the handle of the task just created out to the calling task. The assignment to this parameter has been moved to ensure it is assigned prior to the newly created having any possibility of executing. This takes into account the case where the assignment is made to a global variable that is accessed by the newly created task. + Fixed some build time compiler warnings in various FreeTCPIP (based on uIP) files. + Fixed some build time compiler warnings in Demo/Common/Minimal/IntQueue.c.

    Отключить опцию: Route/Autorouters.../Specctra/Command Line.../Quit when done
  10. ARM9 в DSP задачах

    В книжке "ARM System Developer’s Guide. Designing and Optimizing System Software" есть глава по DSP с примерами и оценкой производительности.
  11. Atmel зажигает!

    Кстати :) Atmel Opens New Research and Development Center in Taiwan http://www.atmel.com/dyn/corporate/view_de...ng_1-19-10.html
  12. AT91AR9200+SDRAM глюки

    Кстати на сайте Атмела появился апнот: "Signal Integrity and Power Integrity Analysis around the SDRAM Bus Activity Using an AT91SAM9260 Mic Application Note" http://www.atmel.com/dyn/resources/prod_do...nts/doc6386.pdf Там и примеры разводок есть.
  13. Changes between V5.2.0 and V5.3.0 released June 1st 2009 Main changes: + Added new (optional) feature that gathers statistics on the amount of CPU time used by each task. + Added a new demo application for the Atmel AT91SAM3U Cortex-M3 based microcontroller. + Added a new demo application for the NXP LPC1766 Cortex-M3 based microcontroller. + Added a contributed port/demo that allows FreeRTOS to be 'simulated' in a Linux environment. Minor changes: + Updated the Stellaris uIP WEB server demos to include the new run time statistics gathering feature - and include a served WEB page that presents the information in a tabular format. + Added in the lwIP port layer for the Coldfire MCF52259. + Updated the CrossWorks LPC2368 WEB server to include an image in the served content. + Changed some of the timing in the initialisation of the LPC2368 MAC to permit its use on all part revisions. + Minor modifications to the core uIP code to remove some compiler warnings. + Added xTaskGetApplicationTaskTag() function and updated the OpenWatcom demo to make use of the new function. + Added contributed demos for AVR32 AP7000, STM32 Primer 2 and STM32 using Rowley Crossworks. + Heap_1.c and Heap_2.c used to define structures for the purpose of data alignment. These have been converted to unions to save a few bytes of RAM that would otherwise be wasted. + Remove the call to strncpy() used to copy the task name into the TCB when the maximum task name is configured to be 1 byte long.
  14. R0.07a, Apr 14, 2009 Separated out OS dependent code on re-entrant configuration. Added multiple sector size support.
  15. С кем не бывает :) Для одной карты и одной FS может и не надо. А если карт больше одной (у меня их 8) то, полагаю, мютексить драйвер MCI необходимо. Я под FreeRTOS второй день тестирую. Вроде пока все нормально. LFN не пробовал, а в остальном - вполне.
  16. R0.07, Apr 01, 2009 Merged Tiny-FatFs as a buffer configuration option. Added long file name support. Added multiple code page support. Added re-entrancy for multitask operation. Added auto cluster size selection to f_mkfs(). Added rewind option to f_readdir(). Changed result code of critical errors. Renamed string functions to avoid name collision.
  17. Fixed Point для ARM7

    Sorry, проверял вроде. Повторим: http://ifolder.ru/10879927
  18. Fixed Point для ARM7

