-------------------------------------------------------------------- | HyperLynx Batch Mode Report, Version 8.0 | | | | Note: Search on '** Warning **' and '** Warning(Severe) **' | | to find signal-integrity and EMC problems. | | | | Note: The signal-integrity information below is a summary of | | the results from the corner cases selected for this batch | | run (Fast-Strong, Typical, and Slow-Weak). | | | | Note: Signal-integrity simulation tests for SI compliance | | against user-set limits, and includes effects of | | transmission-line discontinuities, IC loading, etc. | | SI violation flags include: | | D = Delay error | | -> min delay to pin < net's min delay threshold OR | | -> max delay to pin > net's max delay threshold | | T = Threshold error | | -> during transition, the pin's signal level did | | not reach the switching threshold | | R = Rail-overshoot error | | -> pin's signal level exceeded the power-supply rail | | by more than the net's overshoot threshold | | O = Signal-integrity-overshoot error | | -> pin's signal level exceeded the steady-state | | level by more than the net's overshoot threshold | | M = Multi-threshold-crossing error | | -> pin's signal level crossed the threshold more | | than once during transition | | N = Non-monotonic error | | -> pin's signal level changed direction while within | | the transition region between Vil and Vih | | X = Crosstalk error | | -> crosstalk from neighbor nets exceeded the | | threshold value for this net | | - = No error in this field | | | | Note: Metal delays shown in this report are copper delays only | | (no effects of reflections, IC loading, etc.) For actual | | pin-to-pin delays, see detailed SI simulation results. | | | | Note: Lossy transmission-line modeling used. | -------------------------------------------------------------------- START TIME ********************************************************************** Date ............................. Tuesday Apr. 02,2013 Time ............................. 10:43:38 GENERAL INFORMATION ********************************************************************** Board ............................ ADP_SPEC.hyp Total number of nets ............. 104 Total number of components........ 26 Board temperature ................ 20.0 degrees C Default IC model (used for quick analysis if IC model is missing) IC driver rise/fall time ..2.000 ns IC driver switching voltage range ..3.00 V IC driver output impedance 1.0 ohms IC input capacitance ..... 7.0 pF CHANGED PASSIVE-COMPONENT VALUES ********************************************************************** Reference Designator User Entered Value -------------------- ------------------ NEW TERMINATING COMPONENTS (Quick Terminators) ********************************************************************** Terminator Location Type Value(s) --------------------------- ------------------ ------------------- CROSSTALK REPORT - QUICK ANALYSIS ********************************************************************** The following crosstalk information is intended to be worst case estimates assuming all nets are unterminated. Actual driver rise and fall times have been used for the estimates where models were found. The HyperLynx field solver and equation-based estimates have been combined with an expert system to compute peak crosstalk magnitudes. The crosstalk values are the sum of crosstalk from each segment for each electrically connected set of associated nets. Although these estimates are more accurate than can be calculated manually using closed-form equations, they are estimates only. Run detailed simulations to find actual crosstalk levels. These estimates are useful for determining which nets to simulate in detail. Maximum allowed crosstalk ........... 50 mv peak NET = RPLY ELECTRICALLY ASSOCIATED NETS -------------------------------------- None AGGRESSOR NETS (Estimated peak crosstalk) DCLO ........................... 221 mv BIAKO .......................... 204 mv Sum of the two strongest aggressors ............. 425 mv ** Warning ** Estimate exceeds maximum allowed crosstalk! NET = -IOW ELECTRICALLY ASSOCIATED NETS -------------------------------------- None AGGRESSOR NETS (Estimated peak crosstalk) AD0 ............................ 237 mv A3 ............................. 188 mv D0 ............................. 181 mv -IOR ........................... 180 mv A7 ............................. 132 mv A6 ............................. 112 mv Sum of the two strongest aggressors ............. 425 mv ** Warning ** Estimate exceeds maximum allowed crosstalk! NET = DB ELECTRICALLY ASSOCIATED NETS -------------------------------------- None AGGRESSOR NETS (Estimated peak crosstalk) IAKO ........................... 256 mv SIA ............................ 164 mv BIRQ ........................... 120 mv DCLO ........................... 112 mv Sum of the two strongest aggressors ............. 420 mv ** Warning ** Estimate exceeds maximum allowed crosstalk! NET = SIA ELECTRICALLY ASSOCIATED NETS -------------------------------------- None AGGRESSOR NETS (Estimated peak crosstalk) RPLY_I ......................... 235 mv DB ............................. 164 mv P1 ............................. 79 mv Sum of the two strongest aggressors ............. 