  19. Fixed Point для ARM7

    Есть такая весьма полезная книга: ARM System Developer’s Guide Designing and Optimizing System Software Andrew N. Sloss, Dominic Symes, Chris Wright Ch.7 Square Roots 7.4.1 Square Root by Trial Subtraction 7.4.2 Square Root by Newton-Raphson Iteration ;// Section 7.4: Square and cube root AREA ch07_4, CODE, READONLY EXPORT usqr_32 EXPORT ucbr_32 EXPORT rsqr_32 q RN 0 ; input value, current square root estimate r RN 1 ; the current remainder c RN 2 ; scratch register usqr_32; unsigned usqr_32(unsigned q) SUBS r, q, #1<<30 ; is q>=(1<<15)^2? ADDCC r, r, #1<<30 ; if not restore MOV c, #3<<30 ; c is a constant ADC q, c, #1<<31 ; set bit 15 of answer ; calculate bits 14..0 of the answer GBLA N N SETA 14 WHILE N<>-1 CMP r, q, ROR #(30-2*N) ; is r >= t<<N ? SUBCS r, r, q, ROR #(30-2*N) ; if yes then r -= t<<N; ADC q, c, q, LSL#1 ; insert next bit of answer N SETA (N-1) WEND BIC q, q, #3<<30 ; extract answer MOV pc, lr q0 RN 0 ; input value, current estimate r RN 1 ; current remainder s RN 2 ; current remainder q1 RN 3 ; current estimate c_1 RN 12 ; 1<<29 c_2 RN lr ; 3<<30 MACRO CBR_STEP $N, $q1, $q0 SUBS $q1, r, s, ROR #(30-3*$N) MOVCS r, $q1 ADC $q1, c_2, $q0, LSL#1 ADD s, $q0, s, ROR #30 EORCS $q0, c_1, $q0, LSL #1 SUB s, s, $q0, ROR #30 MEND ucbr_32; unsigned ubcr_32(unsigned q) STR lr, [sp, #-4]! MVN c_1, #1<<29 MOV c_2, #3<<30 ; calculate answer bit 10 SUBS r, q0, #1<<30 MOVCC r, q0 ADC q0, c_2, #1<<31 MOVCC s, #(1<<30) MOVCS s, #(3<<30)+4 ; calculate answer bits 9,8,...,1 CBR_STEP 9, q1, q0 CBR_STEP 8, q0, q1 CBR_STEP 7, q1, q0 CBR_STEP 6, q0, q1 CBR_STEP 5, q1, q0 CBR_STEP 4, q0, q1 CBR_STEP 3, q1, q0 CBR_STEP 2, q0, q1 CBR_STEP 1, q1, q0 ; calculate answer bit 0 CMP r, s, ROR #30 ADC q0, q1, q1 BIC r0, q0, #3<<30 LDR pc, [sp], #4 q RN 0 ; input value, estimated reciprocal root b RN 1 ; scratch register s RN 2 ; normalization shift d RN 3 ; normalized input value a RN 12 ; scratch register/accumulator rsqr_32; unsigned rsqr_32(unsigned q) CLZ s, q ; choose shift s which is BIC s, s, #1 ; even such that d=(q<<s) MOVS d, q, LSL s ; is 0.25<=d<1 at Q32 ADDNE q, pc, d, LSR#25 ; table lookup on top 7 bits LDRNEB q, [q, #tab-base-32]; of d in range 32 to 127 base BEQ div_by_zero ; divide by zero trap ADD q, q, #0x100 ; table stores only bottom 8 bits ; q is now a Q8, 9-bit estimate to 1/sqrt(d) SMULBB a, q, q ; a = q*q at Q16 MOV b, d, LSR #17 ; b = d at Q15 SMULWB a, a, b ; a = d*q*q at Q15 MOV b, q, LSL #7 ; b = q at Q15 RSB a, a, #3<<15 ; a = (3-d*q*q) at Q15 MUL q, a, b ; q = q*(3-d*q*q)/2 at Q31 ; q is now a Q31 estimate to 1/sqrt(d) UMULL b, a, d, q ; a = d*q at Q31 MOV s, s, LSR #1 ; square root halves the shift UMULL b, a, q, a ; a = d*q*q at Q30 RSB s, s, #15 ; reciprocal inverts the shift RSB a, a, #3<<30 ; a = (3-d*q*q) at Q30 UMULL b, q, a, q ; q = q*(3-d*q*q)/2 at Q31 ; q is now a good Q31 estimate to 1/sqrt(d) MOV q, q, LSR s ; undo the normalization shift BX lr ; return q div_by_zero MOV q, #0x7FFFFFFF ; maxium positive answer BX lr ; return q tab ; tab[k] = round(256.0/sqrt((k+32.3)/128.0)) - 256 DCB 0xfe, 0xf6, 0xef, 0xe7, 0xe1, 0xda, 0xd4, 0xce DCB 0xc8, 0xc3, 0xbd, 0xb8, 0xb3, 0xae, 0xaa, 0xa5 DCB 0xa1, 0x9c, 0x98, 0x94, 0x90, 0x8d, 0x89, 0x85 DCB 0x82, 0x7f, 0x7b, 0x78, 0x75, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x6c DCB 0x69, 0x66, 0x64, 0x61, 0x5e, 0x5c, 0x59, 0x57 DCB 0x55, 0x52, 0x50, 0x4e, 0x4c, 0x49, 0x47, 0x45 DCB 0x43, 0x41, 0x3f, 0x3d, 0x3b, 0x3a, 0x38, 0x36 DCB 0x34, 0x32, 0x31, 0x2f, 0x2d, 0x2c, 0x2a, 0x29 DCB 0x27, 0x26, 0x24, 0x23, 0x21, 0x20, 0x1e, 0x1d DCB 0x1c, 0x1a, 0x19, 0x18, 0x16, 0x15, 0x14, 0x13 DCB 0x11, 0x10, 0x0f, 0x0e, 0x0d, 0x0b, 0x0a, 0x09 DCB 0x08, 0x07, 0x06, 0x05, 0x04, 0x03, 0x02, 0x01 END
  20. Следует обратить внимание, чтобы при отключенном питании, карточка не запитывалась по сигнальным линиям. Некоторые карточки этого не любят.
  21. А может 0201x2 подойдут ? Размер 0.8x0.6mm. И при разводке оперировать с двойками бывает удобнее.
  22. Release Name: V5.1.1 Notes: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes between V5.1.0 and V5.1.1 released November 20, 2008 + Added Coldfire MCF52233 WEB server demo using GCC and Eclipse. + Added IAR MSP430 port and demo. + Corrected several compiler time issues that had crept in as tool versions change. + Included FreeRTOS-uIP - a faster uIP. This is not yet complete.
  23. В FatFS для таких случаев есть функция f_sync(): Так что брось ты эту efsl :) FatFS вполне вменяемая FS.
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