399 mv ** Warning ** Estimate exceeds maximum allowed crosstalk! NET = -IOR ELECTRICALLY ASSOCIATED NETS -------------------------------------- None AGGRESSOR NETS (Estimated peak crosstalk) A7 ............................. 202 mv -IOW ........................... 180 mv A3 ............................. 144 mv A4 ............................. 62 mv Sum of the two strongest aggressors ............. 382 mv ** Warning ** Estimate exceeds maximum allowed crosstalk! NET = ADR17 ELECTRICALLY ASSOCIATED NETS -------------------------------------- None AGGRESSOR NETS (Estimated peak crosstalk) D3 ............................. 190 mv ADR16 .......................... 170 mv Sum of the two strongest aggressors ............. 360 mv ** Warning ** Estimate exceeds maximum allowed crosstalk! NET = D3 ELECTRICALLY ASSOCIATED NETS -------------------------------------- None AGGRESSOR NETS (Estimated peak crosstalk) ADR17 .......................... 193 mv AD2 ............................ 166 mv D5 ............................. 83 mv AEN ............................ 77 mv Sum of the two strongest aggressors ............. 359 mv ** Warning ** Estimate exceeds maximum allowed crosstalk! NET = D4 ELECTRICALLY ASSOCIATED NETS -------------------------------------- None AGGRESSOR NETS (Estimated peak crosstalk) D6 ............................. 175 mv D1 ............................. 168 mv A1 ............................. 101 mv #TDO ........................... 65 mv Sum of the two strongest aggressors ............. 343 mv ** Warning ** Estimate exceeds maximum allowed crosstalk! NET = D1 ELECTRICALLY ASSOCIATED NETS -------------------------------------- None AGGRESSOR NETS (Estimated peak crosstalk) REST ........................... 169 mv D4 ............................. 168 mv OSC ............................ 121 mv A1 ............................. 106 mv D0 ............................. 58 mv Sum of the two strongest aggressors ............. 337 mv ** Warning ** Estimate exceeds maximum allowed crosstalk! NET = D0 ELECTRICALLY ASSOCIATED NETS -------------------------------------- None AGGRESSOR NETS (Estimated peak crosstalk) -IOW ........................... 182 mv A6 ............................. 153 mv A3 ............................. 128 mv D1 ............................. 58 mv Sum of the two strongest aggressors ............. 335 mv ** Warning ** Estimate exceeds maximum allowed crosstalk! NET = DCLO ELECTRICALLY ASSOCIATED NETS -------------------------------------- None AGGRESSOR NETS (Estimated peak crosstalk) RPLY ........................... 221 mv DB ............................. 110 mv BIAKO .......................... 53 mv Sum of the two strongest aggressors ............. 331 mv ** Warning ** Estimate exceeds maximum allowed crosstalk! NET = BDOUT ELECTRICALLY ASSOCIATED NETS -------------------------------------- None AGGRESSOR NETS (Estimated peak crosstalk) P1 ............................. 330 mv Total estimated crosstalk ....................... 330 mv ** Warning ** Estimate exceeds maximum allowed crosstalk! NET = IAKO ELECTRICALLY ASSOCIATED NETS -------------------------------------- None AGGRESSOR NETS (Estimated peak crosstalk) DB ............................. 261 mv BSIA ........................... 60 mv Sum of the two strongest aggressors ............. 321 mv ** Warning ** Estimate exceeds maximum allowed crosstalk! NET = REST ELECTRICALLY ASSOCIATED NETS -------------------------------------- None AGGRESSOR NETS (Estimated peak crosstalk) D1 ............................. 169 mv OSC ............................ 139 mv SD4 ............................ 57 mv Sum of the two strongest aggressors ............. 308 mv ** Warning ** Estimate exceeds maximum allowed crosstalk! NET = ADR19 ELECTRICALLY ASSOCIATED NETS -------------------------------------- None AGGRESSOR NETS (Estimated peak crosstalk) AD13 ........................... 158 mv ADR20 .......................... 126 mv A8 ............................. 72 mv #TMS ........................... 56 mv Sum of the two strongest aggressors ............. 284 mv ** Warning ** Estimate exceeds maximum allowed crosstalk! NET = AD2 ELECTRICALLY ASSOCIATED NETS -------------------------------------- None AGGRESSOR NETS (Estimated peak crosstalk) D3 ............................. 166 mv ADR20 .......................... 118 mv Sum of the two strongest aggressors ............. 284 mv ** Warning ** Estimate exceeds maximum allowed crosstalk! NET = AD0 ELECTRICALLY ASSOCIATED NETS -------------------------------------- None AGGRESSOR NETS (Estimated peak crosstalk) BIRQ ........................... 146 mv -IOW ........................... 127 mv AD1 ............................ 127 mv Sum of the two strongest aggressors ............. 273 mv ** Warning ** Estimate exceeds maximum allowed crosstalk! NET = ADR20 ELECTRICALLY ASSOCIATED NETS -------------------------------------- None AGGRESSOR NETS (Estimated peak crosstalk) #TDO ........................... 144 mv ADR19 .......................... 126 mv AD2 ............................ 118 mv RES ............................ 73 mv IRQ7 ........................... 72 mv Sum of the two strongest aggressors ............. 270 mv ** Warning ** Estimate exceeds maximum allowed crosstalk! NET = BIRQ ELECTRICALLY ASSOCIATED NETS -------------------------------------- None AGGRESSOR NETS (Estimated peak crosstalk) AD0 ............................ 146 mv DB ............................. 117 mv Sum of the two strongest aggressors ............. 263 mv ** Warning ** Estimate exceeds maximum allowed crosstalk! NET = BIAKO ELECTRICALLY ASSOCIATED NETS -------------------------------------- None AGGRESSOR NETS (Estimated peak crosstalk) RPLY ........................... 205 mv DCLO ........................... 54 mv Sum of the two strongest aggressors ............. 259 mv ** Warning ** Estimate exceeds maximum allowed crosstalk! NET = ADR16 ELECTRICALLY ASSOCIATED NETS -------------------------------------- None AGGRESSOR NETS (Estimated peak crosstalk) ADR17 .......................... 170 mv AD13 ........................... 86 mv Sum of the two strongest aggressors ............. 256 mv ** Warning ** Estimate exceeds maximum allowed crosstalk! NET = AD13 ELECTRICALLY ASSOCIATED NETS -------------------------------------- None AGGRESSOR NETS (Estimated peak crosstalk) ADR19 .......................... 159 mv ADR16 .......................... 87 mv Sum of the two strongest aggressors ............. 246 mv ** Warning ** Estimate exceeds maximum allowed crosstalk! NET = A7 ELECTRICALLY ASSOCIATED NETS -------------------------------------- None AGGRESSOR NETS (Estimated peak crosstalk) A3 ............................. 128 mv -IOR ........................... 109 mv OE_BF .......................... 77 mv -IOW ........................... 71 mv Sum of the two strongest aggressors ............. 237 mv ** Warning ** Estimate exceeds maximum allowed crosstalk! NET = RPLY_I ELECTRICALLY ASSOCIATED NETS -------------------------------------- None AGGRESSOR NETS (Estimated peak crosstalk) SIA ............................ 235 mv Total estimated crosstalk ....................... 235 mv ** Warning ** Estimate exceeds maximum allowed crosstalk! NET = A3 ELECTRICALLY ASSOCIATED NETS -------------------------------------- None AGGRESSOR NETS (Estimated peak crosstalk) A7 ............................. 128 mv -IOW ........................... 101 mv A6 ............................. 97 mv -IOR ........................... 77 mv D0 ............................. 69 mv Sum of the two strongest aggressors ............. 229 mv ** Warning ** Estimate exceeds maximum allowed crosstalk! NET = #TDO ELECTRICALLY ASSOCIATED NETS -------------------------------------- None AGGRESSOR NETS (Estimated peak crosstalk) ADR20 .......................... 144 mv A1 ............................. 56 mv Sum of the two strongest aggressors ............. 200 mv ** Warning ** Estimate exceeds maximum allowed crosstalk! NET = AD14 ELECTRICALLY ASSOCIATED NETS -------------------------------------- None AGGRESSOR NETS (Estimated peak crosstalk) ADR21 .......................... 117 mv ADR18 .......................... 65 mv AD0 ............................ 56 mv Sum of the two strongest aggressors ............. 182 mv ** Warning ** Estimate exceeds maximum allowed crosstalk! NET = A6 ELECTRICALLY ASSOCIATED NETS -------------------------------------- None AGGRESSOR NETS (Estimated peak crosstalk) A3 ............................. 97 mv D0 ............................. 83 mv OSC ............................ 77 mv -IOW ........................... 60 mv Sum of the two strongest aggressors ............. 180 mv ** Warning ** Estimate exceeds maximum allowed crosstalk! NET = D6 ELECTRICALLY ASSOCIATED NETS -------------------------------------- None AGGRESSOR NETS (Estimated peak crosstalk) D4 ............................. 175 mv Total estimated crosstalk ....................... 175 mv ** Warning ** Estimate exceeds maximum allowed crosstalk! NET = D7 ELECTRICALLY ASSOCIATED NETS -------------------------------------- None AGGRESSOR NETS (Estimated peak crosstalk) AEN ............................ 92 mv D5 ............................. 81 mv DCLO ........................... 60 mv BDOUT .......................... 60 mv Sum of the two strongest aggressors ............. 173 mv ** Warning ** Estimate exceeds maximum allowed crosstalk! NET = AD15 ELECTRICALLY ASSOCIATED NETS -------------------------------------- None AGGRESSOR NETS (Estimated peak crosstalk) AD12 ........................... 107 mv ADR18 .......................... 65 mv Sum of the two strongest aggressors ............. 172 mv ** Warning ** Estimate exceeds maximum allowed crosstalk! NET = P1 ELECTRICALLY ASSOCIATED NETS -------------------------------------- None AGGRESSOR NETS (Estimated peak crosstalk) BDOUT .......................... 168 mv Total estimated crosstalk ....................... 168 mv ** Warning ** Estimate exceeds maximum allowed crosstalk! NET = IRQ7 ELECTRICALLY ASSOCIATED NETS -------------------------------------- None AGGRESSOR NETS (Estimated peak crosstalk) D2 ............................. 91 mv A8 ............................. 67 mv Sum of the two strongest aggressors ............. 158 mv ** Warning ** Estimate exceeds maximum allowed crosstalk! NET = BSIA ELECTRICALLY ASSOCIATED NETS -------------------------------------- None AGGRESSOR NETS (Estimated peak crosstalk) #TDI ........................... 157 mv Total estimated crosstalk ....................... 157 mv ** Warning ** Estimate exceeds maximum allowed crosstalk! NET = OSC ELECTRICALLY ASSOCIATED NETS -------------------------------------- None AGGRESSOR NETS (Estimated peak crosstalk) A6 ............................. 77 mv REST ........................... 75 mv A0 ............................. 72 mv D1 ............................. 60 mv A1 ............................. 58 mv Sum of the two strongest aggressors ............. 152 mv ** Warning ** Estimate exceeds maximum allowed crosstalk! NET = #TDI ELECTRICALLY ASSOCIATED NETS -------------------------------------- None AGGRESSOR NETS (Estimated peak crosstalk) BSIA ........................... 149 mv Total estimated crosstalk ....................... 149 mv ** Warning ** Estimate exceeds maximum allowed crosstalk! NET = A8 ELECTRICALLY ASSOCIATED NETS -------------------------------------- None AGGRESSOR NETS (Estimated peak crosstalk) ADR19 .......................... 73 mv IRQ7 ........................... 67 mv Sum of the two strongest aggressors ............. 140 mv ** Warning ** Estimate exceeds maximum allowed crosstalk! NET = AEN ELECTRICALLY ASSOCIATED NETS -------------------------------------- None AGGRESSOR NETS (Estimated peak crosstalk) D3 ............................. 78 mv D7 ............................. 58 mv Sum of the two strongest aggressors ............. 136 mv ** Warning ** Estimate exceeds maximum allowed crosstalk! NET = ADR18 ELECTRICALLY ASSOCIATED NETS -------------------------------------- None AGGRESSOR NETS (Estimated peak crosstalk) BDIN ........................... 70 mv AD15 ........................... 66 mv AD14 ........................... 65 mv Sum of the two strongest aggressors ............. 136 mv ** Warning ** Estimate exceeds maximum allowed crosstalk! NET = AD1 ELECTRICALLY ASSOCIATED NETS -------------------------------------- None AGGRESSOR NETS (Estimated peak crosstalk) AD0 ............................ 127 mv Total estimated crosstalk ....................... 127 mv ** Warning ** Estimate exceeds maximum allowed crosstalk! NET = ADR21 ELECTRICALLY ASSOCIATED NETS -------------------------------------- None AGGRESSOR NETS (Estimated peak crosstalk) AD14 ........................... 118 mv Total estimated crosstalk ....................... 118 mv ** Warning ** Estimate exceeds maximum allowed crosstalk! NET = IRQ_B ELECTRICALLY ASSOCIATED NETS -------------------------------------- None AGGRESSOR NETS (Estimated peak crosstalk) OE_BF .......................... 63 mv A9 ............................. 55 mv Sum of the two strongest aggressors ............. 118 mv ** Warning ** Estimate exceeds maximum allowed crosstalk! NET = A1 ELECTRICALLY ASSOCIATED NETS -------------------------------------- None AGGRESSOR NETS (Estimated peak crosstalk) D1 ............................. 57 mv OSC ............................ 56 mv #TDO ........................... 55 mv D4 ............................. 55 mv Sum of the two strongest aggressors ............. 113 mv ** Warning ** Estimate exceeds maximum allowed crosstalk! NET = AD12 ELECTRICALLY ASSOCIATED NETS -------------------------------------- None AGGRESSOR NETS (Estimated peak crosstalk) AD15 ........................... 108 mv Total estimated crosstalk ....................... 108 mv ** Warning ** Estimate exceeds maximum allowed crosstalk! NET = #TCLK ELECTRICALLY ASSOCIATED NETS -------------------------------------- None AGGRESSOR NETS (Estimated peak crosstalk) A0 ............................. 107 mv Total estimated crosstalk ....................... 107 mv ** Warning ** Estimate exceeds maximum allowed crosstalk! NET = D2 ELECTRICALLY ASSOCIATED NETS -------------------------------------- None AGGRESSOR NETS (Estimated peak crosstalk) IRQ7 ........................... 93 mv Total estimated crosstalk ....................... 93 mv ** Warning ** Estimate exceeds maximum allowed crosstalk! NET = D5 ELECTRICALLY ASSOCIATED NETS -------------------------------------- None AGGRESSOR NETS (Estimated peak crosstalk) D3 ............................. 81 mv Total estimated crosstalk ....................... 81 mv ** Warning ** Estimate exceeds maximum allowed crosstalk! NET = OE_BF ELECTRICALLY ASSOCIATED NETS -------------------------------------- None AGGRESSOR NETS (Estimated peak crosstalk) A7 ............................. 77 mv Total estimated crosstalk ....................... 77 mv ** Warning ** Estimate exceeds maximum allowed crosstalk! NET = A4 ELECTRICALLY ASSOCIATED NETS -------------------------------------- None AGGRESSOR NETS (Estimated peak crosstalk) -IOR ........................... 60 mv Total estimated crosstalk ....................... 60 mv ** Warning ** Estimate exceeds maximum allowed crosstalk! NET = A0 ELECTRICALLY ASSOCIATED NETS -------------------------------------- None AGGRESSOR NETS (Estimated peak crosstalk) #TCLK .......................... 57 mv Total estimated crosstalk ....................... 57 mv ** Warning ** Estimate exceeds maximum allowed crosstalk! NET = AD6 ELECTRICALLY ASSOCIATED NETS -------------------------------------- None AGGRESSOR NETS (Estimated peak crosstalk) AD7 ............................ 51 mv Total estimated crosstalk ....................... 51 mv ** Warning ** Estimate exceeds maximum allowed crosstalk! NET INFORMATION ********************************************************************** NET = IRQ7 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results TERMINATION VIOLATIONS -------------------------------------------- ** Warning(Severe) ** Net too long! found length ............ 010.855 cm max. recommended length . 008.969 cm NET = A1 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = -IOR SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = A8 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = A0 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = ADR21 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results TERMINATION VIOLATIONS -------------------------------------------- ** Warning(Severe) ** Net too long! found length ............ 012.930 cm max. recommended length . 008.969 cm NET = D2 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = #TDO SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = A5 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = ADR19 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = AD12 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = RES SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results TERMINATION VIOLATIONS -------------------------------------------- ** Warning(Severe) ** Net too long! found length ............ 020.312 cm max. recommended length . 008.969 cm NET = REST SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results TERMINATION VIOLATIONS -------------------------------------------- ** Warning(Severe) ** Net too long! found length ............ 010.340 cm max. recommended length . 008.969 cm NET = #TCLK SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = ADR18 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results TERMINATION VIOLATIONS -------------------------------------------- ** Warning(Severe) ** Net too long! found length ............ 009.785 cm max. recommended length . 008.969 cm NET = D4 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = ADR16 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = ADR17 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = AD1 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = BAD15 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = RPLY_I SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = AD13 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = SEL SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = IRQ_B SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = D7 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results TERMINATION VIOLATIONS -------------------------------------------- ** Warning(Severe) ** Net too long! found length ............ 011.775 cm max. recommended length . 008.969 cm NET = AD9 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = AD10 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = AD4 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = AD6 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = AD7 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = DIN SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = WTBT SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = SIA SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = -IOW SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results TERMINATION VIOLATIONS -------------------------------------------- ** Warning(Severe) ** Net too long! found length ............ 021.357 cm max. recommended length . 008.969 cm NET = BAD11 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = P1 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results TERMINATION VIOLATIONS -------------------------------------------- ** Warning(Severe) ** Net too long! found length ............ 020.975 cm max. recommended length . 008.969 cm NET = BSEL SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = AD2 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = DB SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results TERMINATION VIOLATIONS -------------------------------------------- ** Warning(Severe) ** Net too long! found length ............ 011.591 cm max. recommended length . 008.969 cm NET = BIAKO SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results TERMINATION VIOLATIONS -------------------------------------------- ** Warning(Severe) ** Net too long! found length ............ 012.917 cm max. recommended length . 008.969 cm NET = BDOUT SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results TERMINATION VIOLATIONS -------------------------------------------- ** Warning(Severe) ** Net too long! found length ............ 017.080 cm max. recommended length . 008.969 cm NET = ADR20 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results TERMINATION VIOLATIONS -------------------------------------------- ** Warning(Severe) ** Net too long! found length ............ 010.885 cm max. recommended length . 008.969 cm NET = AD14 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = D3 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = EB1 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results TERMINATION VIOLATIONS -------------------------------------------- ** Warning(Severe) ** Net too long! found length ............ 014.254 cm max. recommended length . 008.969 cm NET = D6 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = AD11 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = BSIA SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results TERMINATION VIOLATIONS -------------------------------------------- ** Warning(Severe) ** Net too long! found length ............ 010.686 cm max. recommended length . 008.969 cm NET = SD3 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = A3 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = OSC SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = D0 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = AD15 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = D1 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = BAD12 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = IAKO SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results TERMINATION VIOLATIONS -------------------------------------------- ** Warning(Severe) ** Net too long! found length ............ 009.010 cm max. recommended length . 008.969 cm NET = DOUT SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = SD6 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = #TDI SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = BAD8 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = A2 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = A4 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = BIRQ SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results TERMINATION VIOLATIONS -------------------------------------------- ** Warning(Severe) ** Net too long! found length ............ 011.668 cm max. recommended length . 008.969 cm NET = A9 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = #TMS SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = DCLO SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results TERMINATION VIOLATIONS -------------------------------------------- ** Warning(Severe) ** Net too long! found length ............ 011.815 cm max. recommended length . 008.969 cm NET = RPLY SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results TERMINATION VIOLATIONS -------------------------------------------- ** Warning(Severe) ** Net too long! found length ............ 010.813 cm max. recommended length . 008.969 cm NET = AD8 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = A6 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = AEN SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = D5 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = OE_BF SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = BA20 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = BA21 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = AD5 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = BAD7 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = BAD6 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = BAD5 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = SD1 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = BA19 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = BA18 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = BA17 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = BAD4 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = BAD3 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = SD0 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = SD2 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = SD4 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = BDIN SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = BA16 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = BWTBT SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = BAD0 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = BAD1 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = BAD2 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = SD5 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = SD7 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = AD0 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results TERMINATION VIOLATIONS -------------------------------------------- ** Warning(Severe) ** Net too long! found length ............ 011.664 cm max. recommended length . 008.969 cm NET = AD3 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = A7 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = BAD14 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = BAD9 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = BAD10 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results NET = BAD13 SIGNAL-INTEGRITY STATISTICS --------------------------------------- total receiver capacitance ... 0.0 pF effective net Z0 ............. 497.7 ohms termination type ............. No termination found Net has no driver assigned! Using default driver rise/fall time Use driver IC model for more accurate results END TIME ********************************************************************** Date ............................. Tuesday Apr. 02,2013 Time ............................. 10:43:46 Total Run Time.................... 0 Days, 00 Hours, 00 Minutes 07 Seconds ******************************* END **********************************